Sadda Haq 28th July 2014 Written Episode #Anju Scene 1 Maya - TopicsExpress


Sadda Haq 28th July 2014 Written Episode #Anju Scene 1 Maya and vidushi are going to the room. Maya opens the door. Vishushi says did you see madam ? They are working while going against your rules. Maya says there is no one in this room no student no car’s part. Visuhi is shocked. They are all hidden under beds. Vidushi says they were all here. Maya says I am sure they were here. Maya says don’t even repeat this mistake again. Sanyu and Randhir are lying close to each other under bed. Parth comes and says Randhir come out they have gone. Vidushi hs shown who she really is. Kaustuki says we should not have trusted her. Sahil comes and asks what happened here ? Parth tells him that she came to expose us. Randhir’s presence of mind saved us. He tells how randhir came and asked them to hide their machine. Vidushi just came to check on you guys. SAnyu said I know you don’t like her but you can’t blame her. Randhir said she must be coming in 5 minutes here with maya madam. Sanyu said we can’t take risk she has back stabbed us once before and they all hide under the bed before maya and vidushi reached there. Sanyu says thanks randhir. He says but you were not agreeing with me. Sanyu says I know I should have trusted you thanks anyway. He says complete your work now. Scene 2 yo yo is studying, His friend asks why are you studying ? He says I she is now in third and year she will proceed to fourth year I will have to go with her. Kaustuki calls him he says yeah I am coming in a moment. He tells his friend and says you bhabhi has called me. Vidushi is going to class parth comes in front of her. She sais you are here ? I went to room and you were not there. Parth said yeah someone came to know so we cleared the room due to safety so maya madam can’t figure out. Vidushi says who was it ? Parth says don’t know maybe that peon. Vidushi says oh maybe. Where have you shifted ? Parth says come I will show you. He takes her to a room. She says was this the only place you got ? She goes in and says where is rest of the team ? Parth holds her hand and says I wanted to says something to you in person. When you came and apologized your respect in my heart increased and I realized I was so wrong about you. I have always liked you. He slightly pushes her to a chair and binds her with a room. She says what are you doing ? Why are you doing this to me ? He says you know what I feel about you. I realized that I was wronf about you. I thought you are stupid and selfish girl but you are characterless. This is your punishment for exposing us. There are no cctv cameras in this room. You will stay here until we complete our prototype. Parth comes and says we have to complete the task. Sanyu says the is not even complete. Sanyu says can you listen to me randhir you know there are no people and we have to do the work. I thought we won’t disturb you. You need your help. We can’ force you but asking for help. Randhir says why always me ? You guys juct come when you need help ? And once its done you people don’t care about me. He leaves. Sanyu stops him and says we all trust your capabilities. You have to do this for sir vardhan and yourself. He I don’t wanna do anything for myself. Sanyu says everyone will remember you for saving the dream team. He says no one will remember me, no one even remembered what vardhan did and about his skills. Even he is leaving. If his efforts were appreciated there would have been a line of sponsors and the dream team won’t be relying on maya. he leaves. Maya calls vidushi but her phone is off. Vardhan passes the room where vidushi is abducted. He goes there and asks are you okay ? Who did this to you ? Vidushi says I don’t know. She recalls parth hugging her. She says I couldn’t see. Vardhan says how is that possible someone roped you here and you don’t know who he was. Maya comes there. Maya says don’t be scared just tell me who did this to you ? She says someone held me from the back and roped me here. Maya says i’ll not bear this kind of activities in FITE. Just when you figure out who did this to you ? Let me know I will spend him or her immediately. Maya leaves. Vardhan says to vidushi why are you trying to save him ? Vidushi says whom ? Vardhan says whoever did this to you ? I know you know him and saving him. It happens when you know he did this for right reason. I glad to know that you still have morals left in you. I didn’t say you anything when you left the team because only you’ve right to take the decisions for you. But be careful vidushi when you decide something for yourself. He says just be careful that your decisions should not harm you. he leaves. Scene 3 SAnyu is drawing. Kaustuki says sleep we will do it tonmorrow. You must be tired.Sanyu says we have to start working on the prototype by tomorrow. Sanyu says look we need these tools. Kaustuki says we will get it tomorrow. Sanyu says no we can’t delay this. Kaustuki says how will we get them vidushi will see and she will tell maya. And the hardware dept. must be closed as well, even if it was open how could we bring when vidushi is here. SAnyu says we have to get the tools and hide them before vidushi comes. Kaustuki says but the hardware dept. is closed we can’t tell anyone. Sanyu says we don’t have to tell anyone lets go. Kaustuki says you mean we will steal them ? they both cover themselves with black cloth and leave. SAnyu sees the the door of hardware department is locked. Sanyu tries to open it with a pin. Sanyu is trying to open the lock, she is successful. They go in sanyu asks kaustuki to show the light and stay quite. She is taking all the tools they need. Maya is out there is corridor and is walking through the classes. She says I should not be relying on vidushi she can’t figure out who abducts her how will she spy on others. SAnyu and vidushi are leaving, just then they drop a tool. Maya hears it and comes to the hardware dept. Sanyu and kaustuki are scared. Precap-Vidushi shouts in shock to see her suspension letter. Maya says if you wanna stay here the bring some proofs that dream team is still functioning in the college. Sanyu and randhir are lying out, randhir says can I say something ? She says yeah speak up why are you mute. Sanyu falls and randhir catches her. Sanyu says look I told you I trust you, he says I love you sanyu. .
Posted on: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 13:44:23 +0000

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