SYMPTONS OF INADEQUACYMANIA. M.V:- "For we brought nothing into - TopicsExpress


SYMPTONS OF INADEQUACYMANIA. M.V:- "For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out" (I Tim. 6:7). Text:- Ecclesiastes 2:10-11. As d memory verse of 2de has said dat we av brought nothing to dis world & we will take nothing out of it; it is perfectly true. I dia4 find it hard to understand fierce competitions for political offices, spiritual offices, for décoration honours, knighthood etc. Absolute madness! Quite no of believers never bother to consider d absolute nothingless of dia toils in pursuit of titles either spiritually, traditionally or politically. They chase position in churches, offices & social clubs as if dia very existence depends on it, acquiring enemies in d process & any well meaning advice to enable dem apply à break is seen as an obstruction dat must be pulled down. À person possessed by passion for a title of offices care little if d pursuit of his vanity brings down d entire clubs or church 2ru division created by him/her 2ru lying & prefabrication (Prov. 6:16-19). The bible in Eccl. 1:10 says "is dia anything whereof may be said, see, dis is something new? It hath bn already of old time, which was b4 us". So passion for titles, offices, either honourary or not is an absolute affliction. When u develop à passion for à position in ur social club or in d place wia u fellowship, u should ask urself whether u are not pursuing absolute madness - insanity. An inadequacymania, d mother of twin i.e. Madness & insanity. What new records do u wishes to break dat makes u impervious to any reason dat d ends does not justify d means. Stop bn likely dogs wt mighty appetites dat never have enough (Isaiah 56:11-12). Lack of contentment for whatever u are or what u ought to av bn often leads to various forms of vices wt which d devil can gain ur soul. Any professed xtian wt desires for dis & dat; chasing titles etc, is suffering 4rm inadequacy in which he has taken refuge. In many cases, it leads to self-destruction (Isaiah 14:12-13).
Posted on: Sun, 18 Aug 2013 04:29:13 +0000

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