SWEDEN, HOW FAR WE TOLERATE SUCH! ???????? Christian churches - TopicsExpress


SWEDEN, HOW FAR WE TOLERATE SUCH! ???????? Christian churches in Sweden are attacked every week - where is the love bombs? In 2014 occurred an average of one attack every week against churches in Sweden. SVT, who call themselves public service, recently published a list of what they describe as attacks on mosques in Sweden in 2014. SVTs public service mission does not appear to include the publication of an identical list of attacks on churches. For such may instead turn to alternative Sweden friendly media. Love bombers and torchlight procession from the groupings in connection with the alleged mosque attacks were so eager to manifest, lit entirely absent when Christian churches attacked. In contrast to Islam and mosques, which hopefully will be a brief parenthesis in Swedens modern history, represents Christianity and the Swedish churches an integral part of Swedens millennial heritage. Attacks on churches is therefore not only an attack on the individual church without a blow at the heart of Sweden. It should therefore be even more important position, especially for public service media, to highlight to both kristofobiskt related to other forms of vandalism against churches. The attacks against churches of various kinds. Its about vandalism and grave desecration of autonomous kristofoba groupings on the left, from Muslim immigrant gangs and the occasional confused devil worshipers, but also on foreign leagues that trouble-free can get to Sweden to rip copper roofs of churches and steal church silver and other treasures from churches. Lately, mass immigration advocates and islamapologeter conducted a series of rallies against alleged right-wing racist attacks against mosques. Left Liberal media have been associated with this lent itself to the agenda of political rumor mill and then remained silent when it turned out that the man trumpeted as arson in fact been accidents and carelessness with fire among the mosques visitors themselves. Even sjuklöverpolitiker at the national level have taken the opportunity to resolve the grounds headlining these events as an expression of right-wing Islamophobia. Together with the media and pure political fools who Henrik Arnstad results also exploited the events to an SD hostile agenda. Violence and vandalism allegedly legitimized by the Islamic criticism among others is part of SDs policies. Nothing could be further from the truth. Especially false jars such claims when they come from the left flank where autonomous movements that Afa and RF conducts its socialist revolutionary struggle with threats, violence and vandalism, methods that there is a high degree of acceptance too far into the parliamentary left and as far into the left-liberal media newsrooms. For every secular democratic-minded Swedish should be a duty, in the framework of the democratic opinion formation inform and criticize the totalitarian, violent, womens oppression, homophobic, anti-Semitic, kristofoba more religious ideology of Islam through mass immigration encroaches more and more on the Swedish society. The criticism is not more violence legitimizing than any other recognized political criticism. Sweden Democrats and the rest of Sweden Friendly social conservative Peoples Movement can not guilt coated more for any right-wing extremist mosque attacks than the Green Party, the debt subject to the Unabomber, and other environmental terrorists or what the Social Democrats can be blamed for the Red Army faction and the Baader Meinhof-league terrorist acts. If the rhetoric of this kind should be taken seriously, in principle, all political advocacy expire - there is always a risk that some idiot will misunderstand the message and get the idea that one can take political shortcuts through violent means. Only ideologies that are openly promote violence, such as communism, Nazism and political Islam can be criticized for legitimizing violence. If we lift our eyes a little and look outside Sweden, it is also internationally the major concern that Christian churches burned, that Christians are murdered and driven out. And almost always, the Muslim groups that account for these crimes. Muslims can not get along without peer exposes continuously each other for violence and terror. Muslim regimes also exerts over Sharia law severe repression against citizens. In Sweden today is in particular the Swedish church, as a result of several decades of left-liberal infiltration, in a masochistic and almost suicidal state where one rather than take responsibility and stand up against inheritance enemy of Islam, acting useful idiots in the Islamization service. One imagines naïve to the misguided tolerance is now showing against Muslims in Sweden should be reciprocated and do not understand that the brutal violence that today and throughout history hit the infidels in the Muslim part of the world will also become Christians lot in Sweden and Europe when Islam through mass immigration has grown strong enough. Course, this does not mean that you reject all forms of intimidation, violence and vandalism against mosques in Sweden. In a civilized democratic society as the Swedish do not like in the Muslim world. Here we burn, not buildings and mass murdering dissidents. This close and scrap we mosques through democratic decisions. This resolves in the same way that the totalitarian ideologies that have no place in our countrys history and culture will not be able to propagate through to call themselves religious and abusing religious freedom. 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Compare this with the explosion of newspaper text and elements of broadcasting nationally produced in conjunction with a mosque fire since been found not to have been triggered by any crime.
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 18:24:05 +0000

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