SUNDAYS EPISODE ON THE UNLOVED (LA MALQUERIDA) EPISODE 3 We left off yesterday with Esteban declaring his love for Cris and hed like to marry her. Cris wants to marry him, but wants Acacia to accept him. For now it is enough for him to be close to Cris and Cris doesnt have to promise him anything. Esteban attempts to get Acacia to go to work with him. Of course, she doesnt want to go with him. Cris says shell talk to her, but Esteban tells Cris to let her be, shes a child and he goes off to work. Now we come to Ana at Perlas. I left a part out yesterday. When Danilo pulled that knife on her, he cut her temple. She has a humongus scar by her temple. Danila and Perla come in, all sleazy like and of course Perla is spouting the line of Danilo es mio, and again Ana is upset, shed rather die. Danilo tells Ana he wants the Ana from before to die, and wants her to become Turquesa and then throws her out. Cris is having a chat with her Papa, Juan Carlos. Juan Carlos knows that Cris loves Esteban, but Acacia isnt okay with that. Cris wonders if she should just give up Esteban. Juan Carlos doesnt agree with her. He wants her to fight for this love, dont be alone. Esteban is working the fields and Cris is right beside him, working them too. TWO YEARS LATER Esteban has gone to Agricultural College and graduated. He has a new look too! Juan Carlos is impressed. Esteban says that Mc Cormick is using stuff they grow on the Hacienda for their products and he also tells Juan Carlos, that when he and Cris marry, everything will go in Cris name. Meanwhile, Acacia has packed her packback and is attempting to run away from home via her horse. Her Granny Elena catches her. Granny Elena tells Acacia to be strong but Acacia cant stand Esteban, but Granny asks her why they cant be friends as they were before? Cris is dressed in her bridal gown, and its lovely. Her Papa Juan Carlos wants her to be happy. Cris biggest wish is that she, Esteban and Acacia could be one big happy family. Yeah, good luck with that. Rose comes and brings Cris her bridal bouquet. Norberto the putz, is whining again. Juliana wants to go to Cris wedding, after all she is besties with Cris and Godmother to Acacia. Norberto doesnt want to hear it! He absoultely cant stand that stupid woman, meaning Cris and that no account peon. Juliana tells him about Esteban having graduated from the Ag College, Norberto couldnt care less. He cant stand them and forbids Juliana from going. The wedding is about to commence. Cris is being escorted by her Papa Juan Carlos and Acacia is there too. Juan Carlos wants Esteban to make his daughter happy. Esteban says he loves her as much as these lands and promises to make her happy. The ceremony starts and its time for the groom to kiss the bride. After they are pronounced hubby and wife, Esteban makes a bit of a speech. Now he and Cris and Acacia are a family, shes like his daughter and Acacia causes a scene. Acacia is pithed, she isnt his daughter. Cris ends up taking Acacia off and Esteban tells the guest to go into the reception. When they are alone, Acacia wants to know why Cris married Esteban. Acacia insists hes a bad guy. Cris wants to know why Acacia thinks this and that it isnt true. Cris finally tells Acacia that when Alonso died, they were mired in debt, the Hacienda had been mortgaged and if it hadnt been for Esteban, they would have lost everything. Esteban protected both Acacia and Cris. Of course Acacia doesnt beleive her. Esteban cant understand why Acacia cant stand him. Elena and Juan Carlos have a chat with Cris. They ask her to let Acacia come stay with them for a bit in San Jacinto, to calm her. Cris doesnt want Acacia to go. Elena tells Cris that Acacia tried to run off just before the wedding. Cris goes to the kitchen and hears Acacia plotting with her little friends to leave the Hacienda. Cris again tries to talk to her. Cris finally tells her she can go for a visit to her Granny and Grandpa in San Jancinto, but please no more running away. Acacia says she loves her Mama and Cris says shell miss her. Ana is about to go somewhere, when Perla tells her she needs to be working to pay for Carlitos treatment. Cris is seeing Elena, Juan Carlos and Acacia off. Cris says shell wait for Acacia to come back. Esteban comes. He assures Cris that Acacia will be back. Esteban doesnt like seeing Cris suffer. Olga brings the till to Danilo and Ana sees. Danilo shoves her into some guy and tells her to get to work Carlitos is working in the kitchen. Danilo again promises to help Carlitos. Its the honeymoon of Cris and Esteban. Esteban has a gift for Cris and gives it to her. She smiles and opens the little box. There is a note inside that says Mi Vida, his life is hers, forever! She loves it and kisses him and they, er, get busy. Acacia and Elena and Juan Carlos have arrived in San Jacinto. Acacia is about to go to bed when she tells her Grandparents this isnt just a visit, she is living with them from now on. SOME YEARS LATER: Im not sure how much time has passed, but Acacia is all grown up and has graduated from University. Cris birthday is coming up and Acacia agrees to go home for it. Cris and Esteban are in bed, all cuddled up and Esteban promises to be nice to Acacia when she comes. He promises to do his best to get Acacia to like him. Acacia has also told her Grandparents that she has decided to live at the Hacienda. Juan Carlos reminds Acacia that Cris loves Esteban. Acacia of course goes on the that peon married my mother. Acacia blames everything on Esteban and she really thinks Esteban married Cris for her money, shell find the proof it is true, that Esteban never loved her Mama. Her Grandparents tell her not to do that. Ana is also grown up. She goes to visit her brother, Carlos, who is really not doing well. I bet Danilo never got him treatment at all. Poor boy looks all done in. Ana asks him if he took his meds. Yes, but they make him sleepy and hes afraid. Hes sorry he was such a burden that she wasnt able to escape. Ana promises one day, they will escape together. Ana will find him treatment herself. Carlos closes his eyes and quietly dies. Ana begs Carlos not to leave her, but its too late. Ana cries over Carlos body and removes a necklace from his neck. she promises Carlos that she will escape. The bodyguard comes in and Ana says she wants a funeral for Carlos, be human. The guy will have to ask Danilo. And so Ana is escaping. The guy brings Olga to Carlos room. Ana has covered Carlos with the bedspread. Ana jimmies the lock box that has the money and Olga yells for Ana, she tells the guy she thinks Ana is escaping. Ana runs like the wind and the guy chases her. Will she make it? Well get back to her in a tic. Rosa is in the kitchen and Luisa with her. In comes El Rubio (Fabian Robles). He is working at the hacienda too. Ana is running like the wind when she runs smack into Acacia and her Grandparents. The guy is still chasing her and he has a gun. They can tell what Ana is and Ana begs their pardon and takes off again. Acacia wants to call the cops, but her Grandparents want to leave it be. Juliana has finally had to chance to come see Cris. They talk about Acacia coming home. Rosa and Cris have a chat. Rosa wonders if maybe Acacia has accepted Esteban and thats why she is coming home. Cris is worried about how the two will interact when they meet. Acacia is taking the bus home, when she hears crying. Its Ana! YAY, she has finally made it on the bus and escaped! Ana recognizes Acacia and Acacia wants to help Ana. (Thanks Vivi) Acacia has made it home to the Hacienda and Cris and she have a chat. She hugs her Mom and has missed her. Cris gives her the good news that the Hacienda is now right as rain. Acacia doesnt buy it. Acacia goes into her rant, of how Esteban is fooling her, Cris tells her to Basta! Acacia keeps it up. She tells Cris that Esteban only married her for the money and that she will prove it to her Mother. Poor Cris. NEXT WEEK: Acacia and Esteban run into each other. Oh,,,,,, noes!!!!!!!! LIKE AND SHARE
Posted on: Sat, 25 Oct 2014 13:00:00 +0000

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