SUPPORT THE COUNTERMAND RESOLUTION!! CITIZEN INITIATIVES NOW!! RESCUE LIBERTY!!! Please visit the website TODAY! If YOU WANT TO RESCUE LIBERTY then direct YOUR State Legs to adopt The Countermand Resolution NOW… If THEY want to rescue Liberty and defend and protect The Constitution and uphold their Oaths then they are gonna have to go around The US Congress, Courts and Executive Branches to do it… Using The Art 5 Strategy!! The States created the Federal government to function properly and The States ARE SOVEREIGN. We are NOT subjects to the federal government..Meaning, according to The Constitution 34 Sovereign United States can modify that Federal Government!!… No permission necessary… The Art 5 is the way to do it… Our honorable State Legislatures need The Power of The Countermand NOW!! We will rein in this federal overreach with The Countermand!!! To learn more visit us at We need 34 states to adopt The Countermand Resolution which means we need 51% of both the House and the Senate of those 34 States… We have 15 States with sponsors for The Countermand but still gonna need that magic 51% of both chambers to get it passed… once we reach the threshold…. the Congress, Courts and Exec can go sit at the kiddie table while the grown ups talk. What the States say goes.. PERIOD.. Its that or all hells gonna break loose. The Art 5 is the last ditch effort at a peaceful resolution… once I meet the very difficult Constitutional requirement of 34 States and am ignored is when I WILL TAKE UP ARMS MY OWN SELF because that is when I know there is NOTHING ELSE left for me to do if I’m going to defend America under God with Freedom and Liberty and Justice for all. III% This is an American initiative and is non-partisan. Make sense? Contact me or Visit the web site and JOIN TODAY!! kellidgordonlibertyblog.wordpress/2015/01/05/support-the-countermand-resolution-citizen-initiatives-now-rescue-liberty/
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 00:08:42 +0000

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