SWMAS BOWL SHOW, 6 FEBRUARY MEMBERSHIP MEETING, Clarion Inn, conference room, lobby floor (near corner of Sprinkle Road and Cork St.) Social Time: 7:30 PM, Meeting begins at 8:00 PM. Looking forward to seeing lots of entries in the Bowl Show! This months Bowl Show fish are: Dwarf Cichlids and Gouramis South American Dwarf Cichlids - West African Dwarf Cichlids DWARF CICHLIDS Family: Cichlidae Picture of a Ram Cichlid, a South American Dwarf Cichlid Dwarf Cichlids can be quite colorful, display wonderful behaviors and personalities, but can be enjoyed in a smaller aquarium! Being small and generally quite peaceful, the Dwarf Cichlids are enjoyed by hobbyists with smaller tanks who want a bit of variety. They not only require much less space than their larger cousins, but are much more amiable with other tank mates. They are also much less prone to the habits of larger cichlids of destroying plants or digging in the substrate. This makes them ideally suited for a well-planted, attractively designed community aquarium. Apistogramma and other South American Dwarf Cichlids are favorites for the aquarist with limited space Just like their counterparts, the large South American Cichlids, they are fascinating to watch and interact with. Many species will also readily breed in the aquarium, adding to the excitement of keeping Dwarf Cichlids. The South American Dwarf Cichlids also come in a rainbow of colors, making a beautiful display. These little beauties have very attractive color patterns. They are found in both Central and South America., but this is a large geographical area that offers a wide natural distribution for these cichlids. Consequently many species can be obtained in a variety of color morphs as well. West African Dwarf Cichlids are interesting and beautiful little fish as well. They come from many African rivers and streams, and can be very striking. Some very popular, long time favorites are the Kribs or Kribensis Pelvicachromis pulcher. Besides being small, being beautiful is one of their most attractive features. They are easy to keep and feed, and fairly easy to breed. There are many other small cichlids from the great African rift lakes as well, giving the aquarist with a small tank tons of fish to choose from.
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 14:04:52 +0000

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