SUPER SUNDAY SALUTATIONS, CHILDREN OF THE LIVING GOD! Today is the first day of the week, the day that Christians everywhere elect to give praise and adulation to Him which died for them, and rose again (2 Corinthians 5:15). This is why, for 2,000 years, we affectionately call Sunday the Lords Day (Revelation 1:10) wherein, as a corporate body, we honor what the only Begotten of the Father did for us, vicariously, on Calvary. This, then, in a very real and meaningful way, transforms Sunday into Sonday. And how apropos it is for us to begin each week by tithing our time to the Lord Jesus. When you tithe your time by offering to Jesus the right kind of adoration with the right kind of Christians in the right kind of fellowship punctuated with right teaching, on the Lords Day, the events of the remainder of your week will be characterized with a kind of divine serendipity. Indeed, you will notice Goodness and Mercy--those fraternal twins of Gods blessings--following you from place to place, day after day. But if you end up around the wrong kind of Christians in the wrong kind of fellowship blighted by wrong teaching, on a Sunday morning, know of a surety that the residue of your week will be hawked by menacing problems and incredible frustrations, the consequences of your life being thrown off kilter, from day to day. Wherefore, wisdom urges you to pray earnestly, asking the Father to place you under the right tutelage with the kind of people who genuinely love the Word and evince a pure heart for God and Kingdom realities. Then you will come to know the joy and wonder of what that devout Chinese sage called a Normal Christian Life. Upon the first day of the week, when the disciples came together to break bread (Acts 20:7).
Posted on: Sun, 20 Jul 2014 11:28:40 +0000

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