SUNNATS OF SALAAT There are 5 1 Sunnats - TopicsExpress


SUNNATS OF SALAAT There are 5 1 Sunnats in Salaat: 1. Lifting the hands for Takbeer Tahrima (Allaahu Akbar at the start of Salaat). Up to ears for a man and up to the shoulders for a woman. 2. Spreading the fingers when saying the Tahrima. 3. The Muqtadis should recite the Tahrima simultaneously with the Imaams. 4. A man should place his right hand over the left below the navel. By placing his right palm over the back part of the left palm, at the level of the waist with the middle finger and the thumbs spread out to form a ring. 5. A woman should place her hands on the chest without forming a ring. 6. To recite Thana. 7. To recite Ta’awwuz before Qiraat. 8. To recite Bismillaah (Tasmiya) at the beginning of every Rakat before reading Surah Fathiha. 9. To recite ‘Aamin’ (Allaah accept our prayers) on the completion of Sura Fathiha. 10. To recite “Rabbanna wa lakal Hamd” after Ruku, before Sajdah. 11. To recite all the above (6-10) inaudibly. 12. Not to bow the head whilst saying Takbir Tahrima. 13. For the Imaam to recite Takbeer audibly. 14. For the Imaam to recite, “Sami Allaah li man Hamida” when rising from Ruku. 15. Men should spread their feet to the measure of 4 fingers when standing and women should keep feet together. 16. To recite from the following after Surah Fathiha. (a) Tiwale Mufassil (long Surahs in the Fajr and Zuhr. (i.e. those Surahs from and including “Surah Hujuraat” up to “Surah Burooj”). (b) Aswaate Mufassil (medium length Surah) in the Asr and Esha (i.e. those Surahs from and including “Surah Burooj” up to “Surah Bayinah”). (c) Qisaare Mufassil (short Surahs) in Magrib Salaat (i.e. those Surahs from and including “Surah Bayyinah” up to the end of the Noble Quraan). The above Surahs are applicable to a Muqeem (non Musafir). A Musafir may read any Surah 17. To lengthen only the first Rakat of the Fard of Fajr. 18. To praise Allaah in Ruku. 19. By saying “subhana rabi yal azim” 3 times. 20. To grasp the knees with the hands in Ruku (for men). 21. Spreading the fingers in Ruku for men and not for women. 22. To keep the legs straight in Ruku. 23. To keep the back flat in Ruku for men. 24. To keep the head level to the back in Ruku (for men). 25. To lift the head and rise from Ruku. 26. To stand at ease after Ruku. 27. When making Sajdha, to place the knees on the surface first, then the hands and lastly the face. 28. Withdrawing these in the opposite way when standing from Sajdha. 29. Saying Takbeer (Allaahu Akbar) when going to Sajdha. 30. Saying Takbeer when rising from Sajdha. 31. Placing the head between the palms when performing Sajdha. 32. Glorifying Allaah in Sajdha by saying “Subhana Rabi a’l a” three times. 33.For a man to keep his stomach away from the thigh, his elbows away from his sides and forearms away from the ground. 34. For a woman to contract her body so that the stomach is pressed against the thighs. 35. Render Qaumah properly (i.e. standing for a little while between Ruku and Sajdha). 36. To sit between the two Sajdhas (Jalsa) as in Tashahud. 37. To place the hands upon the thighs during Jalsa as in Tashahud. 38. To spread the left leg and raise the right making the toes face Qibla for men. 39. A woman should place buttocks on the ground. 40. To raise the right index finger during the Tashaud, raising when saying “la ilha” and lowering when saying “illa allaahu”. 41. To recite surah Fathiha in all Rakats following the first 2 Rakats. 42. To recite Durood upon Nabi (S.A.W) during the final sitting. 43. To follow by reading a Dua, using words found in the Quraan or a Hadith but not in the words of common people. 44. To turn the face first to the right then to the left when making Salaam. 45. For the Imaam to make intention for all people following him, the angels and the pious Jinn. 46. For the person following the Imaam to include the Imaam in his intention whenever he is standing. If he is directly behind the Imaam he should include him in both the Salaams together with the people, angels and the pious Jinn. 47. For a Munfarid (one performing Salaat alone) to only intend for the angels in his salaam. 48. To say the second Salaam in a softer tone than the first. 49. The Salaam of the Muqtadi (follower) and the Imaam should be Simultaneous, (not after it). 50. To begin the Salaam from the right side. 51. The Masbooq (late comer in Salaat) should wait for the Imaam to complete both Salaams (i.e. once the Imaam starts the second Salaam). He should stand to complete salaat.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 11:45:57 +0000

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