Sacrifice your ambition, CAC tells Jonathan. The Christ - TopicsExpress


Sacrifice your ambition, CAC tells Jonathan. The Christ Apostolic Church Worldwide has called on President Goodluck Jonathan and other politicians jostling for the Presidency in 2015, to sacrifice their ambition in the interest of peace and national unity. President of the church, Pastor Abraham Akinosun, said this at the church’s 2013 Pastors’ Conference on Thursday at the Babalola International Miracle Camp at Ikeji- Arakeji, Osun State. He said, Let the message be communicated to all politicians who seek the good of Nigeria, forget 2015, let fresh blood who are less controversial come to power. Let us try fresh and unknown hands in the art of governance. What our theme is saying to all politicians who genuinely love Nigeria and who genuinely desire its peace and prosperity is that they should sacrifice their ambition for the sake of peace of this nation. If for the purpose of saving mankind, God did not spare His own begotten Son, He expects us all as individuals and groups to drop what is most precious to us in order to allow peace, safety and happiness of others. Akinosun noted that the drumbeats of war over the 2015 ambition of President Jonathan by some northern elements and the Niger Delta ex-militants were unnecessary. He said politicians had left undone what they should be doing, saying that from the moment they got to power they left governance for politicking. The pastor, however, clarified that Jonathan could only contest for The Presidency in 2015 if he was certain that God wanted him to remain in power. He said if his ambition would plunge the country into crisis, then he should choose the option of sacrificing his ambition. The church also used the conference, with the theme, Evangelism: The Heartbeat of God, to call on the striking Academic Staff Union of Universities to call off the strike in the interest of Nigerian students. Akinosun said although the strike might have a good cause, the damage it was doing to the education sector was colossal. He said, If they call off the strike it is not because they are weak, or that they have failed, it will be because they love the children and they are making sacrifice for their future.
Posted on: Fri, 27 Sep 2013 12:34:49 +0000

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