Sad stuff I wrote for one of my characters; You feel like - TopicsExpress


Sad stuff I wrote for one of my characters; You feel like you’re drowning. Everything you worked for…Everything you fought so hard for… It… it was ruined…. It was broken. It was… It was all in vain. In front of you stood Cirsea, back to being a fuchsia — secretly having stopped taking his medicine. There was blood all over him and… O-oh god, there was fuchsia all over him. His blank eyes look at you, searing into you as his face twisted into a smile. That… that once loving smile made your blood run cold. The child behind you clung to you, small fists digging into your skirt. Widget, your mirror image, looked up at the troll they considered their father — fear on his face. You could see Hotaku standing in front of Hyrion in the corner, keeping him back — she knew that other fuchsia’s were bad for Hyrion himself. That they would mean death. So when she saw the color burst into the hive in a rage, she grabbed her hivemate and ran. Now… you stand there, looking at your matesprit as he just looked back at you, an odd sadness filling his features. His soft voice filled the air, causing your breath to slightly hitch, “I told you I could do it, Maises. I told you I could have won….” The way he chuckled, the way he brushed his hair from his face, you knew that this wasn’t your Cirsea anymore. Tears start to fall down your cheeks, and that actually causes the taller troll to stop, eyebrows furrowing. Maises, are you scared me of? I..I wouldn’t blame you, His uncertainty ringing in the air, you pause — resignation filling your features. With a calming breath, you usher Widget to stand with the other wrigglers, eyes never leaving Cirsea’s. No, I’m not, Even though you were shaking, even though your tears stained the water around you, your voice holds firm. Giving yourself a moment to collect yourself, you make your way towards him — you can see the confusion, the fear, the hurt that flashes across his face. You know he’s struggling — he’s breaking and trying to not lose himself completely. And you know you can’t fix him this time. Without looking at your kids, you speak to them carefully, making sure that the unstable man in front of you doesn’t even look at them, “Widget, Close the door. Now.” Through your peripheral vision you can see the entrance to Hotaku’s room shutting, and you know they’re safe. For the time being, that is. He is shaking, trying to control his rage, his fear, his insanity. And all you do is smile lovingly. Reaching up gingerly, you cup his face, pulling him down to ghost your lips over his, “I’d never be scared of you. Ever. You’re my matesprit.. you’re my love.” His claws grip into your shoulders painfully, and you can feel his inner struggle, the turmoil of either hurting you or pushing you away. Before he can do anything, you press your now warmer lips to his, arms snaking behind his back to hold him in place. He doesn’t kiss back, but he doesn’t do anything to stop you, completely freezing. He’s confused. He’s frightened. He’s lost in his mind. Pulling away, you look him in the eyes, “I’ll always try my best to protect you, Cirsea….” That’s when you pull a long sword from your sylladex, fluidly and easily pressing the blade into his back and through his heart, “Even from yourself..” Tears are now falling harder, and you give a shuddering gasp when you plunge the fuchsia tinted weapon through your own heart. You’d stabbed the both of you without a second thought. As you feel his weight slumping against you, you hold him closely, both of you falling onto the ground as dead weight… The pain in your chest is excruciating, but you still smile at him. If it weren’t for the sword cutting into you both, it would look like he were laying down on top of you, cuddling like older times. Brushing his hair from his face, blood seeping past your lips, you can feel the world growing fuzzy — your eyes unfocusing, “I shouldn’t have tried to fix you when you didn’t want to be…” I’m sorry, Is what leave you both at the exact same time, your lights dimming in unison.
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 02:39:35 +0000

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