Sadda Haq 10th June 2014 Written Episode, Written Update on - TopicsExpress


Sadda Haq 10th June 2014 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates Vidushi sits with Parth. Parth asks her how much more she wants to hear from him. She says, you can say as much as you want, you always misunderstand me. She starts her sad story that she came from poor family, etc.. and say they both are alike. Parth says he never sent anyone to jail. She says, how can I explain to you that.. She then says in her mind to let it be else he will abandon her like Sanyu as well. Parth tells her he is not going to forgive her, so it’s better if she doesn’t waste her and his time. She says, you can’t forgive, but at least can take thank from me. She thanks him for not telling anything to anyone. Parth gets up and walks away. YoYo is distributing laddus to everyone as Jiggy is going away as he’s sick. He tries to give it to Parth, but he gets mad and says everyone has gone mad. He walks away from there as well. He sees Sanyu in the lobby and ignores her. A student comes to him and says Vardhan called him. He’s now in Vardhan’s cabin. Vardhan asks him if he wants to know why he behaved so aggressively with him yesterday. He shows his photo with his dad to him and says, his dad attempted a suicide. There was no way he would attempt to suicide. Someone was jealous and tried to kill him. Parth asks him why he’s telling him all this, he is already regretful for his mistake. Vardhan says he’s telling him all this because everyone has problem in their lives, but they have to fight with their past, not with people. If they all sit with their personal issues, then how will life move on? He further says, they need to think about their responsibilities, and once Parth gets control over his past, he may need help from him. Parth says he will always be there for him. Vardhan says he will tell him on right time. YoYo advertises some toothpaste. Jiggy doesn’t want to go home. Kastuki tells him his mother will take good care of him there. All others try to convince Jiggy. Jiggy asks Kastuki who will take care of her. YoYo says to himself, he will take care of her. Jiggy is still not wanting to go. Randhir gets mad at him and says he won’t let him enter the hostel room like that. Sanyu tells Randhir to talk calmly, this is not time to get mad. All continue convincing him and he finally convinces on condition that he will call Kastuki every hour. Randhir pulls him and takes him out with him. YoYo breaks coconut in happiness. Parth is playing basketball, recalling Vardhan’s words. Vidushi comes there. He asks her what she’s doing there. She says, he will get nothing by playing basketball angrily like this. Vardhan’s practical exams are coming up and as they don’t have good bank balance, they need to get good numbers in exams. He says he doesn’t need any advice from her who only thinks about bank balance. He leaves. Kastuki gets message from Jiggy that he reached his home. Kastuki informs that to Sanyu. Sanyu tells her, she’s been noticing her relationship is no longer same with Jiggy, at least from her side. Kastuki says nothing remains same in your life. Sanyu says, she doesn’t know much about relationships, but Kastuki is smiling more with YoYo these days. Kastuki says, please.. that’s not smiling. That’s laughing and anyone can laugh on his jokes. She reminds Sanyu they have exam tomorrow and she has to prepare for it. She gets back to studying. Sanyu is going somewhere. She bumps into Parth. She apologizes to him. He’s leaving. She stops him and says, you already blocked me and I can’t call you anymore, but now you will ignore me like this as well? You always used to give second chance to everyone, what happened now? He says, someone told me to move on, and that is what I am doing now. No more friendship with anyone, no more sharing my life with anyone. He leaves. Sanyu says, you may not give me second chance, but you will always remain my best friend. I will never give that place to anyone else. All students are working in the lab. PK comes and wishes them best for practical exam tomorrow. He leaves. Sanyu and Parth look at each other while working. Parth recalls their friendly moments. Randhir sees both looking at each other. Sanyu and Randhir now look at each other and Parth notices that. Vidushi is quietly looking at Parth. Kastuki asks Sanyu if she’s ready for the practical exam. Sanyu says yes. Sanyu is looking for something. She goes to Randhir. He’s coughing. Sanyu gets tablet and puts it on his desk and asks him to take it. Randhir picks it up and throws it away. Sanyu puts another and he throws it as well. She doesn’t give up and puts another tablet on his desk. Both stare at each other. Precap: Ankit asks Sanyu to come home urgently as Sameer and his parents are coming home. Sanyu says she has exams, but he doesn’t listen. Sanyu tries to call Sameer, but Sameer switches off his phone. Randhir tries to talk to PK on Sanyu’s behalf, but in vain. Sanyu is shown running on the street.
Posted on: Tue, 10 Jun 2014 14:02:38 +0000

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