Sade Sati and Dhaiyya will begin or end for which signs(or - TopicsExpress


Sade Sati and Dhaiyya will begin or end for which signs(or ascendants) when Saturn enters in Scorpio on November 2,2014? Most of effects of Sade Sati will be felt when Saturn’s position is almost same(in degrees) as it was at the time of birth given in an individual’s astrological birth chart. Saturn entered in Libra on November 15 ,2011 and leaves on November 2,2014 and enters in Scorpio on November 2, 2014. Sade Sati ends for Virgo and starts for Sagittarius, while Saturn Dhaiya begins for Aries(8th house), Leo(4th house)and ends for Pisces and Cancer. Predictions for Saturns transit in Scorpio for different signs for year 2014 onward: Given below are general predictions,based on individuals Moon sign, impacts may differ in intensity according to running periods and sub-periods, position, quality and strength of planets present in an individual’s astrological birth chart. Individuals having following sun signs or ascendants may also see the predictions, but it is advised they should prefer to see according to their Moon signs. Aries: The effect of Saturn Dhaiyya will begin from this year. Saturn’s transit in sign Scorpio in 8th house or Shani Dhaiyya may be a difficult phase for you and loss in financial matters is indicated. You have to put more efforts to avoid problems. Results: There are indications for education or children related problems, strain in love relationship or married life after November 2, 2014. Prolonged illness, physical suffering, waste of money or change in job is indicated.But the effect of transit of exalted Jupiter in CancerCancerDefinition: Kark... from June 19, 2014 and Rahu in Virgo in 3rd house from July 13, 2014 will be beneficial for you.You may get new marriage proposals, this time you will be able to choose the right person for your future life. Be careful regarding your savings, exalted jupiter and Saturn will balance both your personal and financial gain and loss, but fluctuation in financial condition may be predicted, delays and disappointments are indicated. Be careful about your health and maintain regular medical checkup. Taurus: Saturn’s transit in Scorpio in seventh house will bring difficulties for all relationships for TaurusTaurusDefinition: Vrishabh... born people. Results: Seventh house represents love, marriage, and love relationships. There will be disharmonydisharmonyDefinition: distrust, conflict.... in one’s married life, misunderstandings with love relationship partners or spouse. Be careful while spending in partnership business. Career related growth is indicated with some obstacles. There may be adverse results for spouse or relationship partner, spouse will stay away from home but you may hear some happy news related to children. Physical health will also be affected. Exalted Jupiters aspect will minimize the bad effects of Saturns transit after November 2, 2014. Gemini: Saturn’s transit in Scorpio in sixth house will bring relief from previous diseases. Transit effects of both Saturn and Jupiter are favorable for Gemini( Mithun)Moon sign or ascendant born individuals Results: There will be gains in job or business, increase in income, fame and influence. All pending work will be completed both at educational or professional front. There will be gains through investments. You will get due support from your colleagues and friends. You may rise in career as this a positive phase. Those facing interview or competition will get success over competitors. You will be able to clear off your loans. You will get relief from your enemies, as well. Purchase of property, increase of a family member or gain of new status or position may be indicated. Cancer: Though Shani ki Dhaiya ends on November 2, 2014 for Cancer born natives, Saturn’s transit in Scorpio, in fifth house is not a pleasant phase for both domestic and professional life. Result: This period may bring worries and problems from children, spouse or love partner. You will have education or career related worries due to bad performance of progeny, strained relationship with your colleagues at work front. The problems will be solved in due course of time, as exalted Jupiter is transiting in your sign and has a beneficial aspect on your fifth house, the house for education and progeny. Negative feelings, tension, worries, loss of money, hardships, increase in expenditure, bitter relationships and misunderstandings with spouse or love partner are indicated. Stay focused on professional matters. Those waiting to get married or expecting to conceive a child may be successful in coming months, sometime in the beginning of the year 2015. Leo: Saturn’s 2 ½ years transit in Scorpio sign or Dhaiyya impact for Leo sign, which starts on November2,2014, will be an adverse period.You may face problems in all fields due to Saturn’s transit in Scorpio, in forth house or Shani ki Dhaiyya. This phase will be challenging for your career. Results: Trouble from enemies, loss of mental peace, family disputes, hot discussions, arguments, bitter relationships, delay in undertakings, disappointments in efforts and obstacles in pending tasks, misunderstandings and confrontation may be indicated at different times. Regular health checkup should be maintained. Things will start improving, though slowly and your work will be appreciated with Saturn’s transit in Scorpio on November 2, 2014,i.e. beginning of Saturns Dhaiyya period. Jupiters beneficial aspect on Saturn, will minimize some of the adverse effects of Shani ki Dhaiya. Virgo: Saturn’s transit in Scorpio on 2nd November 2014, in third house will bring much relief for Virgo born people as they are free from Sade Sati after a long period and they will be blessed with something big for their good deeds. Results: Financial gains through profession, business or inestvments, new job, success in efforts, increase in energy level, accomplishment of pending tasks and benefit from previous hard work are indicated. This is a positive phase of life and you will be successful in your efforts with support of your colleagues and family members. Money will multiply with much speed.There will be auspicious occasions, marriage in family, birth of a child or grandchild and most of your long awaited wishes will be fulfilled in coming year. Results would be different for each individual, as they depend on quality and strength of individual’s astrological birth chart and running period (Dasa) and inter periods (Antardasa). Libra: Libra will be in impact of last 2 ½ years transit of Saturn or 3rd phase of Saturn’s Sade Sati, Saturn is transiting in Scorpio, from November 2, 2014, in 2nd house from natal Moon, troubles legs and is known as Laat(legs). Results: There are indications for illness, accident, sudden loss of money, increase in expenditure, loss from investments, failure in attempts, obstacles in undertakings, mental tension, financial loss, troubles from relatives and colleagues, more efforts are needed to achieve success. If you are running under periods (Dasa) of badly afflicted Rahu, Ketu or Saturn, the intensity of bad impacts will be more.Take precaution before changing your profession or career. Be patient, work hard and try to remain busy in charity and good deeds to avoid mental tension, good time will come soon definitely in coming months, probably before the middle of 2015, your long awaited desires will be fulfilled. Scorpio: Saturn’s transit in Scorpio in 1st house from natal Moon, is under impact of Sade Sati, troubles stomach and is known as Bhoga. Result: Saturns Sade Sati will be slightly troublesome at times,but not throughout the transit in a sign, due to Saturns adverse effects. Saturn is entering directly in your own sign Scorpio on November 2, 2014, will have benefic aspect of exalted Jupiter, the bad effects of Sade Sati will be minimized. There are indications for stomach trouble, indicates struggle and hardship in life, enemies will be active, suffering from losses in investments, conspiracy which may lead to tension and trouble in family life, obstacles in undertakings. There may be problems in health, finance, domestic or married life. Avoid harsh language while talking. You will have worthless journeys. Individuals born under Scorpio are in impact of Sade Sati, its effects will be minimized during Sade Sati if the running dasha or antardasha of planets are favorable. Hard work and increased efforts for success will definitely pay you, later in life. Sagittarius: Sagittarius is in impact of beginning or 1st phase of Sade Sati, Saturn is transiting in Scorpio, in 12th house from natal moon, troubles eyes and is known as Drishti. This is the beginning of tough time, sometime more destructive, needs more patience. Efforts should be increased during this phase of Sade Sati. Results: With Saturns transit in Scorpio on 2nd November, 2014 in an unfavorable house beginning of sade sati, first phase, a challenging period is starting for Sagittarius born individuals. Some of the bad effects of Sade sati will be minimized due to aspect of exalted jupiter. More effort with less success, transfer to distant place, obstacles in undertakings, increase in expenditure, loss of wealth which may lead to depression and health problems are indicated. NativeNativeDefinition: One who takes birth, this word is used for astrology purpose.... will be under debts, if running periods and sub-periods in individual’s astrological birth chart are not favorable. Extra care should be taken to avoid delayed or hasty decisions, increased work pressure and unnecessary expenditure. This will help in completing your pending tasks and you will be able to gain through increased efforts and hard work. Capricorn: Saturn’s transit in Scorpio, in 11th house, represents house for income, will be good period for finance, relations, work, power, social recognition, gain. Results: Saturn will enter in Scorpio on November 2, 2014 in a favorable house, house for income and fulfillment of long awaited desires. Highly favorable transit effects of both Jupiter and Saturn will give excellent results. Though your efforts and approach are positive, you will have to put more efforts to achieve success in your goals. You may be able to manage well at both, professional and financial fronts. There may be gains through sale of land or property, opening of new opportunities will enhance progress and prosperity. You will manage money required for expansion in business. You should take full advantage of this positive phase till Saturn is in Scorpio in 11th house, for next 2 and a 1/2 years. Jupiters position in seventh house in Cancer (Kark),till July 2015 will also add to this beneficial period. Aquarius: Saturn’s transit in Scorpio in 10th house indicates problems regarding mental peace, business career, love relations or fame. Results: There may be arguments, mental tensions and conspiracies caused by opponents, increased expenses at financial front, increase of work burden at professional front but increased efforts will be helpful in improving career.Change of place is also indicated. There will be new job opportunities, prospects for new profession for you. You will be able to manage both financial and professional problems. Personal life may be affected due to increased responsibilities, you will have to maintain balance between professional and personal life and try to spend quality time with family members for domestic harmony.Jupiter is transiting in Cancer, in sixth house from June 19th, is also not good. Jupiter will transit in Leo from July 2015,in seventh house, you may get good marriage proposals and may finalize your desired one. Pisces: Saturn’s transit in Scorpio from November 2, 2014 in 9th house (represents house for luck),will be a better period, as you will be free from Saturn Dhaiyya. End of Dhaiyya will bring new changes and opportunities for you. Some may purchase a house. Change of place is also indicated.You may get all round prosperity and your long awaited wishes will be fulfilled due to beneficial aspect of well placed and exalted Jupiter Results: Strained relations, problems from friends or colleagues and troubles from enemies are indicated till November 2, 2014 due to Shani ki Dhaiyya in last stage. You may be worried about progeny’s education, career or matrimonial prospects. From November 2, 2014, there may be more challenges and changes in life, change in profession, all of a sudden transfer to distant places, fluctuations in financial condition but positive thinking and taking right decisions, at right time will bring good results and much relief from worries. Do not trust others in order to avoid problems and disputes. Be patient, things will be improved as Jupiter is transiting in 5th house in exalted sign.Birth of a child is also indicated, if you are desiring for a long time. You may receive good news related to your progenys progress in education, job or marriage. Remedies for Shani sade sati A person having problems due to Sade Sati of Saturn or Dhaiyya may seek advice of a good and learned astrologer, who will suggest the best way to face the difficult phase of life and nullify Saturn’s evil effects. Person even in such a difficult phase should always keep away from a cheater. If you or your family members are going through the adverse period of Shani Sade Sati and the planetary period or sub period of unfavorable Shani is also running, the following remedies may be applied to reduce the adverse effect of Sade Sati, but only after considering the intensity of the impact of Shani Sade Sati on the person. Remedies will be different as per strength and position of Saturn, malefic or beneficial, in the individual’s astrological birth chart. Recite Mantras You should recite these Shani mantras for 108 times every day. You may do for 1008 times also, if you have time.You should recite mantras in the multiple of nine. You may also invite a learned Brahman to chant these mantras. It will take time, instant results cannot be expected but the results will be obtained only on the basis of how these are recited or pronounced. The power and importance of a mantra lies in its vibration. 1. Shani Dhyan Mantra निलान्जमं समाभासं रविपुत्रम यमाग्रजम | छाया मार्तंड संभूतं तं नमामि शनैश्र्वरम ||` (NEELANJANA SAMABHASAM RAVIPUTRAM YAMAGRAJAM | CHAYA MARTANDA SAMBHOOTAM TAM NAMAMY SHANAISHVARAM) 2. Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra or Jaap If both Sade Sati and Shani Dasha are giving adverse results and the impact is very severe, based on readings of your horoscope by a learned astrologer, which is most important, you should recite Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra (jaap),preferably early in the morning which can protect you from sudden accidents or diseases. ॐ त्र्यम्बकं यजामहे सुगन्धिं पुष्टिवर्धनम् | उर्वारुकमिव बन्धनान् मृत्योर्मुक्षीय मामृतात् OM TRYAMBAKAM YAJAMAHE SUGANDHIM PUSHTIVARDHANAM | URVARUKAMIVA BANDHANAT MRITYOR MOOSHIYAMAMRITAT. 3. Shani Tantric mantra: Om pram Preem Proum San Shanishcharay Namah. 4. Shani Beej mantra: Om Sham Shanicharaya Namah - ॐ शन्नोदेवीरभिष्टय आपो भवन्तु पीतये। शंयोरभिश्रवन्तु नः। ऊँ शं शनैश्चराय नमः 5. Hanuman Chalisa: Lord Hanuman is supposed to be very powerful and can protect you from the ill effects of shani sade sati. So recite Sundar Kand from Hanuman Chalisa on Tuesday and Saturday. You should Visit Hanuman temple on every Saturday during Shani Sade sati period. 6. Pray to Lord Shiva and chant mantra: Om Namah Shivay, or offer prayer to please lord Shiva, this will protect you from adverse effect of Sade Sati Home remedies to reduce the effects of Shani sade sati: Donation ( Daanam) or charity: During Shani sade sati period try to donate the following things at a temple or to poor people: Donate items that are offered to please Shani Dev like articles made of Iron, old shoes, black Gram (urad dal), black sesame, mustard seeds, black cloth or blanket. These are easily available items and donating these items can be a good home remedy. Provide food to orphanage on Saturday, whenever you get time. You may give food to cow, dog, birds, crows and ants, if possible daily. Help old people, do charity as much as you can, if they are in need. Shani worship and Temple Darshan: Visiting temples, offering prasad,keeping fast on Saturday, donating mustard oil, giving coconut, lighting lamp with mustard oil under Pipal tree (Ficus Religiosa) and doing shani pooja in the temple on Saturday are the most commonly suggested remedies during Shani Sade Sati.) Visit Famous temples: If possible visit the following famous temples: Shani Shingnapur (Ahmednagar district, Maharashtra) Shirdi (Maharashtra) Trimbakeshwar (Nasik, Maharashtra) Mahakaleshwar Mandir (Ujjain) Tirupati (Andhra Pradesh) Sabarimala Ayappa Temple Darshan (Kerala, South India) Badrinath temple More simple Remedies for Sade sati or unfavorable Saturn dasha: You may put an iron coin into running water (river or sea) on Saturday. You may fix naal (shoe) of a black horse on main entrance door of the house. Wear an iron ring made of horse naal (shoe) in the middle finger of right hand. You may wear a Blue Sapphire (Neelam) stone studded in a ring, with prescribed mantras, with the advice of a learned astrologer, only after taking proper precaution, as Neelam may cause sudden changes, good or extremely bad. On Saturday, donate a coin and mustard oil and see the shadow of your face in this oil, before donating it. Recite Gayatri mantra- “Om Bhur Bhuva Swaha Tat Savitur Varenyam| Bhargo Devasya Dhimahi Dhiyo Yonah Prachodayat || (ॐभूर्भुव: स्व: तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यं।भर्गोदेवस्यधीमहि, धीयोयोन: प्रचोदयात्।।)” or simply play and listen the recorded mantra in the morning, evening or whenever you get time. If you cannot do all these remedies, try this simple one: give food to street dogs. Things you should avoid: Avoid taking liquor or eating non vegetarian food especially on Saturday, if you are going through adverse period of Shani Sade Sati. Avoid buying black clothes and items made of leather and other Shani related items on Saturdays. 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Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 07:45:51 +0000

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