SUNDAY SERMON – 23 March 2014 By His Eminence Archbishop - TopicsExpress


SUNDAY SERMON – 23 March 2014 By His Eminence Archbishop Seraphim Of the Orthodox Archbishopric of Zimbabwe The connection of the cross with the salvation of man by Jesus Christ has become a symbol of sacrifice and a prefiguration of the Resurrection. Therefore, the cross in Christianity constitutes an emblem of salvation. One of the best known hymnologists of our Church, Saint Andrea of Crete (he lived during the end of the 7th and the beginning of the 8th century) expressing the theological meaning and importance of the Cross which had already been instituted in the Christian tradition, stresses that the cross constitutes the hope of the Christians, it is the salvation of the desperate, the giver of health, the life of the departed, a programme of piety, a muzzle of blasphemy, a weapon against enemies, a scepter of monarchy, a crown of the good, a rod of strength, a support of the Faith, a crutch for old age, a guide for the blind, light for those in darkness, a caretaker of neglected children, a teacher of infants, a refutation of sin, an indication of repentance, a signature of justice, a staircase leading to heaven, a path leading towards virtue, causing life, a solution to death, a complete modification, an engine which can put out fire, outspokenness in front of God, keys to the kingdom of heaven, a guard in the night, a tower during the day, a guide leading by the hand in the darkness, a bridle of merriment, a psychologist for the dispirited, entreaty, friendship, an advocate, a protector, an aid ( a hymn from the service of the Elevation of the Precious Cross) Through the cross, the abundance of the volume of God’s love and mercy is shown to the world. This is why the sign of the Cross in the worship and hymnology of our Church precisely serves the recognition of this faith on behalf of the faithful. The beginning and ending of every act of service or ceremony (even the realization of every important work in our personal lives) is always symbolized by the sign of the Cross. The life of a good Christian is a course towards the life of Jesus Christ. And in order for this course to reach the Resurrection, it is necessary for it to pass the crucifixion on Golgotha (“Before Thy Cross we bow down in worship, O Master, and Thy Holy Resurrection we glorify”) This is why in the Gospel extract of today’s feast because of love and interest Jesus Christ clearly exhorts us to do what we have to do in order to be saved from death and to become His brothers, by grace, God’s children, that is, Gods like the divine human nature of Jesus Christ. Hence, He tells us “if any one intends to come after me, let him deny himself and take up his Cross and follow Me continually. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it and whoever gives up his life for my sake and the Gospel will save it. For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul? (Mark 8:34-36) Therefore, “Your old self must die before you die physically, so that when you do die (physically) you do not die”.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 20:17:06 +0000

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