Sadda Haq 11th July 2014 Written Episode, Scene 1 Randhir says - TopicsExpress


Sadda Haq 11th July 2014 Written Episode, Scene 1 Randhir says yes as soon as sanyu leaves. A guy stares at him. He says what leave. Vidushi says in her room I will be sleeping on this bed all alone no one will disturb me. She has merged her bed with sanyu’s. Kaustuki says your happiness is for a short time only. Sanyu comes in. vidushi is shocked. Sanyu says hi vidushi. Vidushi says I thought you will spent your emaining time with family. Sanyu says me engagement is cancelled. So can we convert this double bed again into single and please empty my shelf too. Vidushi says I heart why I went to your engagement nothing happened and my face is burnt. Kaustuki asks why you lied to her? Scene 2 Yo yo is doing ragging of newcomers. He is making them dance with each other. Randhir comes there and says go boys party is over. Yo yo says what happened to you ? You wer beating a guy and now you are feeling bad for these kids. Randhir says someone has come. yo yo who has come. Randhir says I mean official have come. His friend says isn’t he glowing like you glow when you see bhabhi. SAnyu says to kaustuki I have to lie. randhir should not know. Kaustuki says so you will be lying to everyone. Sanyu says I have to do this for the dream team. Everyone is in line to get the form. SAhil says hi to Sanyu and says its good to see you. I thought I will never see you again. PArth comes, sanyu is about to say hi but he moves forward. Some young boys taunt at sanyu and vidushi. They say I thought there will be young girls but look at the burnt faces here. Parth goes to them and says will you go from here or should I send you? He says I am warning to not to mis behave with seniors. Vidushi says him thanks. He sayus you should not apply this make up accept the reality. Sanyu stop parth and says I wanna thank you but he leaves. Sanyu says to kaustuki why are you upset ? Kausuki says I will be alone after two months. Sanyu says go to hostel I will be there. Scene 3 Sanyu comes to Vardhan. He says I am impressed that you motivated Randhir. Sanyu says but I lied gto everyone what will say to everyone when I have to leave after two months. I can’t lie all these couple of months. Vardhan sasy what is this non sense. Just for once can you think about others. Think about dream team. Sanyu says how will I tell him suddenly that I was lying for two months. There Randhir is getting ready in his room. He has shaved and changes. Parth comes in Randhir asks whom did you fight now ? Parth says since people like vidushi are here do I need someone else. Randhir says have you seen vidushi and sanyu;s faces. that’s the reason why hher engagement got cancelled. parth says just canceled for sometime. SHe belongs to a good family. SHe will get some good guy. This upsets Randhir a bit. Vardhan says to sanyu stop thinking like you are doing something wrong. You can do anything to motivate someone. Sanyu leaves. He gets a call from doctor. Vidushi comes to the book bank. She says how can I stand in such a long queue. She starts saying hi to everyone. but no one is impressed because of her face. Vidushi goes to Sahil and ays my face is ruined because of sanyu. SAhil says please let me study. Vidushi sasy to hell with it. AS much as I knew her engagement got postponed not canceled. Randhir is over hearing them. Randhir comes in and asks vidushi what were you saying about her engagement ? Visuhi says I thought its just postponed but its canceled now. But what he will get some other guy. they are rich and powerful. Randhri says as if I care. Should have left this time. I have to tolerate her more. Scene 4 Sanyu says to kaustuki I have to lie. I really tried to make sir vardhna understand but he didn’t agree. That’s in a way better for Randhir. I really love my engineering and these machines. Randhir comes there and listens to their conversation. Sanyu says papa always wanted me to get married, either it be SAmir or anyone I don’t care. I hate these relationships and weddings. Kaustuki says why don’t you get married to a machine. They both laugh. Sanyu says to kaustuki I have to marry a machine. they are better than boys not demands no issues. Vardhan goes to her dad. He asks doctor is he eating well ? He says yes. his dad asks why are you so late ? why don’t you take me out with you? They don’t tell me about anything. They don’t get me the newspaper I don’t know what’s going on outside. They keep using this weird thing. Vardhan says its called mobile. Its a new technology. papa says oh yeah technology. I have to solve these questions. They wanted me to sell this technology to them. I refused so someone came and did hit me in my head. Who was he ? Suddenly Mr. rao forgets who is vardhan. He says doctor who is he ? Throw him out. Doctor says he is your son. Vardhan says papa this is me. Rao shouts no I don’t wanna meet anyone. ASk him to leave. Doctors inject in him, a tranquilizer. Scene 5 At night Varhdan is in his room. He recalls what maya said. He looks at two photos and says one of them tried to kill papa. They were in front of me and I never doubted them. He says now I won’t leave the person who did this to my dad. Precap- Vardhan looks at a picture and says you did this to my dad, I am gonna kill you. Parth wonders has Varhdan seen the file and got to know who did tjis to his dad ? He goes to vardhan’s room and sees the crumpled photo.
Posted on: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 13:53:12 +0000

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