SUNDAY WITH THE LORD [Seventeenth Sunday ] 1Kg3:5.7-12 - TopicsExpress


SUNDAY WITH THE LORD [Seventeenth Sunday ] 1Kg3:5.7-12 Ps119:57&72.76-77.127-130 Rom 8:28-30 Mt 13:44-52 Friends in Christ, when you hear the phrase kingdom of heaven, what normally occupies your mind? A future reality after death? This is always our conception about the kingdom of heaven. But the kingdom is both in the present and in the future. In fact, it is those who are in the kingdom while living this earth that would continue in it after death. An exclusion from it now simply means an exclusion after death. This phrase could be referred to as the reign of God as king. It is the person who has accepted the reign of God in this life that is assured of His reign in future. Today, Jesus likens the kingdom to the treasure and the fine pearls which upon discovery, the trader sells ALL in order to acquire. For selling ALL, the trader finds worth in the treasure or the pearls that is beyond compare. That is to say, the treasure satisfies every need. Such is the kingdom of heaven to us. Its benefits can not be counted. In order to acquire it, one must be ready to sacrifice ALL COMFORTS and live dependently on it. This is what Solomon does in the first reading. Before God at Gibeon, he sacrificed ALL his personal comforts and was rewarded with wisdom beyond compare. He asks for an understanding mind to rule the people in the way of the Lord (1Kg 3:9). In his humble submission, God was pleased and said here and now i do what you ask (vs 12a). He made him beyond comparison in wisdom (vs 12b). Friends in Christ, those who are already in the kingdom of Heaven enjoy the Lords favors even in this present life. The Lord answers them promptly. He sets them higher than their pals, enemies and equals. I urge you to strive after the kingdom of heaven now that you are life so that God may care for you when you leave this life. Again submits yourself to God so that you would enjoy His friendship now that you are still alive. Peace be with you
Posted on: Sat, 26 Jul 2014 19:13:56 +0000

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