SUNDAY SERVICE MESSAGE DATE: 09/11/2014 THEME FOR THE MONTH: A CHOSEN GENERATION Topic: DARKNESS Pastor Wole Osinupebi BIBLE VERSE: 1 Peter 2:9 We need to know that we are special and we should live as special people. We need to learn to do things as special people do, not as everyone does. We are not one of the crowd, therefore our ways should be different from the ways of the world. A higher quality conduct is expected of us. We are to show others the goodness of God, our conducts should be different for we are Gods show piece. As soldiers of christ, we must not runaway from tribulations, we must stand to face them. We as christians should live our lives as christians. By the holyspirit of God,Our conduct is meant to be different. We need not be afraid, fear can take us to hell. DARKNESS - 1 Peter 2:9 We must remember where we came from. Before we knew christ, life was not pleasant and in whatever we do we must remember not to do things that will take us back to that horrible place. A place filled with darkness, torture and evil. God has called us out of the life of darkness into light BEHAVIOURS THAT CHARACTERIZE DARKNESS * Poor Choices - We must always put God first in the choices that we make in life. One poor choice always leads to a million more choices. Making poor choices is spiral and this leads to destruction. As parents, we must make sure our children do not start life by making poor choices. * Curses - (Exodus 10:21) - We sometimes need to let go of things that are not of God. Most times, curses leads one to darkness Deutronomy 28 * Disobedience - (Exodus 14:20) - This is a leadway to darkness. It is possible in a place for some to be in darknes and some in light. We must not allow the people in darkness take us away from our light or bring darkness into our life. 1 John 1:5 God is light and there is no darkness in him at all. Light is a determinant to know if we have God in us, for darkness represent evil and God is not evil. Evil and disobedience if darkness. 1Thessolonians 5:5 and 6 We are children of light and of day, we do not belong to darkness. We are chosen and special, we have been retrieved from darkness and must never go back. Do not accomodate gossip and lies, these are for the children of darkness. There will be attempts to bring us back into darkness, stay clear headed and refuse to move from light to darkness. Ephesians 5:9 The enemy never relents, he always tries till he finally succeeds in bringing the children of God to darkness. Ephesians 5:11 As christians, our assignment is to expose those in darkness. Do not tolerate who live with them. Let the light shine on them and expose them. We have to always pray for God to expose our enemies. 2 Chorinthians 6:14 Those who live in sin, lies, backbitting, rumor muging and gossips are all in the darkness. 1 John 2:11 We need to be careful of things that are not what they really are. We must start by living in love. Love takes away all darkness Darkness would cost us the use of all the great qualities that God has bestowed on us. 1 Samuel 9:2 & 6 -7 :13 : 21 We do not know the things that will lead to our success or breakthrough. Most times, God helps us in our hardtimes and trial periods. We must heed Gods calling and protection. We have to wait for God to take charge. We must always remember that we came from nothing. Remaining in light and discover a life filled with promotions and blessings. 1 Samuel 6:10, 1 Samuel 10:27 Acts 26:17 -18 If you have the goodness and light of God in you, share this light into the lives of others and let it penetrate into theirs as it has penerated into yours. PRAYER POINTS Father, help me, send your light into every mystery of my life. Father, help me to overcome the power of darkness. FAther, help me to walk in your light. Father, help me to make right choices in life.
Posted on: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 12:11:53 +0000

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