Saath Nibhana Saathiya 9th July 2013 Written Episode The episode - TopicsExpress


Saath Nibhana Saathiya 9th July 2013 Written Episode The episode starts off with the short person – dwarf – near the doorway whistling at Raashi and feeling infatuated by her looks. Raashi is distracted and feels something is amiss. She comes over and gives a knock on the head of the dwarf, who fakes a cry and creates a scene. Raashi tries to pacify the dwarf who tries to arm-twist Raashi to give him a peck on the cheek. Kinjal who arrives, brakes up the scene, dwarf runs away. Ahem and Jigar arrive home, Ahem seemed upset and uncomfortable, refuses any refreshment, says he is not hungry. does not talk to Gopi. Kokila observes this. Jigar and Raashi get cosy, Raashi says she is tired, Jigar makes her to feel comfortable by holding hands. The dwarf comes and throws pebbles or something at Jigar, after few throws and hits, Raashi looks down the corridor but dwarf is not to be seen. in between Urmilaa tries to patch up with the women folk of her building, they are having tea and snacks. one of the ladies, tells Urmilaa to keep away from them as they had enough of her – Urmilaa’s – bad behaviour. The two lady teachers are waiting for a word, news from the dwarf. they decide to call him. At the Dining hall, Pintoo the dwarf wants Raashi to feed him, Raashi is irritated, speaks bit harshly, Cellular Phone rings, Kokila says the call must be from Urmilaa, but Raashi finds her phone silent, the call is for Pintoo from the teachers, his phone is in the bag. Pintoo diverts attention by saying he is hungry, an irritated Raashi stuffs food into his mouth. Pintoo and the teachers somewhere by the Roadside. Teachers want to do something and as to why the plan is not implemented. Dwarf assures that the next day he would do the job as per plan. He offers excuse that he could not do so that day, someone or other was with him. Kinjal who was cursing the dwarf for her delay to go home, misses the trio of the dwarf and the teachers. The next day ; Kinjal arrives early, later the dwarf arrives, an upset Ahem leaves for office. Dwarf is clicking pictures of Raashi, is approached by Meera. the Dwarf tries to make Meera go away who cries. Raashi sees a running away dwarf. Raashi is suspicious and uncomfortable by the dwarf’s behaviour. In the hall a worried Kokila is noticed by Hetal. Kokila feels that Kinjal is not up to the mark and has not been able to take responsibilities like Gopi. She also feels that in helping Kinjal on to her feet, she, Kokila, is not denying Ahem his place in the house and thus creating a storm in Ahem, Gopi’s relationship. Raashi arrives with her fears, both women ask her the what is bothering her, Raashi says that Pintoo makes her feel uncomfortable, but they say he is only a child, the dwarf, I mean. Urmilaa is cursing her hard luck, for she has to do the housework. Cellular call is from Raashi who bares her heart out regarding the dwarf who is ogling at her. Urmilaa finds it funny. An angry Raashi hangs up the call. Dwarf pulls out from his pocket some reddish liquid and decides to put it on the footwear of the children so that they get sore feet. Again he is stopped by little Meera, he tries to send her away, Meera cries, Raashi comes over. Episode ends on Raashi’s face as she notices something.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Jul 2013 10:17:46 +0000

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