´´SUPPORT ME MY DEAR WORLD , I AM BEING PERSECUTED´´. I am here my dear world to plead you for your unconditional love and support , because I your brother is being presently totured , persecuted for crime I never committed , for crime I never knew who committed and where it is committed. Within the radius of my daily operation , some people have finally decided to be toturing and persecuting me from Landshut Germany , where I am presently residing. These mentioned people are some Germans from German´s hardcore political bureaucracy , well puissanced to be European´s political elites , some rainmakers , kingspins and calibres from American´s caucassian family , some rainmakers , kingspins and calibres from African American of African descent , some British or English people of Vikings descents etc , along with some native Africans of global peak and posh class diffused. I am a versatile , insurmountable and formidable Scientist of Global class , softly and stresslessly parachuted down with a safe landing like a swaying white coloured feather , from the peak of the pinnacle of our Global well distinctioned and distinguished fanferious and frenzious Scientists , to create or bespoke a spot forex trading Computer Programm , as opus magnum of a Global class , for a veracious , sound and adavanced trading of Global spot forex. The mentioned created or bespoked Computer Programm , as an opus magnum , which happens not to be substituteable or sidelineable by any Computer Programm in it´s Global field or department of operation , will enable standard lot size of 1.00 , which is presently tradeable with 100,000 units of the base currency , to be tradeable with only but 200 units of the base currency.This mentioned created or well bespoked spot forex trading Computer Programm , will be solving or solutioning down to the core , a Global spot forex trading acidic technical fault , which is always forcing some surplus unrequired pips/cent to be stagnanting muchly much in each unit of a currency pair , which are purchaseable in sale´s or buy´s position of some different currency pair type positions, which are tradeable in Global spot forex department of our world.This mentioned acidic technical fault , is causing a unit of a currency pair or 100,000 units of a currency pair type , purchaseable in sale´s or buy´s positions´ of currency pair position to be expensive to purchase. This mentioned spot forex trading acidic techical fault , did un-acknowledgedly forced 2.46 million lots of standard lot size of 1.00 , which are supposed to be tradeable as a daily turn over of Global spot forex trading , at a capital rate of usd49.2 billion or (usd49,200,000,000) to be tradeable on a capital rate of usd2.046 trillion , this means that a surplus cash of usd1.996800 trillion or usd1,996,800,000,000 was over invested and allowed to be trapped in different sale´s or buy´s positions of the involved different currency pair positions traded. Since after the successful creation of this mentioned novel spot forex trading Computer Programm , in the month of November of 2011 of Anno Domino , I have been contacting relentless , some of these different involved and effected Global spot forex banks and institutions , like Fxspotstream USA , JP Morgan USA , Bank of America , UBS of Switzerland , HSBC of Switzerland , Deutsche Bank of Germany , Barclay Capital of UK , Credit Suisse of Switzerland , Royal Bank of Scottland , Morgan Stanley of USA , Societe Generale of France , Commerz Bank of UK , State street of USA ,Calyon of France , ABN Amro of Nerderland , PNP Paribas of France , Goldman sachs of USA , Saxobank Denemark etc , to enable them to start using this mentioned spot forex trading master piece or Computer Programm , for the upfront preventions of this aforementioned spot forex trading acidic technical fault , but they did not cooperated as supposed , an economical exigency development , which was poorly , sluggishly and procrastinatedly treated and which ended up to cause a two years global spot forex trading daily losses of more than usd1 decilion or usd1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 , in the mentioned Global forex trading department. As presently demanded , I here by plead you all my dear brothers and sisters of our dear world , to give me your unconditional support , in this my non violent , peaceful and pacified indulgence and also help me to hedge away these different volks , who are presently persecuting and toturing me , without my gentleself doing them any thing. These unintermissioned ugly acts , which are being exhbited by these different volks , who are incessantly persecuting and toturing me secretly , are only acts of acutic jealosy , with acidic racial prejudice and corrosive hatred , which are surrounded spacelessly with diabolical intents , which has nothing to look for in our modern democratic and well civilised society of our modern time of Anno Domino 2013 etc. I thank you all very muchly for your unconditional supports and relentless fervent prayers. Written from Landshut Germany by , Nwagboo Elochukwu Elord. Landshut Germany , This day , 04th December 2013 of Anno Domino. POSTCRIPT Presently one of Nwagboo Elochukwu Elord´s literary work , created in the year 2003 of Anno Domino , as a Computer Programm or Lotto System for staking of lots in numerical lotto games , has generated more than 8 billion euro in approximate , within the 16 states of German territory , without my royalty or legal entitlements enlisted or allowed or chosen to be payed by the German Authority as requested , stipulated or claimable by me under civil law , as the creator or copyright holder of the mentioned literary work of a Scientist of my own person or gentleself. Please assist to plead and notify Dr Angela Merkel , the Bundes Chancellor of Germany , with this below address , to pay me my long overdue copyright entitlement or royalty of my literary work , which is presently being used commercially by the 16 states´ lotto firms of 16 states of federal Republic of Germany. POSTCRIPT. THE OFFICIAL ADDRESS OF DR ANGELA MERKEL ( THE GERMAN CHANCELLOR ). Dr Angela Merkel. Bundeskanzlerin , Willy Brandt Strasse 1 , 10557 Berlin Germany. E-mail : [email protected]
Posted on: Fri, 24 Jan 2014 08:45:41 +0000

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