SUPPORT MY SISTER TO BECOME THE FIRST MURRI WOMAN IN QLD PARLIAMENT. My sister Leeanne Enoch is running for Qld Parliament and needs some help. The last Indigenous person in Qld Parliament was over 40 years ago. Its time to make some history. Leeanne was fed up with sitting on the sidelines and watching things happen that she disagreed with. She made the decision to get involved and roll up her sleeves to make a difference. Not all of us can commit to following through our convictions to such a degree so when you know someone who is going to armour up and get out there.....well its better to build something then to sit back and watch it be pulled apart and do nothing. We are a Murri family and community is important to us. We went Woodridge High and didnt grow up with strong links into business and circles of powerful people. So when it comes to fundraising to pay for things like pamphlets, billboards and ways of telling people what Leeanne stands for......we need help to make history. Maybe you can help out? How? - register as a volunteer to distribute flyers or help door knock, call people or when the election comes to give some time to staff booths - donate some money to help (check the link below or contact Leeanne Enoch for Algester) - or attend the Fundraiser on 22 November (see link below). If you cant attend think about donating something to help out - spread the word by tagging people in you think could support Leeanne. Im not usually the person on Facebook who goes around humbugging people for money but in the face of inequity of opportunity and the need to make a difference I think this is a cause worth supporting.
Posted on: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 23:59:56 +0000

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