SURPLUS PRODUCT THE BASIS OF PRIVATE OWNERSHIP , CLASS STRATIFICATION AND EXPLOITATION. =================================== ==== Surplus Production, , Totality of Material Benefits Created In The Production And Service Sectors Over And Above The Necessary Product .. Historically , the division of labour and respectively of the product it created into two parts ______________ necessary and surplus ________________ became possible when the level of labour productivity made it possible to produce more material bebefits than the amount necessary for maintaining the existence of the worker and his family. The formation of the surplus product was an important condition for the apearance of private ownership of the means of production ( objects of labour and tools of labour ), which formed the material basis for the class stratification of society and the exploitation of man by man . Under commodity production surplus product has a physical_ material form ( means of production and articles of consumption ) and a value ( monetary ) form The surplus product exists in various S ocio_ Economic Formations but the social nature of its roduction and apropriation radically differs in antagonistic class societies and in socialist society . Under all exploiting formations, the surplus product is appropriated by the owners of the means of production and serves as the source of their enrichment and parasitic existence .Only the method of appropriating the surplus product change . ___________________________________________ _______ A DICTIONARY OF POLITICAL ECONOMY PROGRESS PUBLISHERS ____MOSCOW ---1985
Posted on: Sun, 28 Sep 2014 17:57:10 +0000

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