Sa ovim cfg-om xD LIKE Knife config by "eQue^" ...Srbija do jaja - TopicsExpress


Sa ovim cfg-om xD LIKE Knife config by "eQue^" ...Srbija do jaja ... .:Bindz:. .:MoveMent:. bind "w" "+forward" bind "s" "+back" bind "a" "+moveleft" bind "d" "+moveright" bind "shift" "+speed" .:Mouse:. bind "mouse1" "+attack1" bind "mouse2" "+attack2" bind "mouse3" "+attack2" bind "mwheeldown" "+dd" bind "mwheelup" "+jump" .:Moves:. bind "ctrl" "+duck" bind "space" "+jump" .:Slot:. bind "0" "slot10" bind "1" "slot1" bind "2" "slot2" bind "3" "slot3" bind "4" "slot4" bind "5" "slot5" bind "6" "slot6" bind "7" "slot7" bind "8" "slot8" bind "9" "slot9" .:NameChanger:. bind "kp_end" "name e-mANy" bind "kp_downarrow" "name e-wILy" bind "kp_pgdn" "name e-mAEr" bind "kp_leftarrow" "name e-pURy" bind "kp_5" "name e-kALy" bind "kp_rightarrow" "name e-aNDy" bind "kp_home" "name e-lIDy" bind "kp_uparrow" "name e-nODy" bind "kp_pgup" "name e-lASt" .:AMX:. bind "F1" "amxmodmenu" bind "z" "+Grab" bind "x" "+Hook" bind "c" "+Push" bind "v" "+Pull" .:MessageMode:. bind "y" "messagemode" bind "u" "messagemode2" bind "i" "messagemode amx_Say" bind "o" "messagemode amx_tsayy" bind "p" "messagemode amx_chat" .:Impulse:. bind "t" "impulse 201" bind "f" "impulse 100" .:Say:. bind "UPARROW" "amx_say Lepljenje na gredi = kick, ban" bind "DOWNARROW" "amx_say Ici 2(Ili vise) na 1 = kick, ban" bind "LEFTARROW" "amx_say Bilo koji vid skripti ili citeva = kick, ban" bind "RIGHTARROW" "amx_say Klanje sa ledja = kick, ban" bind "alt" "amx_say Zabranjeno je koriscenje skripti ili citeva, ici 2 vs 1, napadati sa ledja ili vredjanje ADMINA ili drugih igraca!!!" .:Other:. bind "tab" "+showscores" bind "ESCAPE" "cancelselect" bind "h" "+commandmenu" bind "g" "drop" bind "m" "chooseteam" bind "~" "toggleconsole" bind "k" "+voicerecord" bind "ENTER" "reloadscript" .:Colors:. alias black "con_color 0+0+0" alias darkergrey "con_color 51+51+51" alias darkgrey "con_color 66+66+66" alias lightergrey "con_color 90+90+90" alias evenlightergrey "con_color 150+150+150" alias lightiergrey "con_color 190+190+190" alias lightestgrey "con_color 220+220+220" alias white "con_color 255+255+255" alias red "con_color 255+51+51" alias darkred "con_color 204+0+0" alias lightred "con_color 255+0+0" alias green "con_color 0+204+51" alias darkgreen "con_color 0+102+0" alias lightgreen "con_color 0+255+0" alias blue "con_color 0+102+102" alias darkblue "con_color 0+0+153" alias lightblue "con_color 0+0+255" alias purple "con_color 204+0+153" alias darkpurple "con_color 204+0+255" alias lightpurple "con_color 255+0+255" alias brown "con_color 153+153+102" alias yellow "con_color 255+255+0" alias orange "con_color 255+102+51" alias pink "con_color 255+0+204" alias darkpink "con_color 204+102+153" .:Scripts:. .:Double Duck:. bind "e" "+dd" alias "+dd" "+duck;wait;-duck;wait;+duck" alias "-dd" "-duck" .:Quick Stab:. alias +q_stab "weapon_knife;w;+attack2" alias -q_stab "-attack2;lastinv" .:Quick Slash:. alias +q_slash "weapon_knife;w;+attack" alias -q_slash "-attack;lastinv" .:-Quick Stab:. alias +quickstab "weapon_knife; w; +attack2" alias -quickstab "w3; -attack2; w; bestweap" .:-Quick Slash:. alias +quickslash "weapon_knife; w; +attack" alias -quickslash "w3; -attack; w; bestweap" .:ProScript:. Alias CBWloading "echo ....::::[Counter-Strike]::::....; echo ----::::[=]===[1.6]===[=]::::----; echo ******LOADING**CONFIG**FILE******; speak loading; wait40; speak on; wait30; speak the; wait20; speak computer " CBWloading alias echo_on "motdfile echo.txt; cl_showfps 0" alias echo_off "developer 1; motd; developer 0; motdfile motd.txt" alias +bhop "alias _special !jump; special" alias -bhop "alias _special" alias !jump "special; wait; +jump; wait; -jump" alias +bduckhop "alias _special !duckjump; special" alias -bduckhop "alias _special" alias !duckjump "special; wait; +jump; +duck; wait; -jump; -duck" alias +duckjump "+jump; +duck" alias -duckjump "-jump; -duck" alias bhop_s "bhop_on" alias hopduck_s "hopduck_off" alias bhop_on "bind space +bhop; echo_on; motd_write ..::[CBW]::..[Bunny-hop: ON]; echo_off; alias bhop_s bhop_off" alias bhop_off "bind space +jump; echo_on; motd_write ..::[CBW]::..[Bunny-hop: OFF]; echo_off; alias bhop_s bhop_on" alias bduckhop_on "bind space +bduckhop; echo_on; motd_write ..::[CBW]::..[[DUCK]Bunny-hop: ON]; echo_off; alias bhop_s bduckhop_off" alias bduckhop_off "bind space +duckjump; echo_on; motd_write ..::[CBW]::..[[DUCK]Bunny-hop: OFF]; echo_off; alias bhop_s bduckhop_on" alias hopduck_on "echo_on; motd_write ..::[CBW]::..[Duck-on-jump: ON]; echo_off; alias hopduck_s hopduck_off; alias bhop_s bduckhop_on" alias hopduck_off "echo_on; motd_write ..::[CBW]::..[Duck-on-jump: OFF]; echo_off; alias hopduck_s hopduck_on; alias bhop_s bhop_on" alias reload_s "reload_on" alias reload_c "reloadc_off" alias echo_on "motdfile echo.txt; cl_showfps 0" alias echo_off "developer 1; motd; developer 0; motdfile motd.txt" alias reload_on "bind r +reloading; echo_on; motd_write ..::[CBW]::..[Alert-when-reloading: ON]; echo_off; alias reload_s reload_off" alias reload_off "bind r +reloadd; echo_on; motd_write ..::[CBW]::..[Alert-when-reloading: OFF]; echo_off; alias reload_s reload_on" alias +reloading " +reload; coverme; say_team Cover me! I`m reloading!..::[CBW]::.. - Auto MSG; echo [CBW]Reloading" alias -reloading " -reload" alias +reloadingc " +reload; binder; coverme; say_team Cover me! I`m reloading!..::[CBW]::.. - Auto MSG; echo [CBW]Reloading" alias -reloadingc " -reload" alias +reloadd "+reload; echo ..::[CBW]::..Reloading" alias -reloadd "-reload" alias +reloaddc "+reload; binder; echo ..::[CBW]::..Reloading" alias -reloaddc "-reload" alias reload_onc "bind r +reloadingc; echo_on; motd_write ..::[CBW]::..[R.C.][Alert-when-reloading: ON]; echo_off; alias reload_s reload_offc" alias reload_offc "bind r +reloaddc; echo_on; motd_write ..::[CBW]::..[R.C.][Alert-when-reloading: OFF]; echo_off; alias reload_s reload_onc" alias reloadc_on "echo_on; motd_write ..::[CBW]::..[Reload cancling: ON]; echo_off; alias reload_c reloadc_off; alias reload_s reload_offc" alias reloadc_off "echo_on; motd_write ..::[CBW]::..[Reload cancling: OFF]; echo_off; alias reload_c reloadc_on; alias reload_s reload_on" alias recanc "lastinv; lastinv; bind MOUSE1 +atackuse" alias binder "bind MOUSE1 recanc" alias radiocycdn "rc3" alias radiocycup "rc1" alias rc1 "radio1; echo_on; motd_write ..::[CBW]::.. RADIO1; echo_off; alias radiocycup rc2; alias radiocycdn rc3" alias rc2 "radio2; echo_on; motd_write ..::[CBW]::.. RADIO2; echo_off; alias radiocycup rc3; alias radiocycdn rc1" alias rc3 "radio3; echo_on; motd_write ..::[CBW]::.. RADIO3; echo_off; alias radiocycup rc1; alias radiocycdn rc2" alias buymsg_s "buymsg_on" alias buymsg_on "bind KP_UPARROW shot; bind KP_PGDN AWPset; bind KP_LEFTARROW armour; bind KP_INS buyammo12; bind KP_END akm4; bind KP_DOWNARROW sgaug; bind KP_RIGHTARROW granates; echo_on; motd_write ..::[CBW]::..[Show-in-team-what-I-bought: ON]; echo_off; alias buymsg_s buymsg_off" alias buymsg_off "bind KP_UPARROW shotno; bind KP_PGDN AWPsetno; bind KP_LEFTARROW armourno; bind KP_INS buyammo123; bind KP_END akm4no; bind KP_DOWNARROW sgaugno; bind KP_RIGHTARROW granatesno; echo_on; motd_write ..::[CBW]::..[Show-in-team-what-I-bought: OFF]; echo_off; alias buymsg_s buymsg_on" alias buyammo22 "buyammo2; buyammo2; buyammo2; buyammo2; buyammo2; buyammo2; buyammo2; buyammo2; buyammo2; buyammo2" alias buyammo11 "buyammo1; buyammo1; buyammo1; buyammo1; buyammo1; buyammo1; buyammo1; buyammo1; buyammo1" alias buyammo12 "buyammo11; buyammo22; defuser; say_team Ammo and defuse kit bought! ..::[CBW]::.. - Auto MSG" alias buyammo123 "buyammo11; buyammo22; defuser" alias akm4 "ak47; m4a1; say_team M4A1/AK-47 bought! ..::[CBW]::.. - Auto MSG" alias akm4no "ak47; m4a1" alias sgaug "sg552; aug; say_team Bullpup/Krieg552 bought! ..::[CBW]::.. - Auto MSG" alias sgaugno "sg552; aug" alias shot "m3; deagle; say_team Shotgun(M3) and DEAGLE bought! ..::[CBW]::.. - Auto MSG" alias shotno "m3; deagle" alias granates "flash; flash; hegren; sgren; sgren; say_team Flashx2, HEx1, Smokex1 bought! ..::[CBW]::.. - Auto MSG" alias granatesno "flash; flash; hegren; sgren; sgren" alias armour "vesthelm; vest; say_team Armour bought! ..::[CBW]::.. - Auto MSG" alias armourno "vesthelm; vest" alias AWPset "awp; deagle; say_team AWP and DEAGLE bought! ..::[CBW]::.. - Auto MSG" alias AWPsetno "awp; deagle" alias BUYKEYS "echo ********Config**By**WorXer********; echo :::::::Buying::Keys::List:::::::; echo **Ammo and defuse kit: NUM 0; echo **AK47 or M4A1: NUM 1; echo **Krieg552 or Bullpup: NUM 2; echo **AWP and Deagle: NUM 3; echo **Armour: NUM 4; echo **Granades: NUM 6; echo **M3 and DEAGLE: NUM 8; echo :::::::End::Of::List:::::::" alias +hethrow "weapon_hegrenade;wait;+attack" alias -hethrow "-attack" alias knife_s "knife_stab" alias knife_stab "bind v +knifestab; echo_on; motd_write ..::[CBW]::.. Knife-mode: STAB; echo_off; alias knife_s knife_slash" alias knife_slash "bind v +knifeslash; echo_on; motd_write ..::[CBW]::.. Knife-mode: SLASH; echo_off; alias knife_s knife_stab" alias +knifestab "weapon_knife; wait; +attack2" alias -knifestab "-attack2; lastinv" alias +knifeslash "weapon_knife; wait; +attack" alias -knifeslash "-attack; lastinv" alias CBWbasichelp "echo **Key commans working in game only!" alias CBWNkeys "echo **Quich Knife use(Knife-Mode): V ; echo **Switch radio commands with: X(previous) and C(next)" alias CBWFkeys "echo **Switch Knife mode: F2; echo **Switch mouse sensitivity: F3(previous) and F4(next); echo **Show which config you have: F5; echo **Show what you bought ON/OFF: F6; echo **Duck on jump ON/OFF: F7; echo **Bunny hop ON/OFF: F8; echo **Reload cancel ON/OFF: F9; echo **Reload alert ON/OFF: F10; echo **Anti-recoil ON/OFF: F11; echo **Fire mode switch: F12" alias CBWMkeys "echo **Throw HE: MOUSE3(hold); echo **Gaming Mouse needed for next commands!; echo **Crosshair color change RED/BLACK: MOUSE4; echo **Crosshair translucent ON/OFF: MOUSE5" alias CBWKkeys "echo **Plant bomb: NUM +(hold); echo **Defuse bomb: NUM -(hold); echo **For buykeys: NUM 5; echo **Or Write in console: BUYKEYS; echo **(keys will be writen in console)**" alias CBWhelp "echo ********Config**By**WorXer*******; echo :::::::Commands::List::1:::::::; CBWbasichelp; CBWFkeys; echo **For more CBW help write: CBWhelp2; echo ******END**Of**Help**List**1******" alias CBWhelp2 "echo :::::::Commands::List::2:::::::; CBWNkeys; CBWKkeys;CBWMkeys; echo ******END**Of**Help**List**2******" alias wait5 "wait;wait;wait;wait;wait" alias wait10 "wait5;wait5" alias wait15 "wait10;wait5" alias wait20 "wait10;wait10" alias wait30 "wait20;wait10" alias wait40 "wait20;wait20" alias wait50 "wait40;wait10" alias wait60 "wait50;wait10" alias atack_typ "atack_norm" alias antirclcyc "antircl_on" alias +atackuse "+atack_auto" alias -atackuse "-atack_auto" alias atack_brust "bind mouse1 +atack_brust; echo_on; motd_write ..::[CBW]::..[Shoot-type: BRUST]; echo_off; alias atack_typ atack_norm; alias +atackuse +atack_brust; alias -atackuse -atack_brust" alias atack_norm "bind mouse1 +attack; echo_on; motd_write ..::[CBW]::..[Shoot-Type: NORMAL]; echo_off; alias atack_typ atack_auto; alias +atackuse +attack; alias -atackuse -attack" alias atack_auto "bind mouse1 +atack_auto; echo_on; motd_write ..::[CBW]::..[Shoot-Type: AUTOMATIC]; echo_off; alias atack_typ atack_brustf; alias +atackuse +atack_auto; alias -atackuse -atack_auto" alias atack_brustf "bind mouse1 +atack_brustf; echo_on; motd_write ..::[CBW]::..[Shoot-type: AUTO(SLOW)]; echo_off; alias atack_typ atack_brust; alias +atackuse +atack_brustf; alias -atackuse -atack_brustf" alias atack_brustr "bind mouse1 +atack_brustr; echo_on; motd_write ..::[CBW]::..[Shoot-type: BRUST[A.R.]]; echo_off; alias atack_typ atack_normr; alias +atackuse +atack_brustr; alias -atackuse -atack_brustr" alias atack_normr "bind mouse1 +antircl; cl_pitchspeed 3; echo_on; motd_write ..::[CBW]::..[Shoot-Type: NORMAL[A.R.]]; echo_off; alias atack_typ atack_autor; alias +atackuse +antircl; alias -atackuse -antircl" alias atack_autor "bind mouse1 +atack_autor; echo_on; motd_write ..::[CBW]::..[Shoot-Type: AUTOMATIC[A.R.]]; echo_off; alias atack_typ atack_brustfr; alias +atackuse +atack_autor; alias -atackuse -atack_autor" alias atack_brustfr "bind mouse1 +atack_brustfr; echo_on; motd_write ..::[CBW]::..[Shoot-type: AUTO(SLOW)[A.R.]]; echo_off; alias atack_typ atack_brustr; alias +atackuse +atack_brustfr; alias -atackuse -atack_brustfr" alias +antircl "+attack; +lookdown;" alias -antircl "-attack; -lookdown;" alias antircl_on "echo_on; motd_write ..::[CBW]::.. [Anti-recoil: ON]; echo_off; alias atack_typ atack_normr ; alias antirclcyc antircl_off" alias antircl_off "echo_on; motd_write ..::[CBW]::.. [Anti-recoil: OFF]; echo_off; alias atack_typ atack_norm ; alias antirclcyc antircl_on" alias +atack_brustr "alias _special !atack_brustr; special" alias -atack_brustr "alias _special" alias !atack_brustr "special; wait; cl_pitchspeed 3; +antircl; wait10; -antircl; wait30" alias +atack_brustfr "alias _special !atack_brustfr; special" alias -atack_brustfr "alias _special" alias !atack_brustfr "special; wait; cl_pitchspeed 4; +antircl; wait; -antircl; wait15" alias +atack_autor "alias _special !atack_autor; special" alias -atack_autor "alias _special" alias !atack_autor "special; cl_pitchspeed 5; wait; +antircl; wait; -antircl" alias +atack_brust "alias _special !atack_brust; special" alias -atack_brust "alias _special" alias !atack_brust "special; wait; +attack; wait10; -attack; wait30" alias +atack_brustf "alias _special !atack_brustf; special" alias -atack_brustf "alias _special" alias !atack_brustf "special; wait; +attack; wait; -attack; wait15" alias +atack_auto "alias _special !atack_auto; special" alias -atack_auto "alias _special" alias !atack_auto "special; wait; +attack; wait; -attack" alias ctracyc "ctra1" alias ctra1 "cl_crosshair_translucent 0; echo_on; motd_write ..::[CBW]::.. Crosshair-translucent: OFF; echo_off; alias ctracyc ctra2" alias ctra2 "cl_crosshair_translucent 1; echo_on; motd_write ..::[CBW]::.. Crosshair-translucent: ON; echo_off; alias ctracyc ctra1" alias ccolcyc "ccol1" alias ccol1 "cl_crosshair_color 0; echo_on; motd_write ..::[CBW]::.. Crosshair-color: BLACK; echo_off; alias ccolcyc ccol2" alias ccol2 "cl_crosshair_color 250; echo_on; motd_write ..::[CBW]::.. Crosshair-color: RED; echo_off; alias ccolcyc ccol1" alias +plant "weapon_c4; wait; +duck; wait; +attack" alias -plant "-attack; -duck; lastinv" alias +defuse "+duck; wait; +use" alias -defuse "-duck; -use" alias reloadscript "exec userconfig.cfg; echo **Reloading config ..." alias +netscore "+score; net_graph 1; net_graphpos 2; net_graphwidth 400" alias -netscore "-score; net_graph 0" alias mspeeddn "mspeed9.5" alias mspeedup "mspeed10" alias mspeed1 "sensitivity 1; echo_on; motd_write ..::[CBW]::.. Mouse-sensitivity: {I-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=} [1.0]; echo_off; alias mspeedup mspeed1.5; alias mspeeddn mspeed20" alias mspeed1.5 "sensitivity 1.5; echo_on; motd_write ..::[CBW]::.. Mouse-sensitivity: {=I=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=} [1.5]; echo_off; alias mspeedup mspeed2; alias mspeeddn mspeed1" alias mspeed2 "sensitivity 2; echo_on; motd_write ..::[CBW]::.. Mouse-sensitivity: {=-I-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=} [2.0]; echo_off; alias mspeedup mspeed2.5; alias mspeeddn mspeed1.5" alias mspeed2.5 "sensitivity 2.5; echo_on; motd_write ..::[CBW]::.. Mouse-sensitivity: {=-=I=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=} [2.5]; echo_off; alias mspeedup mspeed3; alias mspeeddn mspeed2" alias mspeed3 "sensitivity 3; echo_on; motd_write ..::[CBW]::.. Mouse-sensitivity: {=-=-I-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=} [3.0]; echo_off; alias mspeedup mspeed3.5; alias mspeeddn mspeed2.5" alias mspeed3.5 "sensitivity 3.5; echo_on; motd_write ..::[CBW]::.. Mouse-sensitivity: {=-=-=I=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=} [3.5]; echo_off; alias mspeedup mspeed4; alias mspeeddn mspeed3" alias mspeed4 "sensitivity 4; echo_on; motd_write ..::[CBW]::.. Mouse-sensitivity: {=-=-=-I-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=} [4.0]; echo_off; alias mspeedup mspeed4.5; alias mspeeddn mspeed3.5" alias mspeed4.5 "sensitivity 4.5; echo_on; motd_write ..::[CBW]::.. Mouse-sensitivity: {=-=-=-=I=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=} [4.5]; echo_off; alias mspeedup mspeed5; alias mspeeddn mspeed4" alias mspeed5 "sensitivity 5; echo_on; motd_write ..::[CBW]::.. Mouse-sensitivity: {=-=-=-=-I-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=} [5.0]; echo_off; alias mspeedup mspeed5.5; alias mspeeddn mspeed4.5" alias mspeed5.5 "sensitivity 5.5; echo_on; motd_write ..::[CBW]::.. Mouse-sensitivity: {=-=-=-=-=I=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=} [5.5]; echo_off; alias mspeedup mspeed6; alias mspeeddn mspeed5" alias mspeed6 "sensitivity 6; echo_on; motd_write ..::[CBW]::.. Mouse-sensitivity: {=-=-=-=-=-I-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=} [6.0]; echo_off; alias mspeedup mspeed6.5; alias mspeeddn mspeed5.5" alias mspeed6.5 "sensitivity 6.5; echo_on; motd_write ..::[CBW]::.. Mouse-sensitivity: {=-=-=-=-=-=I=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=} [6.5]; echo_off; alias mspeedup mspeed7; alias mspeeddn mspeed6" alias mspeed7 "sensitivity 7; echo_on; motd_write ..::[CBW]::.. Mouse-sensitivity: {=-=-=-=-=-=-I-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=} [7.0]; echo_off; alias mspeedup mspeed7.5; alias mspeeddn mspeed6.5" alias mspeed7.5 "sensitivity 7.5; echo_on; motd_write ..::[CBW]::.. Mouse-sensitivity: {=-=-=-=-=-=-=I=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=} [7.5]; echo_off; alias mspeedup mspeed8; alias mspeeddn mspeed7" alias mspeed8 "sensitivity 8; echo_on; motd_write ..::[CBW]::.. Mouse-sensitivity: {=-=-=-=-=-=-=-I-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=} [8.0]; echo_off; alias mspeedup mspeed8.5; alias mspeeddn mspeed7.5" alias mspeed8.5 "sensitivity 8.5; echo_on; motd_write ..::[CBW]::.. Mouse-sensitivity: {=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=I=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=} [8.5]; echo_off; alias mspeedup mspeed9; alias mspeeddn mspeed8" alias mspeed9 "sensitivity 9; echo_on; motd_write ..::[CBW]::.. Mouse-sensitivity: {=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-I-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=} [9.0]; echo_off; alias mspeedup mspeed9.5; alias mspeeddn mspeed8.5" alias mspeed9.5 "sensitivity 9.5; echo_on; motd_write ..::[CBW]::.. Mouse-sensitivity: {=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=I=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=} [9.5]; echo_off; alias mspeedup mspeed10; alias mspeeddn mspeed9" alias mspeed10 "sensitivity 10; echo_on; motd_write ..::[CBW]::.. Mouse-sensitivity: {=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-I-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=} [10.0]; echo_off; alias mspeedup mspeed10.5; alias mspeeddn mspeed9.5" alias mspeed10.5 "sensitivity 10.5; echo_on; motd_write ..::[CBW]::.. Mouse-sensitivity: {=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=I=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=} [10.5]; echo_off; alias mspeedup mspeed11; alias mspeeddn mspeed10" alias mspeed11 "sensitivity 11; echo_on; motd_write ..::[CBW]::.. Mouse-sensitivity: {=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-I-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=} [11.0]; echo_off; alias mspeedup mspeed11.5; alias mspeeddn mspeed10.5" alias mspeed11.5 "sensitivity 11.5; echo_on; motd_write ..::[CBW]::.. Mouse-sensitivity: {=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=I=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=} [11.5]; echo_off; alias mspeedup mspeed12; alias mspeeddn mspeed11" alias mspeed12 "sensitivity 12; echo_on; motd_write ..::[CBW]::.. Mouse-sensitivity: {=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-I-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=} [12.0]; echo_off; alias mspeedup mspeed12.5; alias mspeeddn mspeed11.5" alias mspeed12.5 "sensitivity 12.5; echo_on; motd_write ..::[CBW]::.. Mouse-sensitivity: {=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=I=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=} [12.5]; echo_off; alias mspeedup mspeed13; alias mspeeddn mspeed12" alias mspeed13 "sensitivity 13; echo_on; motd_write ..::[CBW]::.. Mouse-sensitivity: {=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-I-=-=-=-=-=-=-=} [13.0]; echo_off; alias mspeedup mspeed13.5; alias mspeeddn mspeed12.5" alias mspeed13.5 "sensitivity 13.5; echo_on; motd_write ..::[CBW]::.. Mouse-sensitivity: {=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=I=-=-=-=-=-=-=} [13.5]; echo_off; alias mspeedup mspeed14; alias mspeeddn mspeed13" alias mspeed14 "sensitivity 14; echo_on; motd_write ..::[CBW]::.. Mouse-sensitivity: {=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-I-=-=-=-=-=-=} [14.0]; echo_off; alias mspeedup mspeed14.5; alias mspeeddn mspeed13.5" alias mspeed14.5 "sensitivity 14.5; echo_on; motd_write ..::[CBW]::.. Mouse-sensitivity: {=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=I=-=-=-=-=-=} [14.5]; echo_off; alias mspeedup mspeed15; alias mspeeddn mspeed14" alias mspeed15 "sensitivity 15; echo_on; motd_write ..::[CBW]::.. Mouse-sensitivity: {=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-I-=-=-=-=-=} [15.0]; echo_off; alias mspeedup mspeed15.5; alias mspeeddn mspeed14.5" alias mspeed15.5 "sensitivity 15.5; echo_on; motd_write ..::[CBW]::.. Mouse-sensitivity: {=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=I=-=-=-=-=} [15.5]; echo_off; alias mspeedup mspeed16; alias mspeeddn mspeed15" alias mspeed16 "sensitivity 16; echo_on; motd_write ..::[CBW]::.. Mouse-sensitivity: {=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-I-=-=-=-=} [16.0]; echo_off; alias mspeedup mspeed16.5; alias mspeeddn mspeed15.5" alias mspeed16.5 "sensitivity 16.5; echo_on; motd_write ..::[CBW]::.. Mouse-sensitivity: {=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=I=-=-=-=} [16.5]; echo_off; alias mspeedup mspeed17; alias mspeeddn mspeed16" alias mspeed17 "sensitivity 17; echo_on; motd_write ..::[CBW]::.. Mouse-sensitivity: {=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-I-=-=-=} [17.0]; echo_off; alias mspeedup mspeed17.5; alias mspeeddn mspeed16.5" alias mspeed17.5 "sensitivity 17.5; echo_on; motd_write ..::[CBW]::.. Mouse-sensitivity: {=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=I=-=-=} [17.5]; echo_off; alias mspeedup mspeed18; alias mspeeddn mspeed17" alias mspeed18 "sensitivity 18; echo_on; motd_write ..::[CBW]::.. Mouse-sensitivity: {=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-I-=-=} [18.0]; echo_off; alias mspeedup mspeed18.5; alias mspeeddn mspeed17.5" alias mspeed18.5 "sensitivity 18.5; echo_on; motd_write ..::[CBW]::.. Mouse-sensitivity: {=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=I=-=} [18.5]; echo_off; alias mspeedup mspeed19; alias mspeeddn mspeed18" alias mspeed19 "sensitivity 19; echo_on; motd_write ..::[CBW]::.. Mouse-sensitivity: {=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-I-=} [19.0]; echo_off; alias mspeedup mspeed19.5; alias mspeeddn mspeed18.5" alias mspeed19.5 "sensitivity 19.5; echo_on; motd_write ..::[CBW]::.. Mouse-sensitivity: {=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=I=} [19.5]; echo_off; alias mspeedup mspeed20; alias mspeeddn mspeed19" alias mspeed20 "sensitivity 20; echo_on; motd_write ..::[CBW]::.. Mouse-sensitivity: {=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-I} [20.0]; echo_off; alias mspeedup mspeed1; alias mspeeddn mspeed19.5" .:Configurations:. m_pitch "0.022" m_yaw "0.022" m_forward "1" m_side "0.8" m_filter "0" sv_aim "1" gl_keeptjunctions "1" fps tweaks ....................................................................................... cl_fixtimerate "7.5" cl_movespeedkey 0.589 cl_anglespeedkey "0.670" cl_updaterate "101" cl_dlmax "80" cl_cmdbackup "2" cl_cmdrate "101" cl_resend "2" rate "25000" hud_fastswitch "1" hud_centerid "1" _cl_autowepswitch "0" ati_subdiv "0" ati_npatch "0" gamma "8" brightness "8" cl_crosshair_color "250 50 250" cl_forwardspeed "999" cl_sidespeed "999" cl_backspeed "999" cl_shadows "0" cl_weather "0" max_smokepuffs "0" netgraph ....................................................................................... gamma "8" cl_bob "0.008" cl_rate "9999" fps_max "150" fps_modem "0" mat_dxlevel "-70" graphics ....................................................................................... developer "0" ex_interp "0.01" ex_extrapmax "3.0" setinfo "_vgui_menus" "0" setinfo "_ah" "0" ........................................................................................ ati_subdiv 0 ati_npatch 0 s_eax 0 s_a3d 0 .:Configurations:. violence_hblood "0" violence_ablood "0" violence_agibs "0" violence_hgibs "0" net_graph "0" ----------------------------- -Anti recoil & Shoting modes F11 - Turn ON/OFF A.R. F12 - Switch shoting modes NORMAL - normal AUTOMATIC - Usefull for pistols, fast shooting, so you dont need clicking you just hold mouse1 SLOW AUTOMATIC - slow autmotaic BURST - burst -Reload cancel&alert F10 - Turn ON/OFF reload alert. (say to team "Cover me, i am reloading" and use coverme radio) F9 - Turn reload cancler ON/OFF (its is usefull, if someone atack you, and you are in reloading, when you press mouse1 the script will cancel reload. And than you can kill the attacker) -Bunny hop F8 - Turn ON/OFF bunny hop -Duck on jump F7 - Turn ON/OFF duck on jump ( While you jump the script will automaticly duck, it is usefull on bunnyhop, becouse attacker have smaller chance to hit you) -MSG mode F6 - turn ON/OFF MSG mode(This mode show in team, what you bought) -Show, you are using CBW 3.0 F5 - Show to other player which config you have -Mouse sensitivity switch F4 - Mouse sensitivity switch to higher F3 - Mouse sensitivity switch to lower -Knife mode F2 - Change fast knife use mode stab/slash V - Fast knife use -Radio switch X - Switch radio (previous) C - Switch radio (next) -Fast he throw MOUSE3 - script swith to he granade and throw it. (you need to hold button) -Crosshair moding (gaming mouse needed) MOUSE4 - change crosshair color RED/BLACK MOUSE5 - Turn crosshair translucent ON/OFF -Reload script ENTER - Script will be reloaded if it is in userconfig.cfg (usefull on some server which gives u some other commands for F keys - Normaly those commands are for quit the game) -Score&net-graph show TAB - Will show you scores and net_graph -Fast plant/defuse NUM + - plant (script will duck, switch to bomb and plant it.) NUM - - defuse (go to bomb, and press he key and script will duck+defuse)
Posted on: Wed, 19 Jun 2013 10:51:48 +0000

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