✡ SUPPORT ISRAEL ✡ In America, a Judeo-Christian - TopicsExpress


✡ SUPPORT ISRAEL ✡ In America, a Judeo-Christian Nation, founded on the Holy Bible, its unfortunate to see a majority of young people in this Nation lashing out against Israel and Jews, while actually defending and supporting Islamic terror in Gaza. The question is WHY??? #1, they are IGNORANT of the facts and history of the conflict between Israel and Palestine. #2, they may be Christian in name and creed, but DO NOT KNOW their Holy Bibles. That is crystal clear. #3, they are INDOCTRINATED on College campuses across America by far-left liberal radicals and Muslim Student Groups, not to mention a constant barrage of LIES under the guise of human rights on social media pages like Free Gaza which are RUN BY advocates for HAMAS. Finally, the main culprit which makes Americas youth, and even the U.S. President, Barack Hussein Obama, oppose our Greatest Ally Israel while supporting Islamic Terror against Jews and Christians is a heretical movement known as REPLACEMENT THEOLOGY. Replacement Theology” is one of the most DAMNABLE unBiblical teachings propagated in Christianity today. The BIBLICAL TRUTH is that our Lord JESUS CHRIST Loves His Father YaHWeH’s CHOSEN Nation, His brethren, ISRAEL. He wills that ALL His Jewish brothers and sisters would come to believe He is indeed their Sent and Promised MESSIAH. He has PROMISED to save ALL Israel and DEFEND them against their MANY enemies globally in the Final Battle known as Armageddon. Contrary to popular belief, the “Jews” did NOT “kill Jesus”. A group of FALSE Holy Jews of His Day, known as Scribes and Pharisees, as well as the Devil’s puppet, Judas Iscariot, were behind the torture and crucifixion of Christ Jesus. NOT every Jew who ever lived as it is propagated by Nazis, Anti-Semites and Islamists. Truth IS, if Jesus WERE living in OUR day, it would be the Muslims and Nazis who would KILL Him. So WHY then do Christians befriend Anti-semites and Muslims but speak ill of Jews? Jesus WAS a Jew, and ALL of His 12 Disciples were Jews, as well as 98% of His first followers, and EVERY Book of the Holy Bible OF Christianity, except for TWO out of the nearly 70 books, were ALL written by JEWS. Only the Books of Luke and Acts were written by a non-Jew. The Bible is clear where hatred and jealousy of Israel STEM from.. SATAN {1st Chronicles 21:1}. Satan NEVER stopped HATING Israel, Whom God so LOVED, so to THIS day, that old devil KEEPS inspiring HOSTILITY towards Jews and Israel, and he DECEPTIVELY uses the BIBLE to influence ignorant Christians to stand AGAINST God’s people. Satan is evil yes, but many don’t realize he is also very CLEVER sadly. He created through backslidden Christian leaders the blasphemous DEMONIC doctrine know as REPLACEMENT THEOLOGY, which is being propagated in MANY Churches globally, through which the Holy Bible is CORRUPTED by anti-Semites as they REPLACE the word ISRAEL with the ‘Church’ over 2,600 times, and the word JERUSALEM is replaced with ‘Heaven’ over 900 times! 3,500 ALTERINGS of God’s Word, in order to SUIT their demented anti-Biblical ‘worldview’. But GOD never made these ‘replacements’! ANY MAN who ALTERS the Word of God to fit his own TWISTED ideaology is NO CHRISTIAN nor man of God for that matter and Lord JESUS warned of SEVERE eternal PUNISHMENT for manipulating, monkeying with or TAKING AWAY from The Word of God. Also, because of Replacement Theology, the demonic doctrines I’ve warned about for years, known as CHRISLAM and Liberation Theology, which try to combine UNCOMBINABLE Christianity & Islam, have been gaining momentum in America and the World. Your OWN President, Barack Hussein Obama, was RAISED BY, believes in and PROMOTES these anti-Israel, anti-Jewish, anti-Biblical ideas and teachings! Look up his “Pastor” of 20 years, Jeremiah Wright, and his college mentor Khalid Al-Mansour, and his CURRENT advisor Valerie Jarrett. What a TRAGEDY in this once great God-fearing, Bible-believing Nation that Islamic radicals have the MOST influence on the leader of the free world! I feel like I have been called by God, as he called the Prophet Ezekiel in Ancient Israel, to be a WATCHMAN for the people of The LORD to BLOW THE TRUMPET and WARN God’s people of the DECEPTIONS, FALSEHOODS and ABOMINATIONS being propagated to uneducated Christians today in order to lead them AWAY from the Faith & divert them from the only TRUTH. So today I SHOUT: Don’t be DECEIVED by these FALSE brands of Christianity!! If the Christianity your being taught teaches ANY of the doctrines above, RUN and don’t look back. They are NOT of God. God FOREVER bless ISRAEL, and the Jews with SALVATION through Yeshua Meshiach, Who Is JESUS CHRIST The Lord. “For I, JESUS, testify unto EVERY man that hears the words of the prophecy of THIS Book {Holy Bible}, If ANY man shall ADD unto THESE things, God shall ADD unto him the PLAGUES that are written in THIS Book: And if ANY man shall TAKE AWAY from the words of the Book of THIS prophecy, God shall TAKE AWAY his part OUT OF the Book of Life, and OUT OF the Holy City, and FROM the things which are written in THIS BOOK.” ~ Revelation 22:18-19 “Thus saith The LORD, You shall NOT ADD unto the word which I COMMAND you, neither shall you TAKE AWAY from it, that you may KEEP the Commandments of The LORD your God which I COMMAND you.” ~ Deuteronomy 4:2
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 19:00:42 +0000

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