SUNDAY UPDATE!!! I hope everyone had a wonderful and thankful - TopicsExpress


SUNDAY UPDATE!!! I hope everyone had a wonderful and thankful Thanksgiving! For those of you who did not know, I spent mine in the hospital unfortunately. Last Monday I began to be unable to use the bathroom even though I had a full bladder, so I went to the ER. The ER doc was scared the heck out of me first saying that with my spinal tumor, my spine could be impinging on my bladder which would require emergency surgery. But MRI showed that was not the case. I was sent home with a very strong antibiotic and a lovely catheter, and had a follow up the next few days with a urologist. I woke up at 4am Wednesday morning with my legs and feet throbbing, I turned on the light and they were swollen so bad I couldnt move nor walk. My mom and stepdad were out of town for the night, so I was rushed to the ER by ambulance. After further testing, and still unable to urinate as I still had a catheter, I was admitted. The cultures that came back the second time showed very little bacteria to the point the doctors felt was the cause for being unable to use the bathroom, and the swelling of my legs likely due to a lack of protein in my blood. Finally, they attempted to remove the catheter to see if I could go on my own, if not I couldnt leave. And thank GOD I was able too! The swelling went down on its own course. So I was discharged early evening Thanksgiving day. Just my second Thanksgiving in the ER, (the first was with my spinal tumor). I was told to stop the antibiotic as well when I came home. I have a follow up appointment with a urologist tomorrow. A good family friend in Louisville is a urologist, and is going to look at my medical records when I bring them home this Thursday. I did research of my own to find the cause of my feet swelling and I looked up the antibiotic they originally gave me on my first visit, and sure enough swelling of the legs and feet are a side affect. Theres that answer, definitely putting that med on my list of allergies. So that sums up this past week. My brother and his girlfriend did visit us Sunday through Tuesday, so I got to spend some family time with them. Other than that, from my last post a few Sundays ago (I know I said I would update every Sunday, whoops), I have been doing better in all areas. I have been getting out a lot more, enjoying the different town squares here (there are three), and enjoying the sunshine and warm weather. Miles and Hutch absolutely LOVE it here! I havent seen them so happy in a LONG time! I guess they were due for a vacation too! They LOVE riding in the golf cart and being able to walk around the town squares as they are dog friendly. My anxiety has gotten SOOO much better, as well as feeling down, I have had more up days than down ones. The pain from the new area that showed on my last PET scan is still causing me pain, not as bad as when I first got here, I have been able to avoid things that cause it to get worse. Ive met some really nice people here and even went on a date! Nice guy, but just not ready, and I need to focus on my health first before I take on anything else. Today we celebrated Miles 4th birthday as it was when I was in the hospital last Wednesday. We had a blast! He got a new collar, treats, bday cake, and tomorrow we are grabbing a few more treats and goodies at PetSmart. To say the least, has been spoiled today, and Hutch has enjoyed the extra goodies too from the celebration! Today when I got home, the idea that I fly home Thursday through Monday has my stomach in knots and I have had shed quite a few tears. I am happy because the main reason for going home is to celebrate the best dad in the world Jerry Steinbergs 70th Birthday with a fun-filled extravaganza weekend with my siblings and their significant others and dads girlfriend. We have a full weekend in store, but cant tell because then he will find out when he reads this. The stomach in knots, anxiety, and cries are due to the fact that I will be having my PET scan done. They actually pushed it a month earlier as the pain intensity has worsen and I dont want to continue any longer with the pain then I have to. Am I scared? Absolutely. Terrified to say the least. I am suppose to get my hair done Thursday, and I cant help to think that if it is a cancerous tumor, getting my hair done would have been a waste, as I likely would have to do chemo and radiation as well as surgery. To think of going through another climb is terrifying. To have to go through such pain, agony, and poison from the chemo, has me scared to death. They say each time you get cancer, the likelihood of survival decreases. As I always said, I dont believe in statistics, but I also know how cancer works through my almost 10 years of battling it. I am trying to stay positive and upbeat, but it has been hard. I have been optimistic and positive throughout my climbs and have shared my journey. But I never shared the what ifs, and worries with my Meghans Mountain family. But I have decided that in order for me to deal with this new spot, I need to be real and honest and let my feelings out, not just the good, but also the bad. Am I afraid of it being cancerous? YES. Am I terrified of chemo, radiation, and any other treatment? YES. Am I scared of the pain, the unknown, and the side effects? YES. Most of all, if it is cancer, I am most worried about my family going through this all over again. Cancer is a part of them too because they are a part of me. I love my family and they are my EVERYTHING and I dont want them to see me go through another climb. They have been through enough, just like I have. So I ask you all, to PLEASE, regardless of your faith or religion, whatever your beliefs are, that you say a prayer for me and my family that my scan this coming Friday comes back benign if it is a tumor, or more so, that the spot is gone. I know the power of prayers, as that is the reason I beat cancer not just once, but twice. Each of you are so important to me and I am forever grateful for your continued love, support, and prayers along this journey I have been through for close to 10, yes TEN, years. If you have good health, dont take it for granted. If you can make changes to better your health please do so, so you dont end up in my shoes. Count your blessings. Hug and kiss your love ones. Dont sweat the small stuff. No matter how bad of a day you may have, if you are alive and well, you are truly blessed. Last, dont put off tomorrow or years things you want to do. If youve had something you have wanted to try or experience or go, DO IT! Life is short already, and anything can change in a minute. Go for your goals, reach for the stars, and most importantly BELIEVE all is possible. beLIeVE, Meghan
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 04:51:16 +0000

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