Sadda Haq 12th November 2014 Written Episode, Written Update - TopicsExpress


Sadda Haq 12th November 2014 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates Scene 1 A guy says don’t act smart. We know you are student not teacher. Another says we wont be fooled just because you are a girl. The first one comes to sanyu and says don’t worry no one will annoy you here sit down. Sanyu shoves him. Vikram cones in the class and says don’t you guys have any manners? He says to sanyu I want you to be seen in my cabin. Vikram talks to a man and says Rajveer has agreed to join TCC. The other man says he is quite stubborn and candid. Vikram says I have never flunked in finding genius. I want Rajveer to join this institution. Sanyu comes to his cabin and says I have disappointed you and this wont happen again. Students were surprised to see me. Vikram asks her to sit and offers her a coffee. She says no I am fine. He says have it. He says you don’t have to give me any explainition. I told you that boys here are not easy. You thought you would surprise them but they surprised you rather. sanyu says I can adjust. I know it will take some time. He snatches the coffee mug and says sitting in this cabin and having this coffee and attending a class full of boys isn’t a cup of tea. sanyu says give me one chance. He says I don’t deny that you are intelligent. You could do some home science class. but you can’t teach so many boys. Its my mistake that I trusted. Boys wont change their behavior when a girl smart and attractive like you will teach them. sanyu syas I need this job being a girl doesn’t matter. He says I am not firing you. I am giving you a new job to check these answer sheets. You will be paid 25k. sanyu says I don’t want this hysterical job. I didn’t spend 4 years in engineering so I can check copies. She leaves. Scene 2 parth gives a sandwich to vidushi. She says please parth leave me alone. She gets a call from varun. Parth take her phone. She says give it to me. He says let me talk. Vidushi says please give me my phone. parth says why is he calling you now? Vidushi bites him. He says why are you concerned about the man who hurt you? She takes her phone and says stop interfering in my life. Stay like you were. Randhir is hitting the punching bag in anger. Parth comes in the room, in anger. He says why is she behaving like that. He hits the punching bag too and it falls on the floor. Parth and randhir both say why she never understands. parth asks whats with sanyu now? Randhir says I told her that she shouldn’t do that job. Parth says and that vidushi. rndhir says when did you start concerning about her? He syas she is our classmate but she has no solution. randhir says all girls are same. parth says yeah stubborn. Vidushi is in her room. She says why is my life not normal. First varun broke my heart then parth came in my life and he pretended like I don’t matter to him. Now he is so concerned. and why is varun back? Who do I want? varun or parth. Sanyu comes in the room in anger. She takes out her laptop and starts studying. she says who says this field is not for girls. She closes laptop in anger. She calls randhir but he doesn’t pick up. vidushi says have you fought with randhir? sanyu says does it matter to anyone. who cares what I feel? she says tell me one thing anyon can treat us just they way they want just because we are girls. Vidushi says they think we are the weaker gender. sanyu says who gave them this right? vidushi says its because of our mistakes. we gave them our right.s sanyu hugs her. sanyu says we will now she that he have control over our lives. Vidushi says yes now we will lead our lives. sanyu says yes we are equal. Vidushi over hears parth talking to varun. he says vidushi is already worried and she is stressed out because of you. she takes the phone and says don’t listen what parth is saying. She says what are you doing parth? who gave you right to involve in my life? Parth says I asked you so many times but you never told me so I thought I should figure out myself. vidushi slaps him and says who are you to take decisions of my life? He leaves. Vidushi sits there is disbelief. Sanyu calls some other institution and tries to get a job. she says I cant get it and only five days are left. Randhir comes to her and says whenever we fight i forget to tell you how cute you look when we fight. sanyu says wonders why is he behaving like there is no fight between them? He says yeah I am sorry I overreacted. cant control my anger, sanyu says what are you saying? I ahev been calling you since morning? He says I was in garage I am working on a bike it will get ready in 2 days and I will sell it. What you thought you could teach so mjany boys? thank God at least you changed your clothes. sanyu says you all are same everyone is a bloody mcp. He says did you even ask how my day was? I left my job. because he is a mcp like you. he has offered me a new job of checking copies. he says you should have told me how he behaved with you. sanyu says I have to stand for myself. randhir says where are you going? sanyu says to get ready so I can tell vikram that I can teach like a man. I will be a teacher there and that’s final. you can support me if you want and even if you don’t I am not going to stop. Precap-Sanyu says to vikram you feel insecure that a girl shouldn’t beat. I will give lectures in you institution and prove that I can work like a man. Do you accept my challenge? He says I do accept but what if you lose? you will be working as a copy checker for two months in TCC if you lose.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 13:49:21 +0000

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