SYSTEMATIC PERSECUTION AND THEFT OF LAND RIGHTS,FROM SOUTHERN NIGERIA TRIBES:- The current furore in Africa tends to obscure the greater crimes perpetrated in Southern Nigeria. The Biafran War 1967-1970 was a convenient front to hide the exclusion of Ibibio,Efik etc from Oil rich lands.Biafra,was a construct devised by Ojukwu and co-tribalists to wrap up the minority tribes in a war which they could not win. Atrocities were abundant on all sides,but the practice of beheading using skulls as trophies can be traced to,Old Bende an Igbo community.(See an informers testimony Omaka 17.02.14.Journal of Retracing Africa:-Vol,1,Isuue 1) There was systematic relocation and victimization of so-called Minority Tribes. They were not in fact minorities due to tribal mixing. The Data set from 1952/53 and 1963 Censuses are not completely accurate in report of Igbo populations for this reason. POPULATION:- 1952/1953 CENSUS:- TABLE 1-1 Ethnic and sub-Ethnic Groups Admin Division-Area In sq miles:Population Anyang,Banyan,Obang:- Mafe. 4,321. 100,422. Ejagham,Efik:- Calabar. 2,850. 140,731. Ododop,Kwa,Itam,Oku:- Enyong. 973. 175,849. Uruan,Oku,Okobo:- Uyo(part) 443. 296,608. Ikono,Annang:- Ikot-Ekpene. 455. 282,736. Ikwo,Nkanu,Isu-Ochi:- Abakaliki 1,839. 472,860. Edeta,Ohaozara:- Afrikpo. 725. 246,796. Boki,Ejagham,Nkum,Nkim: Ikom. 922 45,760. Ekuri,Yakurr,Oshobong:- Obubra 1,222. 109,870. Iyama,Ukelle,Yache,Bette:- Ogoja. 2,777. 206.925. Autazu:- Awgu. 424. 150,868. Eziama:- Awka. 671. 295.048. Abadja:- Nsukka. 1,314. 449,345.. Abadja:- Udi. 1,318. 406, 959. Abam,Ufutunshe:- Bende. 829. 322.145. Awhtanzu,eastern Ngwa: Okigwe. 587. 422.706. Egede,Orukpa,Otukpa,Ogledo:- Idoma. 230. 130,000. Okwogaeged. Southern Munshi:- Tiv. 4,500. 250,000. SOCIAL ENGINEERING BY IGBO TRIBES AND OTHERS TO ACHIEVE POLITICAL FINANCIAL GOALS IN NIGERIA:- It has of course been a common practice for Igbo tribalists to marry into other tribal groups. There can be little objection to this - if done for correct reasons. Where however,multiple wives are taken and it ends up with the minority wife being financially mistreated or dying,then the origin Igbo wife taking her place then we know that evil practices,are afoot. We have personal examples of this behaviour to our knowledge. The we must look at Social Engineering by population relocation. The lower Cross River area has four main rivers:- (1) CROSS RIVER (2) QUA IBOE RIVER(Known by Natives as Akwa Ibom River) (3)IMO RIVER (Igbo) Their Neighbours Annang Tribes(Ikot-Ekpene) (4) AKPA YAFE RIVER Southern Cameroon(Their Neighbours Le Republique du Cameroun. In earlier times the following tribes occupied these areas:- TRIBE LOCATION PRESENT TRIBE:- ANNANG ABA IGBO NKALU, IGO . AFRIKPO IGBO. NTEZi,OSOPONG. ABAKALIKI. IGBO In pre-colonial times the mechanism of Slaves Trade was used by those capturing Slaves to relocate tribes e.g:- Igbo - were absorbed into -Ijo,Ibibio,Ogoja.Idoma Communities. Ibibio,Idoma,Ogoja,were absorbed into Igbo Communities. Idoma,were absorbed into Ogoja,Ibibio Communities. Ekoi absorbed into Efik Communities. These massive relocations have served to remove tribes from their traditional tribal Lands. This continues to the present day. During the Biafran War My grandmother Madame Jenny Ekanem from the Duke Family witnessed the forceble removal of 400 people from Asang in Enyong her home town. Similar patterns were observed by witness Dr J.k.Ikpeme.Medical Officer who also served as a member of the Federal Government delegation at the Kampala Peace Talks. In Asang Town in Enyong from where Dr J.K.Ikpeme.originated. Dr Ikpeme described an instance where Biafran Soldiers,took about 400 people to unknown destination,another town called Attan Onoyon was burnt down with many people killed by Biafran Soldiers. In Ikot-Ekpenyong(in the present day (Akwa Ibom State) Biafrans shot many,similar killings were carried out by Biafran Soldiers and took places in Ikot-Okpot,Idoro,Ikot-Ekpene,and Akwa Ibom. He equally alleged that when Nigerian Troops landed in Calabar on October 18,1967. About 169 civilians in detension were lined up and shot by Biafran Soldiers. This same allegation was also published in the New York Times as an information advertisement by the Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Nigeria in New York. William Norris of the London Times visited Biafra,he also reported an eye acount in which men of Ibibio ethnic origin were beaten to death at Umuahia,on April 2,1968. Oral testimony by survivor-victims corrborate that Ikom men were suspected of collaborating with Nigerian Soldiers this led to Biafran Soldiers making arrest,looting,rapes,and other atrocities in the land. According to an eye witness Biafran soldiers took Ikom men to Ohafia for meeting but they never brought them back. Dr.Ikpeme portray similar pictures of gross atrocities but with different underlying objectives. Biafra ran a Special Operations group known as the Freedom Fighter (BOFF) This was a paramilitary organization set up by Civil groups in Bende. BAKANA TRIBES(Kalabari River is in Rivers State Port-Hartcourt) Dr J.K.Ikpeme,Medical Officer and William Norris of the London Times. A large population switch occurred when Sombrier River(New Calabar)Right spelling,New Kalabari River) It is in Rivers State in Port-Hartcourt) fell to the Federal Troops in Feb,1968 the news that followed was that the majority of the soldiers that led the operation were from Port-Hartcourt (Rivers young men)predominatly Kalabari as a result many from BAKANA one of the major Kalabari towns were removed and sent to IGBO Towns like:- Umuahia,Owerri,Abibiri,and Ozuitem. Another population transfer. IGBO TRIBES:- Bolo and Ogu,in Okirika,and Onne in Elem the villages suffered the same fate the IGBO were sent to BAKANA (Kalabari ) Rivers State in Port-Hartcourt. Similarly igbo then occupied the vacated area of Port-Hartcourt. It will be seen that tribalism has been practiced both openly and surreptitiously to remove innocent tribes from their traditional lands substitute them with interlopers. This is mainly practiced against the tribes in the Southern Nigeria. BAKASSI:- Let me move or to the Final Insult. The Bakassi Relocation. This is the greatest example of Social Engineering in living memory. Following the erroneous decision of the International Court,a so called Green Tree Agreement Understanding was made between Nigeria and Cameroon. this undertook that there should be no relocation of indigents from Bakassi (which they had occupied and nurtured for years)and that their property should be respected. What has happened? Precisely the opposite. The indigents were forcibly removed and now suffer in transit camps in Akwa Ibom State, Cross River State,etc. It follows a typical pattern of tribal exploitation which has taken place over years if not centuries. This matter is a breach of International Law. It should be referred again to the International Court Of human Rights so that justice should be done. It is no good to remove a whole nation and set it down elsewhere simple to prey upon their oil rights. Those who were involved as Fela once sang- are,International Thieves. To cover their tracks the new occupiers even change the old Places to make it appear the Ibibio/Efik had never been there e.g(IKOT-ETIM THE NEW AKWA IBOM STADIUM) (IKOT-EKPENYONG THE PRESENT AKWA IBOM STATE) And (IKOT-OBOT PRESENT AKWA IBOM STATE AIRPORT IN IKOT-ABASI (NEW OIL DISCOVERED THESE WERE OKOBO TRIBES.
Posted on: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 00:23:47 +0000

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