SUPPOSE YOU HAD SOMEONE BREAK INTO YOUR HOME, TAKE PICTURES, SUBMIT THEM TO AUTHORITIES AND HAD EVERYTHING YOU OWNED CONFISCATED – FOR A CRIME YOU DID NOT DO? This is what has happened to Jane Smith of Bright Futures Rescue! The Prosecuting Attorney (PA), Olivia Bumb-Boyer has asked for another $17,400.00 for care of the animals that are hidden from view at this facility (are they dead or alive?). AND JANE HAS NOT EVEN BEEN CONVICTED OF A CRIME! If she does not pay this money, WCHS has the right to dispose of her animals – either adopting them out killing them – AND AGAIN, SHE HAS NOT EVEN BEEN TO COURT YET! Imagine this happening to you – you have not been to court – they continue to extort money holding the things you love captive – you are not even able to prove your innocence – and it goes on and on and on! The PA asked for a continuance – Jane Smith was ready for trial. Ask yourself why and the answer is pretty obvious – MONEY, MONEY, MONEY!!!!! This will make $69,600.00 to keep the animals she loves safe! I do not understand how, when a pedophile, rapist, burglar (Robert Gibson), child molester, etc. can post bond ONE TIME and walk free until trial! Jane Smith has posted bond THREE TIMES AND IS NOW BEING ASKED FOR IT AGAIN. Again, $69,600 will have been funneled into this facility to keep the animals that she loves safe. Ask yourself what you would do in this situation. How long could you continue to pay this extortion? AND, YOU HAVEN’T EVEN BEEN CONVICTED YET! All it will take is your neighbor mad at you, a person paid to break & enter & submit evidence (they aren’t convicted in Wayne County – see Robert Gibson) and you lose everything you own. If you think all of this is ok, then continue to support the WCHS. If you feel that your constitutional rights are at stake, as I do, then put the pressure on by letting them know exactly how you feel. This entire fiasco, under Nitro’s Law, would make poor Nitro roll over in his grave! He was starved to death – extreme cruelty – not loved, cared for and placed in loving homes, as Jane’s dogs have been. PLEASE MAKE A DIFFERENCE. GET JANE’S ANIMALS HOME TO HER!
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 03:54:19 +0000

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