SWUIEBA THE HERO I know many will be wondering why this - TopicsExpress


SWUIEBA THE HERO I know many will be wondering why this heading, and to those who are quick in judgement will question my level of understanding with regards to the Swueiba’s issue at the Komfo Anokye Teaching hospital in Kumasi. I am dedicating this piece to Swueiba for her bold and the courageous step she took in confronting the management of the hospital about her missing baby. This piece was necessitated because of the avalanche of similar cases that has characterized the maternity wards of the hospital that was hitherto oblivion to many Ghanaians. But Swueiba and her husband proved to the management that they are not the cotton wool that can be blown away easily by wind In my quest to unravel the mystery of the missing babies in the hospital, I have personally come across many fathers and Mothers who fell victim to this inhuman and barbaric experience. Just this morning while discussing the this very incident, I man boldly told me his first child was stolen at Komfo Anokye six years ago and when he confronted the management, he was served with an explanation that was bitter and hard to swallow, but due to his financial standing he couldnt pursue the case further. My investigation tells me that, these syndicates that perpetrate this unpardonable crime on their victims have a strategy they normally use; I was able to deduce this fact along the line as I came across few victims. They normally unleash this barbaric act on mothers who are not from a well to do family. My further probing also revealed shocking news that will interest you all. The head porters (Kayayei) are the majority of people who have been victimized by these syndicates, most head Porters in Kumasi have developed a strong apprehension towards giving birth in hospital. Interestingly, these head porters who hailed from the Northern part of Ghana were brought up in a pure herbal environment where they believe in the efficacy of the herbal medicine. So with the advent of modern way of giving birth and anti-natal check ups, they initially kicked against it because they have their orthodox way of preparing their selves before child birth, the paradigm shifted through the help of Ministry of Health workshops in the villages. Currently, most of them had totally lost interest in this modern way of delivery because they say any time they give birth in the hospitals, the babies don’t survive and their colleagues who give birth at home are always with their babies, therefore the modern way of giving birth is not the best. You see how the selfishness of a group of people can put people’s lives in jeopardy. Can you imagine how disastrous it can be if such a head porter who want to deliver at home ends up getting complication that needs the attention of a medical Doctor? Just because of parochial interest you have deny people of proper health care. As the saying goes “every dog has it own day nemesis has really caught up with them. To make sure I have adduce enough evidence on this Issue. I granted an interview to a lady here in Accra, actually somebody introduced me to her and her saga was not different from what our sister Swueiba is going through. The said woman delivered a set of twins last two years at Komfo Anokye teaching hospital, she saw her babies and even phoned the husband at home to inform him about the good news. According to this woman, she strangely fell asleep and to her widest surprise she waked up to discover that she had only one baby. She was marvelled and inform the Nurse on duty about the whereabouts of her other twin baby, again they were served with the trivial and frivolous explanation. Ladies and Gentlemen, this is the interesting part of this woman’s issue which I have diplomatically subjected it scrutiny and the best forensic Idea I can gather. The woman was told there was a mistake in the theatre where she delivered and another womans baby was added to hers. So the baby has been given to the real mom. Now, if such unpardonable mistake can be committed in the full glare of the Doctors and the midwives at the Komfo Anokye hospital, then Swueibas saga should raise more questions than answers. The love of money at times makes some people sell their conscience cheaply. When the issue of Swueiba went viral on the social Networks I never thought it was going to be given any attention from the Security Service, but with the latest directives from the Ministry of health, I think is going to serve as a deterrent to any syndicate who clandestinely expos people babies for the ritual gains. We respect the medical profession and their importance in the society is indispensable, every family takes pride in having their son or daughter becoming a Doctor or a nurse that should tell you how high we hold them in esteem in Ghana, but few of them want to tarnish the image of this respectable profession. Our pens and mouth will never rest on those Doctors and nurses with villainous character who want to create nightmare for innocent families in Ghana. These information and facts were uncovered because of the bold step taken by Suweiba to unravel the sudden disappear of her baby. The nation was in oblivion of these cruel activities going on in our hospitals. We thank God a courageous woman has raised an alarm, an alarm that will serve as an eye opener for every potential mother who want to deliver at Komfo Anokye hospital or any other hospital in the country, because we are aware such nefarious act is not only nickname of Komfo Anokye but many hospitals in Ghana, very soon nemesis will also invite them for judgement. I pray Swueiba’s effort should not go wasted .And to every woman or family that have been a victim of this devilish maneuver, we pray the good Lord heal your wounds. KATH PLEASE WHERE IS THE BABY? The One Legacy modernghana/author/MohammedMustapha 0266722272/0233722272
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 10:13:35 +0000

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