Sabbath School Summary Lesson 7 Taming The Tongue Memory Text: - TopicsExpress


Sabbath School Summary Lesson 7 Taming The Tongue Memory Text: Matthew 12:37 SATURDAY: Our words can give assurance and also can be a poison to others. They are capable of shaping the lives of people. Children automatically speaks in the language they are born into, their future successes and failures are influenced by the words they hear from their parents at their younger age. Written words are powerful too, especially the word of God (Proverbs 25:11, Psalm 119:105, John 6:63). We are therefore to be cautious in our words, both oral and written. SUNDAY: Although God is the measure of all things and not man, dependence on God tends to diminish as knowledge increases. Teachers in the church and Christian schools have a heavy responsibility as they shape the minds of people. Some because of reputation uses methods that squeezes out faith in the minds of teachers and students. Paul knew this for he trained and ordained leaders in the church ( Acts 14:23, Titus 1:5). All of us has influence on others, but parents have the most difficult task as they their children who later influence others. MONDAY: We are interconnected through language because our thoughts leads to words, which in turn leads to actions. This actions doesnt affect only what we do but also what others do . Our words are so people that it can ruin a person for the rest of his life and can also uplift others. We are to immerse our thoughts in Gods word early because as a young child tends to resist change as he grows, itll help us to be stiff in the word of God. TUESDAY: Those things we consider as little are the BIG things in life. Even though, the tongue is a little member of the body, its capable of boasting great things (James 3:5). A word or a gesture can change a friend into an enemy or turn something bad to good (Proverbs 15:1). Jesus rebuked His disciples when they asked Him to allow them to cast fire from heaven to the destroy Samaritarians who rejected them. Jesus wanting to end the conversation directed them into another village. When are conversation is going from bad to worse, its better we stop it. WEDNESDAY: As a little fire can destroy with amazing speed so can a little word destroy friendships, marriages and reputations. Even sin came about from a little innocent question (Genesis 3:1). Nathan set an example for us on taking decisions to right or wrong by returning to David to correct something he said earlier (2 Samuel 7:1-17). Peter wept and repented after betraying Christ (John 21:15-17). Though we cannot tame the tongue (James 3:8), we are to refrain from speaking evil and lies (Psalm 34:13). THURSDAY: The Spirit becomes disturb when we speaks words of blessings and later curses, when we watch profane movies and television programmes and later goes to church on the Sabbath, when we speaks words of truth about Jesus and later say a dirty joke. We can do away with this if Gods words are implanted in us. The consequences that followed Moses after murdering the Egyptian and David after sleeping with Bathsheba tells us that, its better to ask for victory over these sins than to do them and later request God to bring the consequences under control. FRIDAY: As Christians, its our duty to change the subject of a conservation when the conversation is a foolish talk. By having the grace of God, we can do so. Our words should be words of praise and thanksgiving, and must be about the loving kindness of Jesus. - Ellen G. White, Christs Object Lessons, pp. 337, 338.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Nov 2014 05:13:26 +0000

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