Sad to say this is what I found when I went to the cemetary - TopicsExpress


Sad to say this is what I found when I went to the cemetary yesterday to visit with my babies. If this was done by accident, is one thing, but I believe it was just carelessness on the part of whomever is suppose to be taking care of the lots.. But there have been too many times things have been broken or taken from their lot. The cemetary is a mess. Grass uncut, no trimming around the stones. The last time i went over, Chuckd stone was pelted with grass clipping that were almost impossible to get off. The selectmen/women of Hudson need to step up and find someone responsible for taking care of the Hudson Cemetary. Chucks frinds leave quarters on his stone as that was one of their favorite games. They get removed every time their placed there. And if thats not bad enough, they buried someone in the spot next to my baby boy that was to be my resting place. They even had the nerve to remove my corner markers. After raising a stink about it, the markers returned but were placed right by the edge of my sons plot. That lot was given to me years ago as a resident growing up in Hudson. Who gives anyone the right to bury a person in my lot. Even if the lot was to be cut in half (origionally for 8), this man was placed right beside my sons and not on the other end. Sad part is, he was entitled to his own lot, or could have been buried with either his mother or his sister. I have not given up on the idea of having him removed from my lot and placed elsewhere. We have to fight for our childrens rights even after their death!
Posted on: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 16:34:04 +0000

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