SUNDAY SERVICE MESSAGE DATE: 20/07/2014 THEME FOR THE MONTH: 2 Masters ? TOPIC : REQUIREMENTS , CONSEQUENSES AND REWARDS FOR SERVING GOD Deacon Niyi Adefarakan BIBLE VERSE: Deutronomy 20:13 When we are asked to choose between life and death, we sure will choose life. Judges 2 When we are asked to choose between God and Mammon, we definitely will choose God, but we must know the requirements for serving God. - REQUIREMENTS FOR SERVING GOD * FAITHFULNESS - (1 Corinthians 4:2) To follow God we must be faithful and devoted . 1 Samuel 17:34-37 Only a faithful servant experiences the many blessings of God. David is a good example of a faithful servant in the bible. John 13:1 Within faithfulness we can find dependability and reliability. We must be able to prove to God that we are reliable and he can depend on us. Psalm 15:4 Faithfulness is adhering firmly or devotedly to a duty . 1 Samuel 17:17-20 Luke 4:14 If you do not work with God, we cannot be promoted or lifted. Obedience and faithfulness work hand in hand We must function in the place where God has assigned us to function. Serving God requires faithfulness. *OBEDIENCE - Deutronomy 28:1 Deutronomy 18:14 God expects that we obey his words. What God says is what he wants. Joshua is a good example of an obedient servant in the bible. Joshua 8:19-26 God does not allow deviation or distractions when he gives a commandment We must see to it that we obey his instructions accordingly. No subtractions or additions, we must not change his commands Consult him and acknowledge him. Joshua 8 :26 * TRUST - Genesis 12 Proverbs 3:6 To walk with God we must trust in God. We must have faith in him. To trust God, we must have an interaction with him. We must relate with him. Abraham is a good example of a man who trusted God and he grew in his relationship with God. His faith in God grew in time. Luke 17:5-6 For your faith to grow you must exercise it. Give God a chance to direct you, trust in him and do not cut him down. * STUDY - Timothy 2:15 2 Peter 3:18 Job 22:21 To walk with God, you must study him and know his likes and dislikes. 2 Kings 5:15-16, Numbers 22:9 , Numbers 22:20 Balaam is an example of a man who did not study God properly and got God angry. Balaam prefered to follow the instructions of a Mammon. John 10:27 , Psalm 32:8 Study the ways of the Lord. Study his words as it helps to understand him more. Understand Gods principles as they are a guide to being with him. * HOLINESS - Amos 3:3 , 1 Peter 1:16, Joshua 7:1, Joshua 7:24-26 We must be holy. Holiness is of the Lord. God loves his servant holy and unstained. As christians, our watchwird should be holiness. We cannot be sinners. - CONSEQUENCES OF DISOBEDIENCE We will face the following consequences if we decide to disobey God * SORROWS, TEARS AND DESTRUCTION - Deutronomy 28:47-48 * SHAME AND LOSS - Mathew 27:3-5 - REWARDS GOR FAITHFUL SERVICE When we serve God, he rewards us positively... * PROMOTION * PROTECTION AND PROSPERITY - Psalm 91:4, Genesis 13 * ETERNAL LIFE - Revelations 22 :3 & 14 PRAYER POINTS * Father, please help me to serve you and you alone in spirit and in truth. * Father, help me to serve you right, to put you first in all that i do. * Father, help me to obey you, to be faithful to you and to know you and to trust in you. Father, be with me every step of the way, let me live a life that pleases you. IN JESUS NAME...
Posted on: Sun, 20 Jul 2014 11:09:22 +0000

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