SYCAR If only you knew what God was offering you, you will be the - TopicsExpress


SYCAR If only you knew what God was offering you, you will be the one to ask. It was at Sycar that a certain Samaritan woman was reminded of this (Jn. 4:5-42). Before that she had grooped in darkness, discriminated against her neighbors, worshipped in the mountain as opposed to worshipping in spirit and in truth, married five husbands and yet could not find happiness. She had made daily trips to Jacobs well to look for water that would not quench her thirst. One day at Sycar, this woman had a different encounter. She discovered Jesus because she was open to him. Moving from knowing a mere Jewish traveller(v. 9), she discovers the Prophet(v. 19) who later bacame the Messiah (v. 25) and finally in front of her fellow citizens she proclaims him Saviour of the world (v. 42). Sycar has therefore come to represent mans progressive encounter with God that leaves him a totally different person as a result of mans openness. At Sycar, man realises his stupidity and utter dependence on God and so comes to embrace the living God.The water in the well is a symbol of all the pleasures people often seek, hoping to find happiness in them, but in the end they are left empty and dissapointed. The people of Israel had a similar encounter at Massah when in their thirst and hunger they questioned God saying Is the Lord in our midst or not (Ex.17:3-7). Remembering their frustrations in Egypt, they forgot to ask for Gods divine intervention until Moses their leader did and God provided water for them from a rock. Remember God said Ask and you shall receive(Matt. 7:7). Most times we make a mistake by forgetting to ask. When we do ask, we ask for low pleasures that give momentary happiness when God is offering the REAL THING. If only you knew what God was offering you, you will be the one to ask. At Sycar, we come empty to ask and not so full of ourselves. We come with our faults and open up to him, before we begin to discover the real God we serve. Our God then offers us living water that wells up to eternal life. Your Sycar encounter with God in on the way...simply Ask and you shall receieve.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 23:31:35 +0000

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