Sadda Haq 5th August 2014 Written Episode Scene 1 They are all - TopicsExpress


Sadda Haq 5th August 2014 Written Episode Scene 1 They are all fail they are very upset. Yo yo comes and says God listened to me I am failed. His friend says bhabhi and her friends are fail as well. Yo yo says how is that possible they can’t fail. Vidushi says face doesn’t show what worth is of the student yo yo. Parth says how can we all fail. Randhir says we have to ask vardhan sir. Students come congratulate Vidushi. SAhil says I put in my best effort can’t imagine I am flunked. Vidushi says in heart I only feel bad fro you parth I couldn’t save you from being failed and now even vardhan can’t. They are all looking for vardhan. He is not anywhere. Radnhi says we are all fail in second year. Sahil says how is that possible. vardhan says shut up all of you. I never judged anyone from n umbers. Sahil says what will happen our parents will be so angry. Vardhan says so you want me to talk to your parents. If your parenst judge you from marks not talent then its not my problem. Sanyu says but how can we all fail. he says you are my dream team and you are fights. Parth says but we have to do something about marks. Vardhan says so do it. I want you to do it for yourself. He leaves. Sahil says wow he left us like this we did this all for him. Randhir says yeah he is right. He just scold us and left. Sanyu says he is right he has no concern with our marks. Parth says b7ut we have. Sanyu says we will go to the one who is concerned. Randhir says yeah lets go. They all go to maya and say their has been some mistake in checking. maya says shut up this is my cabin you can’t come without any permission. get out, knock and come back again. You cam even be suspended. Come on go and come back in. They all go out sanyu says may I come in dean. Maya says yes you may. Maya says you all have decided that you wanna send your papers for rechecking. SAnyu says we know we can’t fail. Maya says I know that but their is no point of rechecking. She says this is your attendance list and none of you have more than 50% and you need 70% to clear. Sanyu says but it is from the first back then dream team was officially active. Maya says still, the rules were there. Kaustuki says we didn’t know that out attendance will be counted. Parth says vidushi was in drea team as well. Maya says she left it on right time and after seeing her dedication she deserves to be first. For me she is a ver smart girl she thought about her future. I can consider your result if you leave your team and you work for me? Randhir says what work ? Maya says I am planning on giving a leave to my staff. You will dusting and cleaning thins. They will go and you will work for them. Sanyu says we pay here for studying. Maya says and you can leave classes after paying the fees. Randhir says this is not right. Maya says I know what is right and what is not. You have one hour to decide. Now get out. Sahil says we don’t have any choice we have agree to this or our cvs and everything is done. dream team is over. Parth says we have done so much for dream team we won’t give up. randhir says that’s right she wants us to give up and we won’t? Kaustuki says we don’t have any other solution. Sanyu says we have the solution. vardhan goes to maya and says whom are you planning to fail now. Maya says life isn’t a plan. people get what they desrve. Vardhan says you know my students don’t deserve to fail you are just showing your power. Maya says they are fail because they didn’t follow the rules. Just because you don’t follow doesn’t mean that they don’t have a worth. He says why are you doing this ? She says because you know your team is still working. SAnyu says we will work for maya and we will work on car as well. Sahil says we just have 24 hours. How will we do it. Sanyu says we will paint library. We will work in timings of lectures and rest of the day we will work on the car. Parth says you are talking like you are going to make the lecture schedule. Sanyu says obviously we are going to make them maya has given us the work of admin too. They all smile. Scene 2 All the students come back to maya’s cabin. SAnyu says we contemplated and we decided something. Maya says good speak up. Sanyu says we have realized that you have created a peaceful and balanced environment in the college. Parth says now we know that we were wasting time on something that was ruining our future. Sanyu says we will accept all the assignments you are going to give. Sahil says just clear us an d lets us go in third year. Randhri says yeah we all wanna go in third year. Maya says look vardhan your students learn so fast. Look they got the rules. Vardhan claps and says you all have made me proud, sarcastically. You all disappointed me. vVardhan says congratulations all of you. You sell respect and dignity do not ever dare to show me your faces again. Maya says enough they are doing this for their future. They have not loosen their respect and dignity. Stop yelling at them. He leaves in anger. Maya says anyway This is the list that shows what you have to do. only two of you will work on one thing. If you plan on playing any trick you will all miss the third year. Precap-Radnhir says the love I have been waiting for all my life, I just got it. I can’t share you with anyone. I have decide something for you. Sanyu says what ? he takes out the ring from his pocket.
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 13:45:08 +0000

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