SUNDAY MORNING MESSAGE SATURDAY NIGHT “When I grow up, Maturing our Mouth” In our church on Sunday mornings we have begun to explore Ephesians chapter 4. This great chapter has been called The Apostles Creed of Spiritual Growth. The Apostle Paul covers here everything from personal spiritual growth to the maturity of believers together as the church. Further, Paul speaks of bedrock issues of doctrine such as, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and father of us all, one Spirit and keeping the unity of the same Spirit that is the Holy Spirit. There is no chapter in all of the bible that covers so much ground. The themes of love and unity resound ever so clearly, while Pauls passion for doctrinal correctness is demanding our attention. Paul sets before our eyes the details of the spiritual growth that is necessary in order to achieve and maintain the unity of the Spirit and the bond of peace. Eph. 4:3 – Paul mentions again in verse 13 “the unity of the faith” it is a mark of maturity. This matter of Unity and Oneness is a very big deal in the Body of Christ. It is a matter issue and is not to be taken lightly by any. We all have differences; however the apostolic admonition is that we would strive; that is; seek, work toward and do all that is within our power to keep this unity and ongoing binding together as believers. Unity is the very reflection of Jesus Himself in our midst. In John 17:22 When Jesus was praying to the Father He prayed “Lord make them (us) one as we (Jesus and the Father) are one. All through the book of the Acts of the Apostles we see a clear and direct relationship between the unity of Spirit and the movement of the Holy Ghost. In Acts 1:14 we find the Apostles and others in “One” accord as they prayed. In Acts 2:1 before they were baptized in the Holy Ghost; they were in “One” accord in “One” place. In Acts 2:46 they were in “One” accord as they were in the Jewish Temple. Further demonstrations of Unity. In Acts 4:24 when Peter and John got out of Jail they testified to the church all of the things that happened unto them. The people with “One” accord began to give praise to God for the wonderful deliverance of Peter and John. Acts 4:32 states with regard to the general condition of the church; “all who believed were of one heart and one soul and had all things common”. In Acts 5:12 the word of God states that they were all in one accord when God moved and demonstrated special sign and wonders through the apostles. In Acts 8:6 when Phillip preached those present received the word in “One” accord. It is no wonder that the apostle Paul made such emphasis to the Ephesians in telling them what will stop unity and what must be done to maintain unity. Paul knew well the bond of peace and the unity of Spirit were the marks of mature believers. Are we mature? Are we doing our part to keep this peace and oneness? If we want Gods Spirit in our midst and in the most private moments of our lives we must keep the door open to Him. WHAT TO DO: Eph. 4:30 Paul states “Do not grieve the Holy Spirit”. In verse 29 he exhorts us to put away corrupt communication. In verse 31 the apostle exhorts to “put away evil speaking”. He’s not speaking of cussing someone out with foul language here. Although that’s not good. He is speaking of how we speak of and entreat each other. Gods Spirit will never move generously upon us, individually or collectively until the condition of our heart toward one another is one of love, forgiveness, grace and edification. Paul spoke strongly against the things that he knew that would breach unity and peace. He always admonishes that we would supercharge our lives with grace and peace through living in and speaking, that is proclaiming the same, both privately and publically toward one another. Psalm 50:23 says “He that orders his conversation aright will see the salvation of God. May the Lord help us all to produce the fruit of grace peace and praise; Hebrew 13:15 calls it the fruit of our lips. Amen.
Posted on: Sun, 01 Dec 2013 05:35:40 +0000

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