Sacramento Personal Trainer. sacramentopersonaltrainergym 8240 - TopicsExpress


Sacramento Personal Trainer. sacramentopersonaltrainergym 8240 Belvedere Suite B Sacramento CA 916-613-7940 0:00:00:02 Sacramento Personal Trainer 5 Weightloss Tips for the holidays. 0:00:06:29 Hello I am a Sacramento Personal Trainer named Chris Arnett. 0:00:09:26 Here I am teaching at Borders book stores. 0:00:12:05 As you can see here I am in the Sacramento Bee. And this is my studio equipment which I have owned and been a personal trainer in Sacramento for over 27 years now. I0:00:15:29 want to share with you some weight loss tips because Countless men and women, in Sacramento, are having trouble losing weight during the holidays. So, Im guessing that youre watching this video because you are searching for different ways to lose weight before the holidays kick in. One of the main problems in getting help is the amount of information out there on weight loss in Sacramento. I know youre wondering just where do I begin? So I am going to give you 5 ways that you can lose weight. These tips have been used by my clients and people all over with a high degree of success. 1. Lower Your Calories The very first thing to do on any kind of routine is to set up good eating habits. This is where the magic begins. Just about everyone knows that they have to adjust the quantity of food they take in, either up or down. There is an old method to get your base daily calory intake. For most women it is roughly 1200 and for males 1600 calories are the requirement for the day. What I use is take your weight and just add a 0 to it. If you weigh 150 then your base calories will be 1,500. Then do your math for what amount is fat and then protein, and carbs. For me since I lift weights I keep my protein set higher than average. Everything depends on your activity level. In diet program for my cleints we also eat 5-6 small meals a day. My girlfriend lost 22.5 pounts within a 90 day period. 2. Add A Few Meals To Your Diet The majority of weight loss programs nowadays teach you that eating 5-6 meals per day. I know that it is surprising, to find out that you should eat more to be able to lose weight. I used to be old school starvation diet person till I tried it and lost 40lbs myself. How this works is that eating more often allows you to keep your metabolism running by keeping your body working hard and digesting food. Whenever you go without food it actually gets harder to lose weight. Your entire body will start holding onto all the excess weight your body has built up by going into a starvation mode. By simply supplying your body tiny but frequent meals that survival mechanism does not get activated. End result is that you will lose weight. For more information on this diet program visit my site at: Sacramentopersonaltrainergym/diet1 Sacramentopersonaltrainergym/diet1 Its a 60 Day Program that will help you rip the fat right off your bones! 3. Lift Weights And Do Cardio Another old school thought was to have you believe that a diet along with a bit of cardio will get you to your goal weight. Wrong. I taught aerobics for over 24 years. I learned early on that 45 minutes of an ordinary class would burn about 12 corn chips. YES. 12 Corn Chips. So combining cardio and weight lifting is the ticket to speeding up your metabolism. The benefit is that for every pound of shapely muscle that you put on you will burn up to 50 extra calories. Plus your metabolism will be revved up for several hours after an intense workout. This is why I created a style of lifting that I call mini-circuits for my clients. This is my own son at 297lbs This is him today around 196. I guarantee that you will see an improvement. 4. Start Running Running is old school but it works! Especially for women. Your bodies need that weight bearing type of exercises for prevention of austioperosis. Try jogging for at least 30 minutes 5 days a week and rest and recuperate over the weekend. All you need to do is to hop on a treadmill or an elliptical machine if you dont like running outside. 5. Make Sure You Sweat The simplest way to ensure youre losing weight is by always making sure you break a sweat when you workout. Its really that easy. This is a natural biological sign that you are boosting your metabolism up to a calorie burning level. By just continually pushing your body as hard as you can, your body should burn alot more calories and you will lose more weight. If you would like to try 2 free sessions at my gym here in Sacramento then call 916-613-7940. Again that is 916-613-7940 sacramento fitness and health is very important to me. So is sacramento personal training one of my passions. 0:06:43:27 This has been Sacramento personal trainer chris arnett
Posted on: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 10:41:16 +0000

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