SUNSET MANNA August 10, 2014 PM PRAYER OF THANKSGIVING By Thelma Hightower Lord, I thank you for the sacrifices that you have made so that I may be accepted. I am so happy to have been accepted in you, my beloved before the foundation of the world. I am thankful that your laws of justification transcend the laws of the earth and I know that my justification is not because of myself but by faith in what you did for me at Calvary. I am grateful that every adverse circumstance that has tried to mix itself into the purity of my walk will be thrown out by your redemptive power. I acknowledge that you are for me and with me as I journey on the road of life when every kind of attitude and spirit crowd my lane. Your spiritual GPS guides me as I travel on the road of life. I am confident that you listen to the cry of my heart and I am thankful that my cries have not gone unnoticed. I am grateful that you have listened and not ignored my cry unto you. Because you have declared me righteous, I know that your eyes are upon me and your ears are open unto my cry. You are the one who judges righteously and you my King are holy and pure. You are just and you are kind. Although my heart seems to break under the load of pressures of the many blows of negative expressions, I will not be cast down because of my failures. I will lift my voice in praise to you because I am confident that everything is working together for my good. I am grateful that you have not left me in the wilderness of lonely despair, but I embrace your joy that is my strength. When I call upon your name, I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I shall be delivered. I will not be distraught about the things that I don’t understand about life and myself, but I will be full of confidence and faith because I know that you are faithful that promised. I confess that I have fallen short many times and I ask for your forgiveness. I am fully persuaded that if I confess my sins, you are faithful and just to forgive me and to cleanse me of all unrighteousness. I am very thankful that you did not leave me without hope, but you became my hope and my shelter in a time of storm. It is by your grace and mercy that I am still standing. I appreciate the many things that you have done for me. * PRAYER INSIGHT By Don Grigsby When man gets hold of religion it becomes an instrument of controlling others and to keep putting them in their place. Judgment, guilt and condemnation become a complex that grind all faith, love, and grace into a meaningless existence. However, when the justification of faith through the redemptive blood of Jesus liberates us, we are free to soar into the heights of heavenly places in him. If our hearts condemn us not, then we have faith in God. Failures and shortcomings become the torture racks of the enemy. Jesus Christ is the master of taking failure and inability and turning them into miracles that transcend the impossibilities that face us. Every voice that insinuates that God is against us and not for us is a liar. Emmanuel is God with us and the cross is Jesus Christ for us as the faithful witness that has blood that testifies that we are not guilty but gifted by grace.
Posted on: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 03:00:28 +0000

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