*SURVIVORS AND THEIR FAITH (a somewhat self-indulgent post - TopicsExpress


*SURVIVORS AND THEIR FAITH (a somewhat self-indulgent post BUT with a point about not giving up in life. Caution: as much as I dont mean to alienate anyone, this MAY be off-putting to conservatives....Youll see what I mean...) A lot of survivors of abuse turn to religion....and some turn away from it. I was raised as a Hindu by my toxic parents. They took me to the main ashram in upstate New York from the time I was born through the time I moved out at 19. Yes....THAT ashram....the famous one that rich and famous people love to go to. The notorious Gurumayi even blessed me with a feather when I was around 9 years old. That blessing didnt save me from the abuse at home.... That ashram is a VERY pretty place with neat and yummy food but nowadays, you cant even get in without paying. I grew to dislike being at the ashram more and more as I grew into my teens. Fell into Christianity on my own during my bout of severe clinical depression when I was 16/17. Fit my beliefs better (Heaven versus reincarnation...the idea of coming back to this planet is depressing, anyway). Ive always considered myself to be very spiritual but Ive never been formally affiliated with any particular religion. Ive never even been baptized!! As far as the Bible, I never even read from one AT ALL until this past September!....So far, Ive only read maybe a few dozen pages or so....couple from the old testament but then I jumped ahead to the new testament. LOL.... So, Im no hard-core, preachy Christian and for the record, my political views are actually very PROGRESSIVE. I was born a progressive and will die one. Im the type that gets called pinko.....AND......it makes me SMILE.... Anyway, I bring all of this up because Ive mentioned faith on this page. That was not meant to alienate anyone, at all. Faith was just referring to me trusting in my own future, as well as in God. I was just speaking about MY life but I think it helps most people to hold at least a general faith in everything happening for a reason and a belief that things will fall into the right place. Thats not isolated to a particular religion. Ive gone through different phases when it comes to religion, myself, including returning back to Hinduism just this past summer!! It was a very brief return..... Ive explored a bunch of things, stopping short of Satanism, though....I once dated a former Satanist..... But now Im off topic. People need to find what fits them and their own souls, thats all. If youve got a good soul, youre good as gold, anyway. Everyone has to walk their own path. I say to trust your own instincts. Youll find your way to where youre supposed to be. : ) My FAVORITE John Lennon song. Loved it since I was 17.... It fits this post very well. Faith in the future, outta the now. Ive been quoting that for almost a decade now! Thanks to the uploader.
Posted on: Mon, 02 Dec 2013 14:36:15 +0000

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