Sad, sad, sad TRUTH... Paul Washer describing the bulk of Western - TopicsExpress


Sad, sad, sad TRUTH... Paul Washer describing the bulk of Western Christianity. This is just depressing, honestly, just depressing. The amount of people that are going to burn in hell for eternity because of churches and Christianity. People really seem to think Jesus Christ was joking when He said there is a broad, false Christianity that most will travel and it leads to hell, compared to a narrow way few will find and fewer will travel. “Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it. - Jesus Christ. And if you read that whole Matthew 7 and Luke 13 passages in context, you can see that Jesus Christ was talking TO CHRISTIANS! That is the most frightening thing about it. Jesus doesnt need to warn Christians that Islam is broad/false, thats obvious. He is warning Christians to STAY AWAY from FALSE CHRISTIANITY - it is BROAD and MOST will travel it!!! Jesus Christ SAID THAT! THATS WHAT HE SAID! ... no, no, no Tyler, youre unChristlike and judgemental, youre condescending and rude. No, as David Wilkerson said, I dont care what anyone calls it. I want people in heaven not hell. You can hate me, I dont care. Jesus said in John 3 that if you are not born again of The Holy Spirit, if you dont have The Holy Spirit, youre not going to heaven. If youre happily living in sin, you dont have The Holy Spirit and youre not going to heaven - doesnt matter who you believe in. James said it, thats Gods Word, even demons believe. What does that mean? A profession of faith in Christ means NOTHING. If you arent born again, if you arent seeking after God, if youre not a new creation in Christ, if youre living in sin - youre not going to heaven. You really think Jesus died so people could indulge in the sin that put Him on the cross, live as they please and still go to heaven? Even atheists know thats ludicrous and yet most Christians seem to think they can do that... theyre going to hell and The Bible is very clear on that. Theyre doing nothing but worship a false god of their imagination - it doesnt matter if they call him Jesus Christ, its just an idol - its not Jesus Christ. Thats all these false churches are doing, worshipping an idol. Israel did it many times... many times. It happened THROUGHOUT the Old Testament. They called their idol Yahweh, but it was not Yahweh. And Gods Word is very clear that they werent saved. I can Biblically prove that if someone wants to debate me. People are not receiving the true gospel of Jesus Christ, they are not being convicted of their sins and they are not becoming new creations in Christ - they dont have a new heart that hates sin and loves purity. And God can do that for you! Its not about doing the dos and not doing the dont. Its about a very, very serious question: Have a truly been born again? For most professing Christians, and their lives prove it, the answer is No. They dont even know what born again means. Its become a joke to them as it has for atheists. If you are a new creation in Christ, if you have been born again, you will know it! You will hate sin, love righteousness, yearn for Gods Word and you will grow in God by the power of The Holy Spirit at work within you and The Word. God bless all - Seek Jesus Christ in His Holy Word and prayer. Run from these false churches and Christians - RUN! https://youtube/watch?v=cWozh3pcMRE
Posted on: Wed, 15 Oct 2014 02:12:27 +0000

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