Sadda Haq 26th October 2014 Written Episode, Written Update on - TopicsExpress


Sadda Haq 26th October 2014 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates Scene 1 Harsh calls Randhir and says you have to humiliate your mom in front of whole world. you won’t get a better chance than YSA. Randhir says I have no other oprtion to pay the college fees. Harsh says you are selfish like your mom. Go leave me like your mom did. Vidushi says you aren’t in competition and I ma sure randhir will lose control in front of his mom. He will be kicked out and me and parth will win the competition easily. Sanyu says I heart please God don’t let Randhir hyper. Scene 2 Next morning, everyone wakes up to the announcement. Attention YSA participants you have to reach the hall. Sanyu gets ready. Renuka’s lover calls her and says Randhir will be there ? He will attack you and me. Renuka says whatever he is my son. I launched this programme because of him. Some girl won it and I got to see my son. He says he will harm you and me. renuka syas he has grown up. I know he won’t. Everyone gets inside the hall. Sanyu waits outside. Randhir says in heart she won’t ever be punctual thank God she isn’t participating. Maya says you have certain rounds and you have to clear first to reach the second. Vardhan says let’s start the first round, the quiz. They all are given envelops. Vardhan says you all have one hour to solve these questions. You all have different questions so no one can cheat. Yoyo says we can solve this using phone. Randhir says networks are blocked. Randhir says we can find the answers in library. They all run to library. Sanyu says stay the same Randhir even in front Renuka ma’am. Till the end of competition. I want you to win. Everyone is library is rummaging for the books they want. SAnyu looks Randhir idly looking at Randhir. THe book vidushi wants Jiggy has it. Just when he turns vidushi steals his book. He looks everywhere for his book. Sanyu sees the question in Randhir’s book and goes to look for the book. Parth syas are you looking it for randhir? He gives her a book and says this will help you. Vidushi says we have to win this. Why did you give the book to her. Parth says money is everything for you. Sanyu gives the book to Randhir. He says I don’t want it. He says I don’t need this book. Sanyu says why are you not solving then? What are you thinking? He says to show renuka her worth. sanyu says please don’t do that. He says leave sanyu. she says I won’t. randhir says okay I will go then. Vidushi sees jiggy using internet. Vidushi syas internet is jam how are you using it? H says its jam for others not for me. I am jiggy genius. Vidushi says please let me find my answers as well. he says so you can win it? He leaves. Vidushi has exchanged he paper with somebody else’s. Randhir comes in and submits his paper. Vidushi says to parth don’t worry we will get this scholarship I have solved the paper. Parth wonders how has she finished before time. The results are on notice board. Randhir is first.. Parth says congrats Randhir you are on top. Sanyu smiles for him. Jiggy wonders why is his name on the last of the list when his paper was good? Vidushi say at least you should be grateful that your name is there. You are qualified for next level. SAnyu says to randhi congrats on being the topper again. He says what else did you expect? He bashes his hand on the chair in infuriation. Sanyu says you anger will effect us and it will be wrong. randhir says she abandoned her son and made his life hell still she isn’t wrong I am the one who is. Randhir is in tears. Randhir recalls his painful childhhod when his mom left him and his dad was just living his life on drinks. He was lonely and helpless. She recalls renuka saying harsh should never be profited from your share. He tears all the notices from the board. SAnyu tries to console him. Randhir gets a call. He says this woman ruined my and my dad’s life. Sanyu says its easy to humiliate her but what about the humiliation we will have to face afterwards. You will be dropped out by the college. Randhir goes out. Its round to. vardhan says we are glad to announce that renuka will be with us. Renuka comes with his man there. Vardhan and maya greet them. Randhir looks at them in anger. Renuka says good afternoon to all the participants. Sanyu is really worried. Renuka says I am very eger to hand over the scholarship to the deserving winner. The man says you have to make something out of nothing. You have to make something out of this garbage and its should be practically possible. You will be judged on your innovation. the one with best creation will win. Vardhan says you have one hour to complete this task.Randhir is trying hard to control his anger. They all start looking for useful stuff in the base stuff they have been provided with. Randhir finds some stuff. Yoyo sees kaustuki’s picture and says can you help me? I don’t know what to make out of this mess. Maya and the man take a round to sees what the students are doing. Everyone is endorsed in implementing their idea. Vidushi says I could tell you verbally what my idea is but I fear it might get stolen. Renuka comes to randhir and smiles. SAnyu is tensed. THe man says what is it? Randhir stares at him in resentment. SAnyu controls him. Sanyu syas we have to win this randhir. This is so important for both of us. You can’t let your emotions take this opportunity from you. Randhir starts working again. Vidushi says ma’am what are these non-participants doing here. this is so unfair. Sanyu syas don’t worry randhir I will be in front of you there. Vidushi says in hert so randhir’s bullet proof jacket is out. Vidushi says to randhir look at then how good they look together. Randhir looks at renuka and the man talking and laughing. He throws the machine in anger. Sanyu says what are you doing? you did is with so much hardwork. Randhir says I can’t do it sanyu. I can’t see this all happening. He goes to a side. Sanyu goes to renuka and says can I do this task? maya says competition is already done. First round is over. sanyu says you know I could have won that. please renuka ma’am if you give me one chance on last time’s basis. Renuka agrees and says you can do it but you have to recover all your points. Sanyu says to randhir I will do it if you can’t. We can’t afford to lose. She goes to the garbage and rummages with she can make in this little time. SAnyu brings some stuff and starts working. Randhir is standing while facing the wall. He looks at renuka in anger and sanyu worried. There are only 15 minutes. The man says give final touch to your projects. Vidushi says how could you allow her in middle. maya says stop nagging mrs saniyal allowed her. Only 5 minues are left. SAnyu is worried. rest of the people are giving final touches. Time is up. The man says sanyukta stop your work now. SAnyu is still working. THe man goes to sanyu and holds her hand. He says, stop your work I said. You are late because its your mistake. Randhir is bugged. SAnyu says okay sir. Precap-Randhir says to sanyu I know you left dad for this man. she says stop it randhir I am human. I needed love and your dad never gave me. Roshan gave me, Randhir cries. She tries to console her. he says you hate me?he says dad isn’t shameless like you. she says but he might need a partner too. #shivi
Posted on: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 16:16:40 +0000

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