SUNDAY SPECIAL : STAND UP FOR YOUR IGHT MOVE ON TILL LAST MILE........... SHARING AIBOC CIRCULAR D.T 15.10.2014 ALL INDIA BANK OFFICERS’ CONFEDERATION (Registered under the Trade Unions Act 1926, Registration No.:3427/Delhi) C/o Bank of India, Parliament Street Branch PTI Building, 4, Parliament Street, New Delhi: 110001 Phone:011-23730096 Tel/Fax 23719431 E-Mail: aiboc.sectt@gmail Circular No. 2014/71 Date: 15/10/2014 TO GENERAL SECRETARIES OF ALL AFFILIATES/STATE SECRETARIES Dear Comrades, STAND UP FOR YOUR RIGHT ! MOVE ON TILL LAST MILE !! Please refer to our Circular Nos. 2014/66, 2014/67, 2014/69 and 2014/70 dated 09.10.2014, 11.10.2014, 13.10.2014 and 14.10.2014 respectively, with regard to the action programme decided by our Confederation and UFBU in protest against undue delay in Salary Revision of Bank Officers and Employees. The implementation of the action programme decided in the 74th Executive Committee Meeting of our Confederation was conveyed to you vide our Circular No. 2014/66 dated 9th October, 2014, and its implementation started immediately on the very next day with the Black Badge wearing and massive rallies / demonstrations held on 13th October, 2014, in all State Capitals. We also conveyed to you that we will try to co-ordinate with other constituents of UFBU for implementation of programme given by our Confederation as a part of the programme of UFBU and will also persuade for minimum 2 days strike in such a manner that its impact is felt by all the authorities concerned. We are pleased to inform you that in the meeting of United Forum of Bank Unions held on 13th October, 2014, at Bangalore, UFBU unanimously decided to observe second anniversary of submission of Charter of Demand by holding massive rallies and demonstrations in all State Headquarters and issuing of the Press Statements/Advertisements in the newspapers in line with the programme announced by the Confederation. UFBU also concurred with our request and decided unanimously to withdraw all types of extra co-operation by Workmen / Officers with immediate effect and to boycott all meetings called by the Bank Managements after normal office hours. It was also decided against working on Sundays and holidays. We convey our thanks to all the constituents of UFBU for agreeing to all our requests and deciding to intensify the agitation as per the programme circulated vide Circular No. 2014/70 dated 14.10.2014, which includes the strike call on 12th November, 2014 and Relay Zonal Strikes from 2nd to 5th December, 2014. We have received suggestions / reactions from our members conveying their dissatisfaction over the declaration of one day strike call on 12th November, 2014. Comrades, let us clarify that the suggestions given by the Executive Committee of the Confederation to persuade the other constituents of UFBU to observe minimum 2 days strike in such a manner that its impact is felt by the authorities concerned was pursued vigorously by your representatives in the meeting of UFBU with all seriousness. The other constituents had different views on our suggestion of 2 days strike on 3rd and 5th of November, for a larger impact to be felt by the Managements, IBA and Government. One of the view given was that after the festival season there is a tendency of availing LFC leaves / undertaking excursion in many parts of the country. It was also felt that if the strike is clubbed with the holidays, the Officers/Employees tend to go to their home towns and the reporting in number of striking member gets affected. Therefore, Comrades, in the best interest of unity and to strengthen the agitation, your Representatives agreed for a common date of strike on 12th November, 2014 and Zonal Relay Strikes which may be followed by a call of indefinite strike. While we take this opportunity to once again convey our satisfaction and thanks to all Affiliates / State Units / members for successfully continuing with the agitation programme, we also caution all of you not to be complacent. Every new day should start with renewed zeal, enthusiasm and vigour to ensure the successful implementation of the agitational programme, call for which has been given by UFBU after incorporating our suggestions and programme. Long live our Unity ! With warm festive greetings, Yours sincerely, (HARVINDER SINGH) GENERAL SECRETARY
Posted on: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 12:54:40 +0000

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