Sad and painful. Last respects to a warrior came from the U.S. - TopicsExpress


Sad and painful. Last respects to a warrior came from the U.S. Last respects to a warrior came from the U.S.: Tens of thousands of people accompanied the Sergeant Sean Carmeli, who was killed in Gaza Of blessed memory Tens of thousands responded to 20 thousand people at the funeral of the individual soldier About 20 thousand Israelis responded to social networks and arrived at the military cemetery in Haifa to accompany Sgt Sean Carmeli late Golani fighter killed in Gaza, on his last journey. We are proud to be part of this nation, said the participants, many of whom were carrying Israeli flags during a moving ceremony To the military cemetery in Haifa arrived yesterday (Monday) myriads accompany Sgt Sean Carmeli, who was killed in a military operation in Gaza yesterday, on his last journey. Carmeli was a lone soldier who immigrated to Israel from the United States several years ago to join the army. His parents came down last night and joined his two sisters living in Israel. Crowds came to the funeral after answered the call to social networks and among fans of Maccabi Haifa, the group that one Carmeli, and came to respect and salute individual soldier. Hours after learning of the death of Carmeli, it was feared that due to being a single soldier will arrive a few funeral ceremony. Forums Maccabi Haifa published a number of appeals to the fans and citizens get and give him their last respects. This is your chance to make a great mitzvah, says the teams fans page. Sean Carmeli, who was killed last night was a lone soldier and we do not want his funeral will be empty. Lets give their last respects to a hero who died so we could live. This is the least we can do for him and for our people. Call of Maccabi Haifa fans spread on social networks, and also joined associations and various factors including the Scout movement who decided to send funeral 200 members of the leadership of the North to express solidarity with the soldier and his family. According to police estimates, about 20 thousand people came last night to the cemetery in Haifa. Thus, his latest Sgt Carmeli lived in Raanana and Ostrovsky in high school, became a show of unity exceptional hard fighting. Knead fan, who was one of the initiators of Yokneam Referral Facebook, said the sense of pride that overwhelmed the crowds who came to the cemetery. Lone soldier died in this war, and thanks to a Facebook status - Tens of thousands of people came, said Lellouche excited. It just warms the heart. Well as the city of Haifa that had maybe one or two alarm, all crystallize and come to support the country and the army. Among the thousands who crowded around, some topics Israeli flag was also Danielle whoever told about my difficulties: It is shocking and heart aches for the family. Situation forced upon us. All we want is to live here quietly and not give us., When I see the pictures of all people here, Im proud to be a part of this nation - unlike others. This national pride - see the many thousands of people come to honor one fallen soldier. This our people, we need to continue to be together, said Tahel Cohen, 15, also came to the place. Things joined Gabriel Kovacs, another resident from the north came the momentary hope that unity will survive even after the fighting: I want to see the same few situations that we are not at war. People know to respect other and be tolerant towards each other.
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 18:29:46 +0000

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