✡ SUPPORT ISRAEL ✡ In every battle Israel has fought - TopicsExpress


✡ SUPPORT ISRAEL ✡ In every battle Israel has fought against demonic, ruthless, barbaric enemies in Hamas terrorists from Gaza, the Media has always painted the Gazans as victims or Israel as an occupier. So what does that mean? Occupier? Number one its a LIE that goes back 66 years, and its an argument used as an EXCUSE for Islamic hatred and violence against the age-old Jewish State and Holy Land of God; And the OBAMA ADMINISTRATION has once again revealed Obamas Anti-Semitic, Anti-Israel bias, as recently they have actually publicly used the term OCCUPATION when referring to the Jews owning and buying property in JERUSALEM, their God-given Eternal Capital! OBAMA MUST GO. No matter what Obama, anti-semitic muslims, nazis or the liberal lamestream ‘Anti-Israel’, Godless, extremely-secular, Biblically-hostile Media propagate, NOT ONE IOTA of the Holy Land of Israel belongs to the Palestinians. In Biblical actuality, and in God’s Eyes, those living in modern Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon and even Egypt are OCCUPYING Land that BELONGS TO Israel. Yet, due to centuries of Nazi, Islamic propaganda PUSHED as ‘truth’ into the Mainstream by people of power with ‘Agendas’, many believe that Israel is living on Land that belongs to Palestine. God knew this would happen and prophesied that when the Nations attempt to FORCEFULLY divide the Holy Land of Israel and GIVE some of God’s Holiest Cities to the ENEMIES of His people, The LORD’s Wrath will come upon the Nations and Armageddon will BEGIN. {Joel 3:2} The Historical FACT is that after the Jews were EXPELLED from their God-given Land about 100 years after Christ’s death on the cross, that the land was RENAMED ‘Palestine’ by the anti-Christian, anti-Semite Roman Leader HADRIAN in 130 A.D.; Hadrian was responsible for PAGANIZING the Holy Land and DESECRATING God’s Holy City, Jerusalem, and he DECREED that Roman Maps would NO LONGER use the Names of Judea or Israel for the Land, but would be RENAMED ‘Palestine’ or ‘Philistia’ after the ancient ENEMIES of the Jews, the Philistines {Palestinians}. Hence, today, because of Hadrian’s hatred for the Jews, we have a society that is deceived to believe that SOMEHOW the Biblical Holy Land belongs to the ENEMIES of Israel, instead of God’s chosen people, the Israelite Jews. Look at any Biblical Map and you’ll see there WAS a ‘Palestine’ and it was called Philistia, but it was a SMALL neighboring area NEXT to the Biblical Holy Land of Israel, and yet today, the Muslims claim not only that tiny strip of ancient Philistia but they ALSO claim that ALL of the Ancient Land of Israel belongs to THEM as well, thanks to that antiChrist Hadrian; Well, the Holy BIBLE and thus GOD Almighty vehemently DISAGREE with the Palestinian claim! The FACT IS that Biblically and Archaeologically, we have PROOF that King DAVID {Jew}, SOLOMON his son and all their sons {Jews}, REIGNED and ruled Israel from the City of David, JERUSALEM; Ever hear any historical claims of Goliath the Philistine {Palestinian} reigning or ruling from Jerusalem, or anywhere in the Land of Israel for that matter?? ME NEITHER! Just remember THIS time-tested FACT: No matter how many times a LIE is told, it’s STILL a lie. And no matter how many times God’s TRUTH is denied or ignored or mocked, it’s STILL the Truth. And the Truth is, that Palestinians OCCUPIED the Land of Israel after the Romans and Muslims BRUTALLY MURDERED and FORCED Jews out of their God-given Land until 1947. But, miraculously, as God promised over 3,000 years ago in the Biblical Book of Ezekiel, in 1948 {the EXACT Year The LORD prophesied to bring the JEWS back to THEIR Land} the Jews were RETURNED to their Biblical Homeland and recreated the Nation of Israel. EVER SINCE, as God prophesied ALSO, the muslims and arabs in the land of the Philistines {Palestine} have HATED Israel and made war with the Jews out of JEALOUSY that God gave THEM the Holy Land, and NOT the muslims. So, since war and violence by the Palestinians have done NOTHING but get their own people killed, NOW they have began fighting a PROPAGANDA war through the Media with social media and college campus campaigns like ‘Free Gaza’ and the ‘BDS Movement’, trying to DECEIVE Americans and uneducated youngsters around the world that ISRAEL is the ‘bad guy’, and that ISRAEL is ‘occupying’ Land that isn’t theirs. When in REALITY, and in God’s Eyes AND His Holy Book, the OPPOSITE is True. Also, the Holy Bible prophesied that, in the Last Days, Palestine would be successful in their drive to INFLUENCE and CHANGE public opinion, and that not only would the Land of Israel be DIVIDED by the ANTICHRIST, but that the Palestinians would receive HALF of God’s Holiest City, the Eternal CAPITAL of Israel, JERUSALEM, through a 7 Year ‘Peace Treaty’. Immediately following Barack Hussein Obama’s re-election in the U.S., it was revealed that Obama told the Palestinians that a TOP goal for his 2nd Term is to FORCE Israel into renewed ‘Peace negotiations’ with Palestine and that he intends to push hard for Israel’s Holy City JERUSALEM to be DIVIDED so that HALF of it may be given to the Muslims, along with Israel’s Biblical Homeland of Judea & Samaria {referred to as the West Bank by Mainstream Media in order to DENY Israel’s Biblical CLAIMS to the Holy Land}. And John Kerry has pressed Israel hard for the past Year, put Obama’s ‘Peace Plan’ agenda in place and is pressuring Israel to submit to the awful treaty, and says it will be in place within MONTHS and by U.S. and United Nations FORCE if necessary!!! To make matters worse, the Obama Administration is breaking U.S. LAW by not only ACCEPTING and not denouncing, but even FUNDING the new Palestinian Unity Government which includes the murderous Islamic TERROR Group HAMAS! Though there are hundreds of other reasons, this alone should be enough reason to IMPEACH BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA; Thus amid much backlash and being mocked for years, I still feel so strongly that Obama could be THE Antichrist! When the travesty of dividing the Holy Land of Israel occurs, God will not be able to stomach the attacks on His people Israel any longer and ARMAGEDDON {World War 3} begins, and EVERY Nation that comes AGAINST Israel and causes Jerusalem to be divided, will be DESTROYED in the War. Keep that in mind America, when Obama tries to make you believe that somehow PALESTINE deserves a claim of Jerusalem. They do NOT! It has and will ALWAYS belong solely to ISRAEL. The koran of Islam (Palestine’s “holy” book) mentions Jerusalem ’0′ times! ZERO. While the Holy Bible on the other hand, predating the koran by 3,000 years at least, mentions JERUSALEM as the Capital of ISRAEL and as belonging to the JEWS over ’930′ times! Nearly 1,000 times! So, do YOU believe God, The LORD, who says Jerusalem and the Holy Land of Israel belongs to the Jews nearly 1,000 times. Or do YOU believe the muslims and their god Allah, who mention Jerusalem ZERO times??? I forever believe GOD. May The LORD continue to forever bless and DEFEND Israel and Jerusalem. And TO HELL with Hamas, their Palestinian supporters, the anti-Israel Islamists, the anti-semites in the world and media, Obama, John Kerry and all the rest trying to STEAL ISRAEL’S LAND, if they do not REPENT. “He shall have one tribe for MY servant DAVID’s sake, and for JERUSALEM’s sake, the City which I have CHOSEN out of all the Tribes of ISRAEL, saith The LORD.” ~ 1 Kings 11:32 “.. David MY servant will have a light ALWAYS before Me IN JERUSALEM, the City which I MYSELF have chosen to put My Name THERE, saith The LORD.” ~ 1Kings 11:36 “And his servants carried him in a chariot TO JERUSALEM, and buried him in his sepulchre with his fathers IN THE CITY OF DAVID.” ~ 2 Kings 9:28 “.. The LORD said to David, and to Solomon his son.. IN JERUSALEM, which I have CHOSEN out of all Tribes of ISRAEL, will I put MY Name FOREVER.” ~ 2 Kings 21:7 “For David said, The LORD God of ISRAEL has given rest unto HIS people {Jews}, that THEY may dwell IN Jerusalem FOREVER.” ~ 1Chronicles 23:25 “.. Let him go up to JERUSALEM, which is in JUDAH, and build the House of The LORD God of Israel, (HE Is THE God,) which is IN JERUSALEM.” ~ Ezra 1:3 “The LORD does build up JERUSALEM: He gathers together the outcasts of ISRAEL.” ~ Psalm 147:2 “AS birds flying, SO will The LORD of hosts DEFEND Jerusalem; defending also HE will deliver IT; and passing over HE will preserve IT.” ~ Isaiah 31:5 “In THAT day shall The LORD DEFEND the inhabitants of JERUSALEM; and he that is feeble among THEM {Israelite Jews} at that day shall be LIKE DAVID; and the House of David shall be LIKE God, as the Angel of The LORD before THEM; And it SHALL come to pass in THAT day, that I will seek to DESTROY ALL the nations that COME AGAINST Jerusalem, saith The LORD God.” ~ Zechariah 12:8-9 “Thus saith The LORD; I will also gather ALL NATIONS, and will bring them down INTO the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will JUDGE THEM THERE on behalf of MY people and on behalf of MY Heritage ISRAEL.. for the nations have DIVIDED MY LAND.” ~ Joel 3:2
Posted on: Wed, 15 Oct 2014 16:48:21 +0000

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