SYED ALI SHAH GEELANI Calls For Complete Shutdown On July - TopicsExpress


SYED ALI SHAH GEELANI Calls For Complete Shutdown On July 13 Srinagar: While paying rich tributes to martyrs of July 13 1931, Syed Ali Geelani said though they presented their precious lives for sacred cause, yet the mission is still remains unfinished and added that ongoing freedom struggle is in sequence and a chain of the very mission commenced in 1931. Syed Ali Geelani in his appeal asked people to observe complete shutdown on 13th July and said that it would serve a symbolic protest against the policy of administration too. While lamenting at authorities, Syed Ali Geelani said that while pro India politicians do visit the graveyard and contrary to it restrictions are being imposed and pro-freedom leaders are detained in their houses. Syed Ali Geelani said that as usual we are not being allowed to pay tributes or visit martyrs graveyard and added that keeping in view the situation, Hurriyat Conference would organise a seminar on 15th of July at Hyderpora to commemorate memories of these martyrs. Dignitaries from different sections of society are expected to discuss ‘Martyrs of 13th July and their unfinished mission and added that speakers on the occasion will also present their viewpoints regarding current political developments and different aspects of Kashmir history. Sunday ,Syed Ali Geelani in his statement to KNS, said that National Conference, PDP, Congress and other pro Indian political parties have betrayed the mission of martyrs of 13th July and they bargained their sacrifices for the lust of their power and added these martyrs while laying responsibility over then leadership faced bullets with velour and were expecting that leadership would not deceive them and at any cost would hold on to mission and forbid bargaining. Syed Ali Geelani said that it was in year 1938 that leadership in a bid to divert the direction of mission, converted Muslim Conference in to National Conference and added the leadership betrayed with the movement and it was first of its kind of treachery for the services laid by martyrs. They did repeat it said Syed Ali Geelani and added that they again corroborated the instrument of accession with India. It was against the aspirations and people and people were forced to accept the state slavery of India added Syed Ali Geelani. Referring to the 1975 accord ,Syed Ali Geelani said that through this agreement, the leaders for the lust of power gave up their demand for plebiscite and termed freedom struggle a political vagabondage .Syed Ali Geelani said that pro India politicians have neither sense of honor nor they feel ashamed and added it is ironic the persons that betray the mission of martyrs are paying visits and present tributes and added it is the desire for power that they fail to differentiate between good and evil. Syed Ali Geelani, said that their mission would be completed, the day when the aspirations of people are blessed and last forces personal leaves the occupied territory. Syed Ali Geelani while commenting over the present situation said the ongoing freedom struggle is in sequence and a chain of the very mission commenced in 1931 and since 1947 till now 6 lakh people have achieved martyrdom . People follow footsteps of martyrs of 1931 and added that the best approach to pay tribute to all martyrs is that we should exhibit commitment with freedom struggle and in no case should depict any sort of weakness said Syed Ali Geelani . islamabadkhabar.wapglee
Posted on: Mon, 08 Jul 2013 03:10:03 +0000

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