Sacrifices are made on behalf of those who “do this” or keep - TopicsExpress


Sacrifices are made on behalf of those who “do this” or keep Passover in remembrance of his sacrifice. The “Altar” has not disappeared as many assume and in error claim there are currently no daily sacrifices being made. The Altar exists now in our hearts and the sacrifices being made on it are still alive and very active. The Temple of YAHUAH is the human body The altar of YAHUAH is the hearts/minds of man The Sacrifices to YAHUAH are expressing faith through action 1 Corinthians 11 23 For I received from the King what I also passed on to you: Yahusha the Messiah, on the night he was betrayed (evening before Passover, the 14th of Abib as Yahuah commanded in the Torah), took bread, 24 and when he had given thanks, he broke it and said, “This (Passover meal) is my body, which is for you; do this (keep Passover) in remembrance (faith) of me.” 25 In the same way, after supper he took the (Passover) cup, saying, “This (Passover) cup is the new covenant in my blood; do this (keep Passover), whenever you drink it, in remembrance (faith) of me.” 26 For whenever (once a year on Passover as commanded by Yahuah) you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim (your faith spiritually in your heart and mind, the Altar of Yahuah) the King’s death until he comes. 27 So then, whoever eats the (Passover) bread or drinks the (Passover) cup of the King’s in an unworthy manner (eating ham on Easter for example violating Yahuah’s command and Yahusha’s instruction to keep Passover) will be guilty of sinning (you will not have the proper sacrifice for sin offered by the eternal High Priest on Yahuah’s altar which is your heart and mind) against the body and blood of the King (Passover Lamb). 28 Everyone ought to examine themselves (purify the Altar of Yahuah) before they eat of the (Passover) bread and drink from the (Passover) cup. 29 For those who eat and drink (Passover) without discerning the body of the Messiah (who is the Passover Lamb NOT the Easter Pig of Ishtar) eat and drink judgment on themselves. (because the blood of the Ishtar (Easter) Pig DOES NOT COVER SIN!) Paul teaches us to keep Passover and in doing so we proclaim Yahusha’s death until he comes. Above Paul is talking about examining ourselves before we keep Passover. He is speaking of the physical to Spiritual parallel in The Law of ritual cleansing the Altar which is our hearts and minds in The Renewed Covenant. (Shadow Pictures) Physical to Spiritual Parallel of Passover The true spiritual meaning of Passover is understood in the physical shadow that Yahuah gave us. The physical shadow cast by the Spiritual Truth was given to us when the Israelites were being led out of the bondage of Egypt. The last plaque to hit the land of Egypt was the “death of the firstborn”. The Israelites were instructed to kill a lamb and spread the blood of that lamb over their doorpost and the angel of death would “pass over” that home and the life of the firstborn would be saved. That was a physical shadow cast by the spiritual Truth of Passover. That truth is that by keeping Passover the blood of the Passover Lamb is spread over the “doorposts of our heart” and we are “passed over” by the second death and live… eternally. We are to “understand with our minds” the meaning of the Festivals of Yahuah and keep them now with both the historical significance and the future truth in mind. Now as we celebrate Passover we remember back to the mighty Hand of Yahuah delivering His people from bondage in Egypt through The Passover Lamb. We also celebrate the spiritual truth that we too have been delivered from the bondage of sin and death by the Passover Lamb Yahusha and will be passed over by the second death.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Nov 2014 18:55:00 +0000

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