SUPPORT JIMMY FOR YOUTH WITH A MISSION!!! :D ----------- Hello to - TopicsExpress


SUPPORT JIMMY FOR YOUTH WITH A MISSION!!! :D ----------- Hello to All, My Name is James Glover, son of Kim James. As a lot of you know, I have been serving the Lord for three years by His calling in the marketplace ministry to reach my generation, and through street evangelism. I have been walking the streets of Columbia, Missouri with other friends in the church, and proclaiming the name of Christ through love and with the gift of healing bestowed upon me through the Holy Spirit. Being plugged in at a local Ekklesia, The Latter House Ministries, which has equipped me prophetically and theologically to go into missionary work. Through a prophecy of Pastor Enos Chamberlin at The Latter House, it has been proclaimed I would be placed in strategic ministry. Pastor Glenn Brown with the Christian Fellowship Church and Andre Brown with the Refuge Ministries of Mexico have encouraged me to utilize my gifts in evangelism and music to reach others who do not know or understand the Lord’s love and compassion for them. It was Pastor Andre who had approached me to consider applying to a strategic school called Youth With A Mission - University of the Nations in Denver, Colorado. Three months later I have been accepted into this facility which prepares those who are called to international marketplace evangelism and sends their students to other countries such as Kenya, Costa Rica, and Mexico. I wish to not only help build churches, but also speak to others through street evangelism to reach the unreachable and to bring those who are lost into the knowledge and love of Christ Jesus. Please view the following link to Youth With A Mission – Denver to become more familiar with the discipleship ministry training I have been accepted to which begins This September 30th and completes in mid February, 2014. I am excited to become a part of this particular ministry training as I will be placed with other musicians who have the same calling in life to reach others. The course is a full-time program and lasts five or six months. It consists of two parts: lecture phase and outreach phase. In the lecture phase, I will learn more about God and His word- not only from lectures but also from community living and practical training. The outreach phase focuses on applying what is learned in the classroom through an intense, cross-cultural experience that will send me to countries such as Kenya, Costa Rica, or Mexico. I am in need of assistance to cover tuition and living expenses as I will not be able to collect a paycheck while in training or going abroad. I am looking at expenses being up to $8,000. Would you be in a position to support me in this ministry at $50 or $100 per month? Please prayerfully consider what the Lord would have you commit to. A onetime donation is appreciated as well. Thank you for opening your heart to help fulfill my calling. Please click on the below link for information on donations. You will have to send donations to me directly. Thank you, God Blesses! In Christ’s Love, “Jimmy” – James C. Glover IV Ph. 573-253-0892 Current address: 24287 Audrain 324 Mexico, MO 65265
Posted on: Sat, 07 Sep 2013 03:21:05 +0000

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