SYNOPSIS OF THE FOUR HORSEMEN - WHO IS THE RIDER UPON THE BLACK HORSE? PART # 3 From Part # 2, we examined how that the Red Horse of Rev. 6 matches quite accurately with RED COMMUNISM. The Four Horses of Rev. 6 paralleled with Zech. 6 are interpreted as being FOUR GREAT SPIRITS which roam the earth. Zech. 6:5 “And the angel answered and said unto me, these are the four spirits of the heavens, which go forth from standing before the Lord of all the earth.” These FOUR GREAT SPIRITS appear to be symbolized as major “Geopolitical Powers” which govern the mindsets of human beans, leaders, and governments in the regions of the world. It is commonly believed that the Lamb, “who is Jesus”, opening the 1st seal in Rev. 6:1 is the event that begins the final 7 years, which is often referred to as the Tribulation period. However, there is {NO SCRIPTURE} that states the Seals are contained within a final 7 year period. This is an assumption made by several prophecy commentaries - but yet it is unproven in God’s Word. Please notice how Rev. 1:3 gives us insight that some of the prophecies which are written within the book of Revelation would soon occur: “Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: “FOR THE TIME IS AT HAND”. This gives us insight that the opening of some of the seals “was at hand”, in other words some of the seals were GOING TO BE OPENED SHORTLY AFTER REVELATION WAS WRITTEN. Note: The Greek word for “at hand” is “eggys” (Strong’s G1451) and literally means near or imminent and soon to come to pass. There are strong reasons to believe that some of the Seals have been opened for many years now. Please consider with me the possibility of the 3rd seal (Black Horse) having been opened for close to a century. This study only covers an investigation of the BLACK HORSE – {The Third Seal} 3RD SEAL – THE BLACK HORSE: Rev 6:5-6 And when he had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast say, Come and see. And I beheld, and lo a BLACK HORSE; and he that sat on him HAD A PAIR OF BALANCES IN HIS HAND. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A MEASURE OF WHEAT FOR A PENNY, AND THREE MEASURES OF BARLEY FOR A PENNY; and see thou HURT NOT THE OIL AND THE WINE. Below are FOUR KEY POINTS from the Rider of the Black Horse that gives us clues as to what the third seal represents. * 1ST - The Horse is colored BLACK. * 2ND – The rider had A PAIR OF BALANCES IN HIS HAND. * 3RD – a voice proclaimed, “A MEASURE OF WHEAT FOR A PENNY, AND THREE MEASURES OF BARLEY FOR A PENNY”. * 4TH – The same voice said, “SEE THOU HURT NOT THE OIL AND THE WINE”. I have listed each clue separately along with a credible explanation for each one. Please examine each of these clues below to determine what you think. CLUE #1 – WHAT DOES THE COLOR BLACK ON THE HORSE SYMBOLIZE? Based on the investigation of the first two horses, we have strong support that the colors from each of the horses coincide with colors that represent “major political systems”. White Horse - Catholicism, Red Horse - Communism. It appears there is ample evidence that the Black Horse of the third seal represents “Capitalism”. Here are my reasons for that claim…. It is commonly understood in political and news circles that Socialism is referred to as the RED POWER while Democracy and Capitalism are referred to as the BLACK POWER. Below are a few factual quotes that reveal to us that the color Black is used as symbolism for Capitalism. George Bernard Shaw, (1856-1952), famous Irish playwright, political activist and Socialist was quoted in Time magazine as saying, there are only TWO REAL FLAGS IN THE WORLD henceforth: THE RED FLAG OF DEMOCRATIC SOCIALISM and THE BLACK FLAG OF CAPITALISM. (kenraggio/KRPN-CathComCap.htm) The December 9, 1966 issue of Time Magazine, page 34, reported that a new coalition government had recently been formed in Germany between the Socialist and the Christian Democratic parties. A comment made concerning the union said, ... a grand coalition of the two major parties - the Christian Democrats and the Social Democrats, that have bitterly fought each other for years...(has been made). A UNION OF BLACK AND RED, it was a marriage of convenience - but a stunning match nonetheless. (Understanding the Endtime by Irvin Baxter pg. 127) When a company is making a profit we say that it is “in the Black”, this is yet another indicator of Black being symbolized as Capitalism. BLACK FRIDAY- is a common term used for the sale of goods in exchange for money at discounted prices. This is capitalism in action. Definition of Capitalism: A System in which private or corporate wealth (capital) is used in the production and distribution of goods that results in private owners having control of capital and production for profit. In a capitalist economic system, the owner of production is the individual, and the benefactors of production are first the individual and second the society. As a quick recap the color RED is the symbolism of Socialism or RED COMMUNISM and the color BLACK is the symbolism of CAPITALISM. CLUE #2 – THE RIDER HAD A PAIR OF BALANCES IN HIS HAND. The Rider on the Black Horse had a pair of Balances in his hand. What do Balances generally mean? Balances are a symbol of Trade and Commerce. What International System in this world embodies the message of Trade, Commerce and Free Enterprise? The answer would clearly be Capitalism. You will find evidence of the Black Horse of Capitalism on the front of all U.S. Paper Money. On the front of each bill you will see a green emblem on the right of the bill. In the upper half of this emblem you will find the same pair of balances that is also held by the rider on the black horse in Revelation 6:5. Why is it there? It’s because balances are a universal symbol of trade. (Understanding the Endtime by Irvin Baxter pg. 127) By the 19th century, capitalism was the DOMINANT economic system in most of the worlds established nations. Capitalism thrives on COMMERCE. The worlds capitalistic nations enjoy higher standards of living than the other nations of the world! The capitalistic message to the world is the message of TRADE. (theforbiddenknowledge/hardtruth/four_horsemen.htm) The system of Free Trade and Commerce has had more impact in history than any other system that has ever existed. From its inception until now, CAPITALISM has created an enormous transformation in the world and how it operates and has been the most enterprising system ever known to man. (youtube/watch?v=7bwK2vyLrLI – Capitalism by Joseph Stiglitz) Capitalism creates more prosperity than any other economic system in the World, and its benefits are mainly to the ordinary person. ( The essential feature of Capitalism is the investment of money and the sale of goods in order to make a profit. This is precisely what is known as Free Trade and Commerce and it matches perfectly with the Black Horse having a pair of Balances. CLUE #3 - A MEASURE OF WHEAT FOR A PENNY, AND THREE MEASURES OF BARLEY FOR A PENNY This passage is a clear depiction of a prophetic stock market report! One of the things heard daily in the news of capitalistic countries is, Dow Jones Industrials up 3 cents; AT&T down a penny; Xerox is steady. The stock markets are AT THE CENTER of capitalistic economies. (theforbiddenknowledge/hardtruth/four_horsemen.htm) The New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) is the largest Stock Exchange in the World. The Stock Exchange provides a means for buyers and sellers to trade shares of stock in companies registered for public trading. This is what is meant by: “A MEASURE OF WHEAT FOR A PENNY, AND THREE MEASURES OF BARLEY FOR A PENNY” (Revelation 6:6) Wall Street is the most famous street in America and it is from the New York Stock Exchange that money was raised to finance the industrialization of America which made this country the ECONOMIC SUPER POWER that it has become. New York City and the NYSE were the driving forces that escalated HUGE economic growth in America after the World War. The process of buying and selling shares through the Stock Market allows people to share in the potential wealth a company might create without owning the entire company. In other words you get just some of the wealth by owning just some of the company and equally you take only a small share in the risk that those companies take. This process brings together VAST sums of Money and is at the heart of Capitalism. (youtube/watch?v=7bwK2vyLrLI – Capitalism by Joseph Stiglitz) Are you beginning to see how it is through the mechanism of BUYING AND SELLING OF SHARES THROUGH THE STOCK MARKET that we are able to understand the interpretation of Revelation 6:6? A MEASURE OF WHEAT FOR A PENNY, AND THREE MEASURES OF BARLEY FOR A PENNY? This is simply a prophecy that was seen through the corridors of time of a modern-day stock market report written almost 2000 years ago by the Apostle John. CLUE # 4 – SEE THOU HURT NOT THE OIL AND THE WINE. { MONEY, PROFITS AND WEALTH ARE AT THE VERY HEART OF CAPITALISM } In Revelation 6:6 the verse says ...and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine. This verse clearly represents a concern for the economy. The economy is BIG news within capitalistic countries and many times a President is elected on the basis of whether he can or cannot make a difference for a healthy economy to the nation. In capitalism elections are largely based on the ability of the politicians to provide an increase of industry, production, employment, and a balanced budget to its country. This fits extremely well with, “hurt not the oil and the wine”. One of the surest ways for a man to lose office in the political world of capitalism is for the economy of that nation to suffer under his administration. One of the foremost issues of any political campaign in the free world countries is that of the “ECONOMY”. (theforbiddenknowledge/hardtruth/four_horsemen.htm) Sept. 11th 2001 was New York City darkest hour. The attacks on the World Trade Center were a direct attack of the two biggest symbols of the capitalist system. Do you see how that after we closely examine the clues given to us from the Black Horse of the third seal, that there is ample reason to conclude that the Black Horse is none other than the Spirit of Capitalism foreseen by God almost 2,000 years ago? It is certainly worth giving it serious consideration. LASTLY AND VERY IMPORTANTLY - The Black Horse is seen going into the NORTHERN PART OF THE WORLD. The details of the Four Horses in Zechariah chapter 6 not only give us the meaning of its symbolism - {SPIRITS}, but also provides us insight as to what regions of the World these Geopolitical Spirits have influence. Zech. 6:6 THE BLACK HORSES ….“GO FORTH INTO THE NORTH COUNTRY”..... In the book of Zechariah we find an Angel of God foretelling more than 2,500 years ago that The Black Horses (Capitalism) would exist in the Northern Countries. If you will look on a world map, you will find that EVERY MAJOR capitalistic country in the world is located in the Northern Hemisphere! For example you will see that Germany, France, Great Britain, the United States, and Canada, ARE ALL northern countries. Do you see the accuracy of God’s Word in this? Northern Countries that are governed through Capitalism are the wealthiest and most prosperous nations in the world. These nations are referred to as the “haves” while the nations in the South are referred to as the “ have-nots”. The nations in the Southern Hemisphere are Primarily poverty stricken nations such as South America and Africa. (Understanding the Endtime by Irvin Baxter pg. 129) Zech. 6:8 - THESE THAT GO TOWARD THE NORTH COUNTRY HAVE “QUIETED MY SPIRIT” IN THE NORTH COUNTRY. Capitalism is the most subtle enemy of the church today. It does not directly oppose the true church of Jesus Christ, as communism does. Rather Capitalism works against the Christian without him realizing it. Have you noticed from prosperous and wealthy nations there seems to be a lack of interest towards the things of God and more of an interest in making money? People in capitalism are caught up in the affairs of life, materialism, and recreational entertainment. Their interest towards God is silent which has resulted in quieting God’s Spirit in their lives. When the spirit of Capitalism invades a home, the man works overtime at every opportunity or may even work two jobs. The woman leaves her children with a baby-sitter so that she can make an extra $100.00- $200.00 per week. Before long the family is so busy there is no time left for the things of God such as Prayer, Bible reading, and attending church. All that matters is to have a higher standard of living and acquiring more things. Jesus said, “If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me”. (Mat. 16:24) “CAPITALISM” is the fulfillment of this prophecy from the book of Zechariah that HAS QUIETED GOD’S SPIRIT IN THE NORTHERN COUNTRIES. (Understanding the Endtime by Irvin Baxter pg.129) Do you see how the pieces of the Black horse puzzle fit together? The unveiling of the Black Horse of Revelation is accurately describing the “The Black Spirit of Capitalism. The prophecies of the Bible simply come alive when we can understand how they correlate with events and fulfillments that are related to them! RECAP AND CONCLUSION: 6 MAIN POINTS THAT ESTABLISHES THE BLACK HORSE OF REVELATION AS “CAPITALISM” 1st. The 3rd seal is a black horse - Capitalism is symbolized by the color black. 2nd. The Balances from the black horse equal trade & commerce – Capitalism is all about Free Trade and Commerce 3rd. “A measure of wheat for a penny and three measures of barley for a penny” – This is a PROPHETIC modern-day stock market report. The stock market is at the heart of Capitalism. 4th. “Hurt not the Oil and the Wine” – Capitalism encompasses great concern for the welfare of the economy to maintain wealth and prosperity. 5th. The Black Horse went into the North Country – All major capitalist nations are located in the Northern Hemisphere of the World. 6th. The Black Horse has quieted God’s Spirit – Capitalism causes people to lose interest in the things of God, which results in God’s Spirit becoming quiet in their lives. Compiled and Written by: Brian Davis August 11th, 2014
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 05:17:18 +0000

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