Sadda Haq 14th July 2014 Written Episode Update Posted on July - TopicsExpress


Sadda Haq 14th July 2014 Written Episode Update Posted on July 14, 2014 Sadda Haq 14th July 2014 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates Scene 1 Randhir is hitting the punching bag. He recalls sanyu telling Kaustuki that pap wants me to get married. And when parth says she is rich she will get a guy anyway and when Vidushi said she will get married now or anytime. He recalls sanyu saying I wish I could marry a machine. There Vardhan opens his laptops and starts looking for some stuff. He says I will figure out this time, who attacked you dad. He prints out something and collects some old documents. He is going through different papers Suddenly he stops in bewilderment. He takes out a picture and says so you are the one I am not gonna leave you. Scene 2 Everyone is in the class. Sanyu says hi to parth and asks have you seen Randhir ? he says no. Yo yo comes and says hi to kaustuki She asks what are you doing here ? This is third year. He says I know I should have been in fourth year. But failed so I am still here. I have been waiting for this day since years. She ask what to fail in third year ? He says no to be your classmate. Peon comes and tell students that sir Vardhan is not going to attend the lecture. Sanyu asks just fro today ? He says I don’t know. Parth wonders has vardhan seen the file he gave ? I guess he figured who attacked his dad. He rushes to vardhan’s office and starts rummaging through stuff on table. He finds a crumpled photo of PKC. He says oh shit. There Vardhan goes to PKC and says what you thought I will never get to the truth ? I will break your bloody neck. How you though you will escape after attempting murder on professor Rao. PKC says what are you saying he was my senior I respected her. Vardhan sasy you were jealous of him. Pkc says this all lie. Vardhan says its all because of you that he is in asylum. Pkc says enough I can case you for accusing me. Vardhan says all evidences are agaist you just wait and watch. Vardhan leaves. Pkc says he I lying he has gone mad. Sanyu is looking for Randhir. SHe wonders if he has known about her engagemet truth. Randhir comes in and sees juniors laughing. He says you are disrespecting a senior. Become a hen. Yo yo comes and says you took a u turn again. You stopped me from ragging and now yo8u are doing this to them. Randhir asks the juniors to stand on the stairs. Sanyu comes there and says why are you bullying them ? He says mind your own business. You better go and get married. He says will I ask you before marrying? Whats your problem ? He says if you want permission then get lost and get married. She says because you find it difficult to compete with me. Path comes running he collides sanyu. Randhir says can’t you see ? He says sorry I am in a hurry. SNayu asks is everything okay ? He says vardhan sir has got to know that pkc sir tried to kill professor rao. Everyone is shocked. Sanyu leaves Randhir follows her. Vardhan is in the corridor, police ahs come to arrest pkc. He says I am telling I am not the culprit. I have never tried to kill anyone. He stops to vardhan and says what are trying to prove ? How can you say that I killed professor rao. Why are you doing this all ? vardhan sasy you tried to kill my mentor and shows him the file. he says this file shows that your tried to steal the patent of rao ad you tried to kill him. pkc says believe me this is all false. Vardhan says no one is going to trust you. Pkc says I am innocent. Vardhan says innocent my foot. You tried to kill someone how can you be innocent. He gives the file to inspector. Everyone leaves then. Dean says to vardhan well done you save our reputation once again.i am happy that we have finally found the culprit. Vardhan says i am sorry i went to his room. If you had allowed me before I would have caught him. yeah cops have got all the proofs against him too. maybe professor rao will come to say all that in front of court. Dean says wow I feel like professor rao is about to get justice. peon comes and says to vardhan please come and stop the final year students. they are so angry on arrest of Pkc sir. Vardhan says get out I am not a security guard. He says please come sir they will break all the furniture. maybe he will stop if you tell him the reason of Pkc’s arrest. Dean calls someone and tell him that police has arrested pkc. He says close this case forever and rao’s mouth too. . If you can’t do that then let me know, I will do that. Scene 4 Samir says how long is this going to happen ? No classed. Yo yo says that will be fun. Sanyu says our professor has been arrested and you are thinking about all the fun. Randhir comes downstairs and sees everyone discussing pkc’s arrest. Sanyu says I think vardhna sir has misunderstood all this. Vidushi says sanyu you better keep your opinion to yourself. Parth says you should keep yours in too. pkc sir is not a hypocrite like you. He can’t do this. Sanyu says he can be rude he can be anything but he can’t kill someone. what will happen to his family and career. Randhir says yeah you will care about whole world. Peon says thank you sir you stopped them and dean has locked himself in the cabin. Don’t know what happened to him. vardhan opens his laptop and listens the recording in which dean is asking someone to kill rao. Precap-Sanyu says we should talk to vardhan sir for once. Someone is injecting something to rao. Vardhan comes and catches that person. He injects the injection in vardhan chest. #nilz
Posted on: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 13:49:45 +0000

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