SUNDAY SERVICE 28TH SEPTEMBER, 2014. Seriously, God is taking - TopicsExpress


SUNDAY SERVICE 28TH SEPTEMBER, 2014. Seriously, God is taking us from glory to glory. His name be blessed forever and ever. We had a real great time in all the three services yesterday, with each of the services uniquely different from the others. First service was heavily concentrated with God’s presence and by second service the cloud of glory was so thick that nothing else but worship and prayers took place and with a lot of divine encounters. God’s presence was so evident you could see with your physical eyes. It’s not easy to describe. We feel so blessed at God’s marvels amongst us and down to the third service at 5pm which happened to be Family Prayer Service (Family Prayer Service is a once-in-a-month service where everyone just comes to intercede just for their families. We spend time praying for our families and have tremendously been rewarded with mighty testimonies by the Lord). It held yesterday and it was good. You know those times you pray and KNOW that you had your answers. First service took off with a consecration hymn led by Pastor Chibike- ‘Take my life and let it be consecrated Lord to thee, Take my moments and my days, let them flow in ceaseless praise’. And sure God heard that prayer and let us His presence from where the praise session started after Pastor had declared the service open. Bro Kignsley Israel took the praise and worship was led by Sis Kc Ohiri. Needless to mention that since after Pastor’s teaching series on Praise and the accompanying Night of praise, praise and worship in Garden has taken a swift. We entered into God! Boy you need to dances before the Lord. Nearly everybody in Garden has created their dances and all of that go before the Lord at all our praise times. And Amen for that. Pastor Sam took a hot intercession and Mummy led the scriptural reading from Isaiah chapter 60, long chapter but very quickening upon the spirit. Garden Choir has always been a significant feature in the whole Garden revival and yesterday; led by Pastor Ifeanyi they heightened the atmosphere just before Pastor came up. Always, there is this step up in the atmosphere whenever Pastor takes over from Choir and expectations get strong especially on some of those more unpredicted services. It happened yesterday as Pastor took over and began to sing. He led us to thank God, prayed for ourselves, prayed for the advancement of God’s kingdom and against insurgence in Nigeria; then he blessed us before the message. The message came as a hot shot, titled ‘A Call to Greatness’. Reading from Gen 12:2, Is 60:22, Phil 4:13 and other references he establish that there is a call to greatness on all of us, our calling is a high calling not a low calling. It’s a call to glory and virtue 2Pt 1:3. Why should we attain greatness in our lives? First God is glorified Is 43:7, Mt 5:16. Second reason, life gives special treat to those who have attained their greatness or potential. To illustrate how life treats greatness he described treatments to first class passengers on an airplane- they are checked in differently, sit at a separate place and have rights of choice when served unlike other passengers in the economy class. He said we must escape the societal classification of low class and middle class to the top class which he said would happen by choice, by decision and by pursuit. To escape those lower classes to the top class (where the scripture clearly states we should be- at the Top and not at the Bottom) we should pay the price. The price for greatness may be demanding according to Pastor but the cost of remaining at the crowded middle class or lower class is far and far higher and always very unbearable. Life is kinder to those who succeed and can be harsh to those who wouldn’t maximize their potential. We must take the decision and go off to answer the call to greatness. It’s not by luck it’s by the act of will, having been ordained by God. That’s what we ate yesterday and that’s how God came. It was a full time with the Lord- fullness of joy and pleasures at His right hand. Praise God. What do you think? ANNPOUNCEMENT: Garden of Grace National Convention will hold 28th – 30th November, 2014. All Gardeners far and wide should begin immediate preparations to attend. Week of Prayer (General Prayer and Fasting) holds from 6th-11th October, 2014. Jide is now married to Yetunde. Their thanksgiving comes up on Sunday.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 07:50:47 +0000

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