Sad news..Christian passed away tonight of melanoma... - TopicsExpress


Sad news..Christian passed away tonight of melanoma... My name is Christian and I am now ONE YEAR OLD! This page was started when I was just seven months..... :) My mommy says I am a sweet boy who loves everybody and is quick to smile. I was born with a rare birth defect called CONGENITAL MELANOCYTIC NEVUS. Congenital means “present at birth”. Melanocytic means “pigmented”. Nevus means ”mole or birthmark”. No one at the hospital knew why I looked the way I did at first and thats because only 1 in 500,000 babies are born with a large nevus. I have a GIANT nevus called a “BATHING TRUNK” (which is even more rare). It covers a large portion of my lower body and l look like I’m wearing dark, textured shorts. I also have lots of spots all over my body in various sizes and shapes. Only .002% of babies born in the whole wide world are like me! I’m kinda one in a million. About 1 in 6 develop MELANOMA. Unfortunately, I was one of the six.... I’ve had one PET scan, two MRIs, and three surgeries. The doctors removed 12 tumors with the one that was melanoma along with the five surrounding lymph nodes. My “bathing trunk” is dry, sensitive and prone to tearing and continues to develop “spots” that often ulcerate and are potentially life threatening for me. I have to get rid of my spots and the skin that goes with it........https://facebook/ChristiansSpecialSpots/info
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 07:10:42 +0000

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