Sabbath School Summary Lesson 13 The Second Coming of - TopicsExpress


Sabbath School Summary Lesson 13 The Second Coming of Jesus Memory Text: John 14: 1-3 SATURDAY: The second coming of Jesus is mentioned more than three hundred times in the New Testament. Without the promise of His coming, our faith would be in vain. A Seventh-day Adventist we are to proclaim His glorious appearing to others. SUNDAY: The disciples of Jesus were filled with sorrow as their Master Jesus proclaimed His temporal separation from them. He fulfilled His promises by raising Jarius daughter from death, raising up on the third day after His death, and giving His Holy Spirit to His disciples during the Pentecost day. Fulfillment of His promises at time past gives us an assurance that Hell fulfill His promise to us by coming the second time. MONDAY: The purpose of Christ return is to proclaim judgement on all people. When Jesus comes, the destiny of each human being will already have been decided. Although we will be judge by our works, we are saved by grace received by faith in Jesus. At the sound of the voice of Jesus, the righteous dead shall awake from their graves and will be clothed with Immortal glory. And the living righteous and the risen saints unite their voices in a long, glad shout of victory. TUESDAY: Jesus knowing that there will be wrong teachings concerning His second advent warned His disciples against people who will come in His name. As lightning cannot be hidden and flashes throughout the sky in such a way that everyone can see it so will be the second coming of Jesus. He will descend with all His majesty and magnificence surrounded by all the holy angels. WEDNESDAY: The signs of Jesus second coming were not given to us for us to determine the date of His return but to alert us about the nearness of His second appearing. For “ ‘of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only’ ” (Matthew 24:36).Death is a deep unconscious sleep. We close our eyes in death and, whether one year has passed or one thousand years have passed, the next thing we know is the second coming of Jesus. THURSDAY: As we patiently watch and making ourselves ready for the second coming of Jesus, we are to work and not to be idle. We are to emulate the faithful servant who carried out the tasks his master entrusted to him during the master’s absence. Death can end our opportunities to make things right with God even when Christ delays. Satan wants to make us postpone our preparation for Jesus return. We must therefore make ourselves ready for His coming such that even at death we are sure to awake again to eternal glory. FRIDAY: When the signs of Jesus return appears in the skies, the people of God will know and in solemn silence theyll gaze upon it as it draws nearer the earth. No human pen can portray the scene; no mortal mind is adequate to conceive its splendor. Ellen G. White, “On the Mount of Olives,” pp. 627–636, in The Desire of Ages; “Heralds of the Morning,” pp. 299–316, in The Great Controversy.
Posted on: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 02:07:25 +0000

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