Sabrina Braillard (Schleining): Her Battle with Stage 3B - TopicsExpress


Sabrina Braillard (Schleining): Her Battle with Stage 3B Adenocarcinoma I am asking for your help. My sister has recently been diagnosed w/ Stage 3B adenocarcinoma. This late stage cancer must be fought swift & hard for any chance of survival. Having been unsuccessful in dealing w/ the healthcare exchanges, all care so far has been covered in cash. With treatment, the Docs believe she could possibly survive this battle. But, we are fast becoming financially tapped out. Please help be the miracle my sister & her family needs: Read more below Tuesday, July 15, 2014 Sabrinas Story Sabrina Braillard (Schleining): I have created this blog on behalf of my sister Sabrina (Sam). Sabrina is a wife, mother, sister and aunt. She has been married to her husband for nearly twenty years and has two beautiful 13 year old twin boys who think the sun rises and sets in their mother. She is a sister to myself and a big brother and aunt to 4 awesome nephews and one niece. She has a small family circle, but we would all move heaven and earth for each other. Sabrina works for the local school district for not only a source of income, but also to be involved with and closer to her boys. Approximately 20 days ago Sabrina was diagnosed with late stage cancer. The diagnosis took our whole family by surprise and has rocked our world to the core. Having lost our parents, sibling, husband and many aunts to this same dreadful disease, with many of them passing while we were only teenagers, we are left with a very small family. Without getting in to politics, I will just say, dealing with the ADA Healthcare Exchanges has been a nightmare and at this time Sabrina still does not have access to her healthcare insurance (although she has an account with them, there is an error that states she is inactive and for 3 months no one at the exchanges seems to know how to remove this error code from her account) therefore NO doctors, clinics, testing facilities, surgery centers will see her unless they are paid in cash up front. So, needless to say, ALL of the expenses so far have had to come out of pocket. In three weeks costs have exceeded $5,000 cash out of pocket with more bills stacking up quickly. Sabrina has a few more tests this week, a few more next week, then chemo can be started. The fears that paralyzes a family when faced with costly tests and treatments or death are excruciating. Then the secondary fears of not knowing how you are going to make the house payment, food, travel expenses to and from treatments sets in. It is an added stress that takes precious energy away from healing and restoration. What I intend for this online journal and cancer story is that the financial burden my sister and family face is lessened. I am praying for a financial miracle so that she can get the necessary treatments all the while still having the ability to financially care for the family as her husband is and will continue to miss a lot of work while taking care of his wife and boys. I am asking that any and everyone that reads this can do one, two or both of these things: 1. Pray for her and her family for a full and complete recovery 2. Donate any amount of money for financial support. I have included 2 ways to donate. You can either use Paypal or transfer directly into a bank account that has been set up for charity donations for the care and treatment of Sabrinas illness of late stage adenocarcinoma. Send Donation Via PAYPAL Use her email sabrinab4114@gmail(Please do not use this email address to write her a personal email. We are using this address solely for PayPal) Donate Via Charity Bank Account Using this option to donate, you can either transfer directly from your bank account to hers OR you can avoid any banking fees by just physically walking in to any Bank of America Branch and just give the teller the account number. Please make them verify that this is Sabrinas account before proceeding with the deposit Account Number # 138117306789 Thank you so very much for taking the time to read this post and either sending prayers/Donations or both. I believe with all of your help, we will see a healing miracle for Sabrina.
Posted on: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 04:19:55 +0000

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